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Thread: Which precious childhood memory will Square exploit for DLC next?

  1. #11
    Dark Knight Odin's Avatar
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    A medal, a slow clap, a facepalm.

    But I agree too much scepticism can be just as bad as naivety. And I'm not sure why so many whine about the DLC. They bought the game knowing it was going to be exactly like this. No surprises then, no surprises now.

  2. #12
    Khiraxi KoFF's Avatar
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    QuoteOriginally Posted by Odin View Post
    A medal, a slow clap, a facepalm.

    Was just pointing out that it's what makes it bonus DLC rather than already intended from the very beginning. But thanks, will wear it with pride.

    ~And in the Hand was clutched a Crystal~

  3. #13
    Brothean xephon's Avatar
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    QuoteOriginally Posted by KoFF View Post

    I don't think anything in particular. I'm just saying that there's no reason to throw rocks when there isn't any proof. At least I haven't seen any.
    The proof is in the pudding.

    Square Enix have effectively followed every DLC philosophy and faux-pas.

    1. They announced when the game was in development that there would be DLC. At this point they would obviously have been thinking of what to add; its conception etc etc. A good way of doing DLC is not to go "Hey, lets think what we could add to this game, but don't do it quite yet, instead we'll just charge our fans extra after release of the retail game!". DLC should instead be focused on fan reactions and reviews; and developers should then be thinking "What can we add to this now that will not only compliment our game, but give the fans variety and more reason to keep playing?". Case in point: Motherfucking Rockstar games. GTA IV and Red Dead Redemption were the best examples of complementary DLC there is.

    2. They added DLC hooks into the game, and not subtle ones either. You go to the coliseum and the Arbiter of Time basically tells you to fuck off because you haven't paid. The entire area is completely pointless. They could've added the fragment and other items somewhere else. SerenDERPity, with its stupid tables that are blatantly there but for some reason you can't play them, just when you wonder why you can't, a big message tells you it will be included in future DLC packs.

    3. Day One Exclusive DLC. Xbox 360 got exclusive weapons, that were later given to PS3 users. Why didn't they just add these weapons? What was the point?

    That's all the proof anyone with a rational mind would need. You are getting an incomplete game because Square Enix are greedy. And its not just them. To be honest, I feel sorry for the developers, as they tend to get the flak for it, but in truth its the guys who don't contribute anything to the game, but do plenty to fuck it up. I.E. The top dogs.

  4. #14
    « Intermittent Presence » .A²'s Avatar
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    And on top of all that, their attitude in several interviews is one that suggests we ought to be grateful for DLC since it wasn't included in XIII. Almost as if having to pay extra to fight Pupus is what people have wanted all along.
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  5. #15
    Khiraxi KoFF's Avatar
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    QuoteOriginally Posted by xephon View Post
    The proof is in the pudding.

    Square Enix have effectively followed every DLC philosophy and faux-pas.

    1. They announced when the game was in development that there would be DLC. At this point they would obviously have been thinking of what to add; its conception etc etc. A good way of doing DLC is not to go "Hey, lets think what we could add to this game, but don't do it quite yet, instead we'll just charge our fans extra after release of the retail game!". DLC should instead be focused on fan reactions and reviews; and developers should then be thinking "What can we add to this now that will not only compliment our game, but give the fans variety and more reason to keep playing?". Case in point: Motherfucking Rockstar games. GTA IV and Red Dead Redemption were the best examples of complementary DLC there is.
    I imagine their trail of thought might have been "Costumes, Coliseum monsters, Lightning arc" and so forth. Not "N7 costume, Ezio, Bikini, Gilgamesh, Ultros, Lightning". So while I agree that they had DLC planned from the beginning, I don't necessarily think they had a complete map.

    2. They added DLC hooks into the game, and not subtle ones either. You go to the coliseum and the Arbiter of Time basically tells you to fuck off because you haven't paid. The entire area is completely pointless. They could've added the fragment and other items somewhere else. SerenDERPity, with its stupid tables that are blatantly there but for some reason you can't play them, just when you wonder why you can't, a big message tells you it will be included in future DLC packs.
    And not only that, the DLC slots on the Historia Crux timeline indicated planned DLC. There might have been other things too. This was also already discussed earlier. I pretty much agree with most you said. I still think the Coliseum works out a bit weirdly seeing as the story-Coliseum never really has any use... But speaking of that, I am still wondering if there will ever be a point with that place because the Arbiter of Time keeps on saying it isn't "time" yet. I relate it all to the DLC Coliseum but even so it's a bit strange how it worked out like that, split into 2 places just so people could get to try the DLC before actually reaching Coliseum in the story. If it's not that, then maybe they have something planned for later, which I doubt, but I am thinking it's quite possible we'll eventually be able to battle the Arbiter himself in either of the Coliseum's... No? Could be cool.

    So yeah. But as far as the Serendipity thing goes, it's something I frowned at when I first saw it. I got the same impression as you here for this specific piece of DLC. Just seemed odd to mention it in the game itself. You can't even play it in the story, just like you can't fight in the story Coliseum. Still, it's not for certain they had the whole DLC planned out, but in this case there is certainly a good chance of it. Nowhere does it say it was on the disc already though, which is what this discussion is all about. They could just have made the game ready for the content if they had strong ideas for what they wanted to include. Like "Sazh's story + we need another mini-game for this part".

