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Thread: You're stressing me out...

  1. #1
    Memento Vivere R.Kyra's Avatar
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    Jul 2006

    You're stressing me out...

    Conversations in class:

    Friend 1: You're stressing me out
    Friend 2: You're stressing me out.
    Me: You're both stressing me out.

    Stress gets high sometimes and it got me wondering...how do you deal with your stress?

    I'll be posting my answer after I get some answers here ^_^.

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  2. #2
    Dark Knight Odin's Avatar
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    Dec 2011
    I play some game or watch some movie. Or whatever gets my attention.

    But I keep a cool head in most cases and don't find the need to "deal with the stress" too often.

  3. #3
    Memento Vivere R.Kyra's Avatar
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    Jul 2006
    I also play video games and sleep, if I can. Either are kind if time consuming, and I lead a busy life. I don't mind if I lose sleep because I'm playing a video game for too long. I can always make it up to myself later.

    Oddly enough, work is also a stress reliever. I feel better when I'm focusing on a task instead of the stress. It's a lot different from school in the sense you're not getting marked and you're not constantly trying to be on top, but with work I still need to be on top of my game, which can be stressful, but not if you don't let it get to you.

    Anyone else?

    Spoiler: Awards 

  4. #4
    終焉をもたらすもの Zerathos986's Avatar
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    Jan 2004
    In the presented situation, I counter with one of two solutions. Either plan consists of my opening with a spoken solution. If the friends are stressing one another out and are unwilling to resolve it, which precipitated the argument as shown above, the solution I present becomes an ultimatum in which they can either decide to work through their issues or leave. Either decision leaves me without the bickering that's stressing me out, as the situation notes. If their problems directly involve me and/or the problem is a result of some project or mutual goal that remains incomplete, I usually ask them to leave to rest their minds, reasoning that with the heightened tensions, nothing will be resolved properly. In the meantime, I complete the project/goal or what have you myself if possible or create a plausible plan, which I can then present to them later as a solution they can revise rather than have them reenter a scenario that can lead back to the same argument. If there isn't some project and it was just a direct conflict between all three parties, I use the time to review the events leading to the argument and see if mistakes or misunderstandings made between us could have resulted in the problem and then seek steps to reveal those mistakes/misunderstandings to them at a later date, while simultaneously taking steps to prevent them from being made again.

    Of course, if the two friends are really just bickering for the sake of bickering due to completely unrelated issues, I still present the solution to leave and rest. Then, I try to figure out what the actual problems are separately, explaining at the end that they've projected their problems to the wrong parties and only caused more problems. If there really isn't a specific problem and they each simply wanted to fight as a release of typical stress, I usually don't have the patience for that so the leaving helps me and forces them to use such an immature tactic for stress relief on someone else, hopefully a more authoritative figure in their lives that can discipline them.

    Now, as for the actual question, I usually have several avenues with which I release my stress. Gaming usually isn't one of them. I like solving problems, as many of you know and, if not, reading my post should suffice, therefore I will probably delve into a story and attempt to review the central conflict there. Usually, I'll find a solution and that comforts me. Otherwise, I write. =p In writing, I create a problem that I've already solved and develop characters in such a way for them to eventually enact my preconceived solution. The journey they undergo I must follow as I write it therefore I'm "delving into a story" again. Of course, it may seem futile as I've already solved the conflict in my own story so, if I am comforted by solving the story's conflict, then the comfort should have already been provided before I even began, but then the thing to know is that my solutions to stories I concoct are usually end scenarios, which means the means by which the solution is realised is not made until I lead the story to it. In that event, not only do I gain comfort by the solution of the conflict of my own story, but the means I discover as I write it is also comforting and furthermore a growing experience. <3 Of course, if there's nothing that interests me and I don't feel like writing, I "leave" as per my usual advice. x) I take a walk and start idling my mind with random notions. I'm sure I've had more conversations with myself than I've ever had with anyone. xD Several of the theories I've made for Final Fantasy and other series I follow have been made during these conversations. ^_^ This really helps relieve my stress as, since I love confirming the plausibility of all my theories, the birth of new ones during such conversations then forces me to begin researching them. I become so preoccupied with the research I tend to forget all about my stress and revising the theories to make sense may help me realise how to "revise" and "research" how to solve the stress, as well. =p

    Well, I could also use one of my various doomsday devices. I think I've at least three that can make my stress incarnate, which then leaves it susceptible to my wide range of toys. <3 Oh, that reminds me. *goes back to the basement's basement to continue torturing Incarnate Stress #19083*
    In The Shadows Beyond The Infinite Reaches

