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Thread: More pointless costumes and Gilgamesh now for sale.

  1. #1
    Brothean xephon's Avatar
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    More pointless costumes and Gilgamesh now for sale.


    At least Gilgamesh looks like a champ.

  2. #2
    « Intermittent Presence » .A²'s Avatar
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    I heard Pupu's in it too. Is that a separate fight or with Gilgamesh?
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  3. #3
    Khiraxi KoFF's Avatar
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    Separate. This is the list of new additions to be exact;

    -Noel's Outfit: Assasin's Creed
    -Serah's Outfit: Style and Steel
    -Opponent: Gilgamesh
    -Opponent: PuPu

    The Serah outfit is free! I think it was in Japan as well.

    I'm stoked about the update. I love these news coming so soon before the releases. Had no idea Gilgamesh and PuPu were on the way... I can't wait to fight them!

    EDIT: Lulz, I just noticed there is a typo when you go to the download menu for Noel's outfit... It says Noel's Costune :P
    Last edited by KoFF; 04-11-2012 at 08:02 PM.

    ~And in the Hand was clutched a Crystal~

  4. #4
    « Intermittent Presence » .A²'s Avatar
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    And you have to pay for each of them separately?
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  5. #5
    Khiraxi KoFF's Avatar
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    Yes ._.

    PuPu is pretty cheap though.

    ~And in the Hand was clutched a Crystal~

  6. #6
    « Intermittent Presence » .A²'s Avatar
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    Wow. A new low.
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  7. #7
    Khiraxi KoFF's Avatar
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    Finished the DLC today. It was a very interesting experience for several reasons.

    First off, the costumes are sweet <3. We kinda all knew what they would be like already though, lol. But it all functions well, so that you get the Ezzio feel from Noel and hot Light from Serah.

    PuPu is very interesting to fight in that it's sort of a smaller battle than other DLC battles so far, and yet it can be just as troublesome. It's not hard to defeat it/them, but the battle might turn more frustrating than it first seems. It's basically a UFO with a few PuPu's inside that keeps ejecting lots of PuPus every time you destroy the ones present. The trick (or one trick at least) lies in thinning out their numbers without killing all the PuPus, and then just focussing on the UFO only as it's what you need to destroy before you can even win the battle. If you let too many PuPu's be summoned to battle, it gets hard to concentrate on the UFO because the UFO will buff the PuPu's from time to time while also launching its own lightning attack. Again, it's the kind of battle that has a pretty simple system and you don't have to spend much time figuring what to do... You just gotta balance it or try to destroy the UFO as quickly as possible, lol.

    Personally I experienced the first 2 times I was going to win the battle, that the game glitched when I had destroyed the UFO and killed all but 1 or 2 remaining PuPus. The screen basically became blank in the same way it looks right before the Game Over screen when your last character is struck down. So there was no option to switch Paradigm or do any moves. In other words, they just stood still or tried to attack mindlessly until the enemy killed me off... Kinda cruel for a glitch to do it 2 times when you are down to 1 opponent that is simple to finish off, lol... Especially when you just went through consecutive meteor hail, lol >_>.

    GILGAMESH! Hilarious as always. He even comments on you downloading him as DLC in his intro cutscene. He also starts the battle with guns as opposed to swords, which is something unique and very cool to his character. It's also very noteworthy that there once again is a new arrangement of Battle on the Big Bridge playing while you fight him and it's <3<3<3! This time it's a more of a traditional Japanese bushido melody that starts very breezy before picking up the pace and becoming more battle-like. Some of the background music in that song oddly enough reminds me of Gangster's Paradise :S... You can probably hear it if you hear the song unless it's just me.

    Anyway, after a while he loses the guns and goes back to his swords which is when the real battle begins. I gotta say, imo, this is the hardest battle in XIII-2 definitely. Even Jihl was a question of figuring a good method that led to a short battle... But Gilgamesh requires much more time and investment to defeat, and you can't at all just barge in and expect to win. At first it seems like his HP can't even dwindle, and when he recovers from stagger he regains a large portion of his HP. To be honest, at first I wasn't sure if I was just meant to fight him till some cutscene happened that made him lose more HP, but it won't happen. You have to rid him of the whole 9999999 HP (nearly 10 mil).
    The target time for battle stars is more than 20 minutes, so go figure. It really required me to use a completely different strategy. Different paradigm customizations, paradigm pack and more. I fought the battle without any monster enhancements other than them being maxed out level-wise, which of course isn't exactly a help, so it's probably a good idea to have a good monster build, unless you want to spare items. This is also the first battle where I felt it was sensible to use items if I wanted a good time without having to build up monsters. I used a few Elixirs O_o... And I never use items ;_;. Just found that it made everything much faster.
    But I love the challenge of it.

    So if you want a battle that brings you a challenge, this is the DLC you want. So far, I'd say he can be considered the Omega Weapon of this game (Lol, poor Omega doesn't live up to his own reputation, ho ho).
    Again, he CAN be defeated with some more ease if you upgrade your monsters, but you will most likely still need to work on a strategy before you can dwindle his HP away within reasonable time if at all. The real problem is when he gets to half HP and powers up + starts including his special attack Divider in his strategy. It's not easy to predict when he uses it after his first use, but you can train yourself to see when to go all defensive, lol. And the healing he does upon recovering from stagger is also cruel, lol.
    What more is that his Monster Crystal doesn't always drop so... Yeah.

    Gonna make a simple layout of monster growth and battle-use again (just because? o_o).

    Spoiler: PuPu and Gilgamesh 

    ~And in the Hand was clutched a Crystal~

  8. #8
    THE ADBOT SLAYER! 01habbo's Avatar
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    Pupu seems interested I may get it, but I have yet to get Jihl

    ^Made by Tinychikn

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  9. #9
    Dark Knight Odin's Avatar
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    Kinda wish the Assassin's Creed outfit had come out a little sooner.

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