    3. Day One Exclusive DLC. Xbox 360 got exclusive weapons, that were later given to PS3 users. Why didn't they just add these weapons? What was the point?
    I think that was more of an exclusive bonus thing. Of course that much is obvious. But what I mean here is that I think it's more about the consoles and different target groups than it's about adding weapons to the game. Unless you are talking about why they didn't just include it in the X-Box version from the beginning, but that is harder to answer. I guess they could have made the DLC part of a game update if they didn't wanna spend extra time adding specific weapons to the games depending on which version was used, but that doesn't really change anything in my point o.O. Not really sure what you're trying to point out here.

    QuoteOriginally Posted by .A² View Post
    And on top of all that, their attitude in several interviews is one that suggests we ought to be grateful for DLC since it wasn't included in XIII. Almost as if having to pay extra to fight Pupus is what people have wanted all along.
    Lol. The way you can say things <3

    ~And in the Hand was clutched a Crystal~

  6. #16
    Brothean xephon's Avatar
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    QuoteOriginally Posted by KoFF View Post
    I think that was more of an exclusive bonus thing. Of course that much is obvious. But what I mean here is that I think it's more about the consoles and different target groups than it's about adding weapons to the game. Unless you are talking about why they didn't just include it in the X-Box version from the beginning, but that is harder to answer. I guess they could have made the DLC part of a game update if they didn't wanna spend extra time adding specific weapons to the games depending on which version was used, but that doesn't really change anything in my point o.O. Not really sure what you're trying to point out here.
    The point was that having timed exclusive bonuses is pointless. Both consoles got the weapons in the end, so its not really exclusive. They were just trying to grab as much money as possible with that one.

  7. #17
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    First post in a while, so I'll make it count:

    QuoteOriginally Posted by xephon View Post
    The proof is in the pudding.

    Square Enix have effectively followed every DLC philosophy and faux-pas.

    1. They announced when the game was in development that there would be DLC. At this point they would obviously have been thinking of what to add; its conception etc etc. A good way of doing DLC is not to go "Hey, lets think what we could add to this game, but don't do it quite yet, instead we'll just charge our fans extra after release of the retail game!". DLC should instead be focused on fan reactions and reviews; and developers should then be thinking "What can we add to this now that will not only compliment our game, but give the fans variety and more reason to keep playing?". Case in point: Motherfucking Rockstar games. GTA IV and Red Dead Redemption were the best examples of complementary DLC there is.

    2. They added DLC hooks into the game, and not subtle ones either. You go to the coliseum and the Arbiter of Time basically tells you to fuck off because you haven't paid. The entire area is completely pointless. They could've added the fragment and other items somewhere else. SerenDERPity, with its stupid tables that are blatantly there but for some reason you can't play them, just when you wonder why you can't, a big message tells you it will be included in future DLC packs.

    3. Day One Exclusive DLC. Xbox 360 got exclusive weapons, that were later given to PS3 users. Why didn't they just add these weapons? What was the point?

    That's all the proof anyone with a rational mind would need. You are getting an incomplete game because Square Enix are greedy. And its not just them. To be honest, I feel sorry for the developers, as they tend to get the flak for it, but in truth its the guys who don't contribute anything to the game, but do plenty to fuck it up. I.E. The top dogs.
    Can't agree with this post more. If a game want's to do DLC, then do it Rockstar way, not in the "HEH HEH Pay us $4 to use this function of the game that we could've easily added but decided we wanted to nickel and dime our suckers of customers." I mean, while New Vegas included the potential DLC areas on the map, they were deliberately out of the way, and only served the function of "this is the start of a DLC mission." Obviously a little bit of the teaser effect, but it wasn't like those locations were bolded while the others weren't. They also didn't put their access in the Strip and tease you with them every time you went to that area.

    QuoteOriginally Posted by .A² View Post
    You forgot, expensive. I'm not trying to provoke anything other than discussion about where they might go to next. A herd of Yan?

    However, I do find it a little ridiculous that following this business model, if KHIII is eventually released we can probably expect the Hades Cup tournament to be delivered round by round as DLC once a week. Imagine having to download every different floor of Via Infinito one at a time because they can charge you £2 for them.
    This is the biggest problem I have with DLC going forward. If FFX was released today, how much additional money would the Monster Cave be? $3 per monster? $25 package deal for all of them?

    Via Infinito in FFX-2. What, $3 per 20 levels, $12 special for all 100?

    FF 12 - Zodiark a $5 fight? How many hunts would be an additional cost?

    I don't even want to think how much DLC would be "available" if they re-made FF7. Knight of round Materia, $10?

    QuoteOriginally Posted by R.Kyra View Post
    Biggs and Wedge?
    Took me about 10 seconds to realize who they were. This also made me think this comment deserved more praise than it got.

    Closing - SE seems to be heading slowly downward. I enjoyed FFXII-2, but to an extent. Re-used maps are no fun, since there's no "exploration," or at least the most annoying kind when in Arcadia you have to use the damn moogle finder to find ghosts and GAH I'm not talking about that anymore.

  8. #18
    Khiraxi KoFF's Avatar
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    QuoteOriginally Posted by TomFoolery View Post

    This is the biggest problem I have with DLC going forward. If FFX was released today, how much additional money would the Monster Cave be? $3 per monster? $25 package deal for all of them?

    Via Infinito in FFX-2. What, $3 per 20 levels, $12 special for all 100?

    FF 12 - Zodiark a $5 fight? How many hunts would be an additional cost?

    I don't even want to think how much DLC would be "available" if they re-made FF7. Knight of round Materia, $10?
    I doubt they'll want to demand money for stuff that already was released in the original full versions of said games. That would just be stupid. I don't put anything past SE anymore, so I won't call it shockingly impossible, but that would just be brain-dead.
    For the FFVII remake it could happen though, since that'd be a new game project, even if based on an older game.

    ~And in the Hand was clutched a Crystal~

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