What? Credits just finished, not sure how I feel about this.
What? Credits just finished, not sure how I feel about this.
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We'll just have to wait for the DLC
You don't think there are enough lose ends for a XIII-3? Not that I'd want that, but a reset would feel kind of cheap. I find it hilarious that one of the fragments implies that Lightning just got bored and gave up.
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shitiest ending ever! It was all getting excited and Square plants a to be continued in the middle of it, and Serah died! ;_; The secret ending better have something good, it better wrap up something, I like my happy endings
And there was no Vanille or Fang in the ending![]()
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Oh God Habbo, the secret ending is beyond shit. Not worth it. Seriously.
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Might aswell get it even though it's not worth it I'll put it far down on my list. Onto the Paradox endings next they've gotta be better than this shit. Dlc shouldn't be used to solve massive gaps, seriously ><.
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The secret ending was disappointing but I liked the ending. Tragedy!
Lolololol xD!
I agree it was a surprise ending. I was pretty much expecting anything... But even so, the thing you expect the least is for everything you already know COULD mean the doom of the world to actually play out. You were always thinking that they'd get around it in this and that way, and then everyone's just buttfucked. Everybody passes out, dies or are crystallized. Utter chaos. YOU LOST, GAME OVER, SUCK IT BITCH! The End.
I really loved that. Never seen anything like this in an FF ending and it was by no means even slightly a traditional FF ending other than that it was spectacular.
But for FF to become Nier?
I really loved the ending for everything said, but also because I thought it was really cool in common. Many emotions fluctuated. Many big things happened. I can't wait to find out what the next step is.
Even though I love the ending, I don't think it's conclusive like the one in FFX was despite the bittersweet ending (<3). This ending screams DLC satisfaction or sequel. The Lightning DLC that was talked about was supposed to clear up another ending though, as far as I understood... Or maybe it was just the secret ending it was referring to, which could make sense... But I have only watched the regular ending and 1 paradox ending so far so I can't say much.
I'm just looking forward to the next step, like I said, whatever it may be. I could agree to let the normal ending be the real ending to the XIII story if a lot of the smaller things were explained (like with DLC and novels etc), but the way things are left, I don't think it will be a complete ending. They'd most likely be more conclusive about it if that was what they wanted.
But yeah, again, loved this surprise ending. All my theories were for naught. They pretty much revolved around all the stuff that still hasn't been cleared up xD.
~And in the Hand was clutched a Crystal~
got stuck at monster bestiary quest, gave up watched the secret ending on youtube, was totally not worth my time ><
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