    The Beginning: Eternal Love | Chronicles of Exigo: The Fall of Spira
    Chrono Night | Semotus Stella

    Fayth 20043–20078
    Flawless 20078–20143

  5. #5
    Oh, did I win? Peach's Avatar
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    Jun 2007
    QuoteOriginally Posted by Zerathos986 View Post
    In the presented situation, I counter with one of two solutions. Either plan consists of my opening with a spoken solution. If the friends are stressing one another out and are unwilling to resolve it, which precipitated the argument as shown above, the solution I present becomes an ultimatum in which they can either decide to work through their issues or leave. Either decision leaves me without the bickering that's stressing me out, as the situation notes. If their problems directly involve me and/or the problem is a result of some project or mutual goal that remains incomplete, I usually ask them to leave to rest their minds, reasoning that with the heightened tensions, nothing will be resolved properly. In the meantime, I complete the project/goal or what have you myself if possible or create a plausible plan, which I can then present to them later as a solution they can revise rather than have them reenter a scenario that can lead back to the same argument. If there isn't some project and it was just a direct conflict between all three parties, I use the time to review the events leading to the argument and see if mistakes or misunderstandings made between us could have resulted in the problem and then seek steps to reveal those mistakes/misunderstandings to them at a later date, while simultaneously taking steps to prevent them from being made again.

    Of course, if the two friends are really just bickering for the sake of bickering due to completely unrelated issues, I still present the solution to leave and rest. Then, I try to figure out what the actual problems are separately, explaining at the end that they've projected their problems to the wrong parties and only caused more problems. If there really isn't a specific problem and they each simply wanted to fight as a release of typical stress, I usually don't have the patience for that so the leaving helps me and forces them to use such an immature tactic for stress relief on someone else, hopefully a more authoritative figure in their lives that can discipline them.

    Now, as for the actual question, I usually have several avenues with which I release my stress. Gaming usually isn't one of them. I like solving problems, as many of you know and, if not, reading my post should suffice, therefore I will probably delve into a story and attempt to review the central conflict there. Usually, I'll find a solution and that comforts me. Otherwise, I write. =p In writing, I create a problem that I've already solved and develop characters in such a way for them to eventually enact my preconceived solution. The journey they undergo I must follow as I write it therefore I'm "delving into a story" again. Of course, it may seem futile as I've already solved the conflict in my own story so, if I am comforted by solving the story's conflict, then the comfort should have already been provided before I even began, but then the thing to know is that my solutions to stories I concoct are usually end scenarios, which means the means by which the solution is realised is not made until I lead the story to it. In that event, not only do I gain comfort by the solution of the conflict of my own story, but the means I discover as I write it is also comforting and furthermore a growing experience. <3 Of course, if there's nothing that interests me and I don't feel like writing, I "leave" as per my usual advice. x) I take a walk and start idling my mind with random notions. I'm sure I've had more conversations with myself than I've ever had with anyone. xD Several of the theories I've made for Final Fantasy and other series I follow have been made during these conversations. ^_^ This really helps relieve my stress as, since I love confirming the plausibility of all my theories, the birth of new ones during such conversations then forces me to begin researching them. I become so preoccupied with the research I tend to forget all about my stress and revising the theories to make sense may help me realise how to "revise" and "research" how to solve the stress, as well. =p

    Well, I could also use one of my various doomsday devices. I think I've at least three that can make my stress incarnate, which then leaves it susceptible to my wide range of toys. <3 Oh, that reminds me. *goes back to the basement's basement to continue torturing Incarnate Stress #19083*
    It certainly is wonderful to solve things peacefully, isn't it? Some people don't really understand that, or one another...but that's okay. The things that they do that some people follow are often why society/mankind grows and leads to bigger experiences in life. As long as your aware of your surroundings, you will get people to love you if you understand their ways of thinking then knowing on how to react and say to the person afterwards. Not everyone has a compassionate way to solve things, but as long as it isn't bad, or hurtful, it is also a nice way to handle the matter.
    Last edited by Peach; 03-19-2014 at 10:34 AM.

  6. #6
    Playa' Please! Ryan T. Loveless's Avatar
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    Jun 2004
    Believe or not, I just talk to people and vent. That usually helps. Otherwise, an hour of gaming sometimes help, or increases it. Working usually does the trick in the long run. I enjoy working.

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