Ultros (maxed stats)
LV. 13
ATK = 663
MAG = 1030
HP = 7885
ATB Gauge = 6
Abilities (active)
Octopus Ink (Feral Link)
Endless Blessings
His stats are decent enough with a high magic stat. The problem lies in his ability set. He will cast Protect and Shell on the party, then continue casting Endless Blessings to maintain them till they are gone. He is pretty fast at casting so if you only need those abilities, it is perfect for a Synergist since he will only cast those 2 abilities and then enhance them afterwards. But who uses just those 2 in an effective battle strategy? For the bigger battles, this is more problematic than anything and his HP stat isn't better than Sazh's either, even though his magic stat is.
His Feral Link is at least decent enough and it only focuses on 1 enemy. He takes average-to-long to regenerate his Link bar though, so keep that in mind.
All in all I think Ultros is more of a funny and nostalgic character than anything. He is definitely fun to use what with his comments and interesting strategy, but if you want to be as efficient as possible, it makes little sense to choose him for a serious party. I'd suggest buying the DLC if you want the former because for that alone it is totally worth it. If you want to buy the DLC to get a good monster though... Then buy it anyway! you should probably save the money for something else.
Typhon (maxed stats)
LV. 13
ATK = 752
MAG = 1126
HP = 9720
ATB Gauge = 6
Abilities (active)
Snort (Feral Link)
Mind Piercer
Just like his arsenal suggests, he is a Ruin magic tank. It's unusual for Commando's to have this high a magic stat and he puts that to good use with lots of Ruin magic (physical + magical). If you are fighting lots of groups with strong resistances or that are weak to Ruinga, this is a good choice. Still, like with Ultros he does not quite compare to other monsters of their own role. His Feral Link is very good. The damage is not too bad but most importantly, the Snort attack keeps enemies stuck in the air for a good amount of time, giving you the edge in time to get in extra hits or prepare yourself better. Probably only works for the smallest enemies though, lawl.
So like with Ultros, he is more a monster for nostalgia purposes or specific battle intentions rather than useful in the important fights. And again like Ultros, you have to consider if you need them to be strong fighters, because you might not be content with their capabilities. I sort of see them more as joke-monsters that CAN be put to good use but aren't really meant for more than interesting battles, good nostalgia moments and a few laughs... Or at the very least a good smirch here and there.