Haha Yes I recently got back into playing this game because a friend wanted to play it.
after not having played this game in 2-3 years and returning, I found that alot of things have changed.
ie. they made forming dungeon groups and so on much easier.
They also added more BOA's (bind on account items) which i found useful when leveling a new character.
there is a shirt grind from 1-15 in my view anyhows, then you can jump straight into lvling through dungeons. this also brings forth the thought that I wonder if alot of new people miss out on the exploring each new zone, and doing the quests for them etc.
but meh
I also started to do raids, I find it pretty kool how you can que random raids aswell, you only get to roll on the loot once per week but still it helps with learning how to do certain boss fights.
also heard that in the new expansion it will be just like pokemon =p you can battle with your companions and even fight monsters in the wild to tame themim looking forward to this...