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Thread: World of Wardcraft

  1. #1
    The Lol Ninja!!!! Tinychikn's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2003

    World of Wardcraft

    Haha Yes I recently got back into playing this game because a friend wanted to play it.

    after not having played this game in 2-3 years and returning, I found that alot of things have changed.

    ie. they made forming dungeon groups and so on much easier.

    They also added more BOA's (bind on account items) which i found useful when leveling a new character.

    there is a shirt grind from 1-15 in my view anyhows, then you can jump straight into lvling through dungeons. this also brings forth the thought that I wonder if alot of new people miss out on the exploring each new zone, and doing the quests for them etc.

    but meh

    I also started to do raids, I find it pretty kool how you can que random raids aswell, you only get to roll on the loot once per week but still it helps with learning how to do certain boss fights.

    also heard that in the new expansion it will be just like pokemon =p you can battle with your companions and even fight monsters in the wild to tame them im looking forward to this...

    :alcoholic: :haha:

    lol lol those were the only emotes that appeared :D

    What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us. (This hasn't changed since 2003 oO)

  2. #2
    The Lol Ninja!!!! Tinychikn's Avatar
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    Oct 2003
    hmmm seems I'm the only one that plays this =p ahahahaha

    well anyhows first time last last week our guild downed deathwing! (big mean looking dragon dude :D)

    well It was fun yay but then It doesnt end that although it is the last boss in this expansion (cataclysm) we did it on normal mode, there is a heroic/hardmode for all raids which
    our guild hasn't really attempted yet, but soon we shall!

    I play a rogue, mainly pve

    soo im assasination speced, which is kool.

    been reading that assasination rogues do not need expertise, which a friend in game confirmed. although it does say that it screws with your rotation occasionally but not by much.
    since we are meant to be doing it from behind :D

    ahaha well I recently tried to pvp.. If no one is hitting me im fine but when people do I drop as if i were not wearing armor at all. but still its fun to hit things :D

    :alcoholic: :haha:

    lol lol those were the only emotes that appeared :D

    What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us. (This hasn't changed since 2003 oO)

  3. #3
    The Lol Ninja!!!! Tinychikn's Avatar
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    Oct 2003
    hmmm i guess if ur a rogue spoiler:

    Hihi I finally got my rogue daggers :D now my daggers give me wings!!! ahahahahah

    yea in this current expasion rogues get a quest chain that scores them some pretty awesome daggers. The cut scence for when you get them is pretty funny, you get to watch yourself fly into the air and slay a dragon. Then the one that gave you the dragon turn into a whelp and flys off

    :alcoholic: :haha:

    lol lol those were the only emotes that appeared :D

    What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us. (This hasn't changed since 2003 oO)

  4. #4
    The Lol Ninja!!!! Tinychikn's Avatar
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    Oct 2003
    hmmm the patch that converts stuff to the possible new talents and stuff for the next expansion came out :D

    ahaha its so fun I been running around on my rogue pick pocketing things, because theres a glyph that when you pickpoket a humanoid mob you copy its appearence for 5 min!
    I love running around as a lil pygmy :D so funny! i think ill go find a kobold or something or a crab man!!!

    :alcoholic: :haha:

    lol lol those were the only emotes that appeared :D

    What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us. (This hasn't changed since 2003 oO)

  5. #5
    The Lol Ninja!!!! Tinychikn's Avatar
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    Oct 2003
    Lol I think im the only one that plays with game here =p

    thats ok I'm enjoying it!

    Mist of Pandaria the latest WoW expasion just came out! ( well like a week or 2 ago...)

    So far its been really fun except for the long wait to get into my server oO..

    The music has all changed its more lively now, you can battle with ur mini pets which is always fun, I like it more so that you can catch all the critters across the wow world ( some are really cool/cute ^^)

    the quests are fun too, alot of random stuff.

    :alcoholic: :haha:

    lol lol those were the only emotes that appeared :D

    What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us. (This hasn't changed since 2003 oO)

  6. #6
    THE ADBOT SLAYER! 01habbo's Avatar
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    Jul 2003
    I've always found WOW to be boring and a waste of money it's ridiculous you have to pay monthly

    ^Made by Tinychikn

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  7. #7
    The Lol Ninja!!!! Tinychikn's Avatar
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    Oct 2003
    but but I'm gonna catch them all =p and and like be a wow poke-master !!! Im almost there too lol 2 more continents to go :D

    :alcoholic: :haha:

    lol lol those were the only emotes that appeared :D

    What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us. (This hasn't changed since 2003 oO)

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