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The proof is in the pudding.
Square Enix have effectively followed every DLC philosophy and faux-pas.
1. They announced when the game was in development that there would be DLC. At this point they would obviously have been thinking of what to add; its conception etc etc. A good way of doing DLC is not to go "Hey, lets think what we could add to this game, but don't do it quite yet, instead we'll just charge our fans extra after release of the retail game!". DLC should instead be focused on fan reactions and reviews; and developers should then be thinking "What can we add to this now that will not only compliment our game, but give the fans variety and more reason to keep playing?". Case in point: Motherfucking Rockstar games. GTA IV and Red Dead Redemption were the best examples of complementary DLC there is.
2. They added DLC hooks into the game, and not subtle ones either. You go to the coliseum and the Arbiter of Time basically tells you to fuck off because you haven't paid. The entire area is completely pointless. They could've added the fragment and other items somewhere else. SerenDERPity, with its stupid tables that are blatantly there but for some reason you can't play them, just when you wonder why you can't, a big message tells you it will be included in future DLC packs.
3. Day One Exclusive DLC. Xbox 360 got exclusive weapons, that were later given to PS3 users. Why didn't they just add these weapons? What was the point?
That's all the proof anyone with a rational mind would need. You are getting an incomplete game because Square Enix are greedy. And its not just them. To be honest, I feel sorry for the developers, as they tend to get the flak for it, but in truth its the guys who don't contribute anything to the game, but do plenty to fuck it up. I.E. The top dogs.