Final Fantasy X-2 Online Note: FFX-2 Online has been given permission to use this guide on this site. [PLEASE DO NOT COPY THIS GUIDE UNLESS RECEIVING PERMISSION FROM THE CREATOR LISTED BELOW] Thank you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Final Fantasy X2 (Playstation 2) Monster Data / Steal / Bribe Guide Version 1.12 06/21/03 By Red Scarlet ( Version 1.12 06/21/03-Added info about the 'Destroyer of Heaven and Earth' Result Plate and Galaxy Quake (learned from said Result Plate). Fixed a couple of spacing/text errors. Also added a note about the 'Oversoul counter' resetting if you Bribe an Oversouled monster. Last update until I get the Ultimania book. Added in monster names supplied from Lord Skylark for ones I did not have (and some I had that were off). Version 1.11 06/20/03-Added a tidbit I forgot about the Holy Bevelle Mausoleum. Version 1.10 06/19/03-Shinra's Monster List completed. Added a -What's New- section; please read it before e-mailing me. All Oversoul stats for monsters accounted for. Changed format to regular and Oversoul status immunities for each monster in Shinra's list. Added regular and Oversoul Bribes for all monsters in Shinra's list. Version 1.04 05/26/03-Have approximately 80-85% of all monsters accounted for, added the Good Steals, New Info About Oversouling, and Thanks sections. Version 1.03 05/18/03-Played through the game, big update. Version 1.02 04/28/03-Up to Story Level 5. Still have a long way to go.. Version 1.01 04/06/03-Through Story Level 2, but still missing stuff. Version 1.00 04/03/03-Guide started. Not very far (Story Level 1). This FAQ is for personal use only. It cannot be altered without the consent of the FAQ's owner (me), nor published in any magazines or any reproducted form. This FAQ is not meant for sale and is copyright 2003 Red Scarlet. If you want to use this FAQ on your Website or page, please email me for permission ( Go to to get the Japanese text to display how it would on the game (or use some other kind of Japanese text viewing program). This guide is for anyone who has Final Fantasy X2 for the Playstation 2 and wants to know the Monster Data provided by Shinra, the common/rare steals, Oversoul common/rare steals, the Oversoul HP values, the Bribes and Oversoul Bribes, and the locations of the monsters. I assume you already know the game, so there are very few actual strategies in this FAQ. There are already a few at Gamefaqs already made, so view one of those if you need direction on where to go. The newest updates will always be at Gamefaqs. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- W H A T ' S -=- N E W -=- W H A T ' S -=- N E W -=- W H A T ' S -=- N E W -=- W H A T ' S -=- N E W -=- W H A T ' S -=- N E W -=- W H A T ' S -=- N E W -=- LordSkylark has supplied me with his version of all of the monster names for this game. They are included for each monster surrounded with /'s (Such as /Sallet/). I forgot to include what the actual reward/point is of getting all of the monsters in Shinra's list Oversouled in the 1.11 version. So I included it in the 1.12 version. Here you go. If you manage to get all of the monsters in Shinra's list Oversouled, talk to him on the airship, and open up the monster list. Shinra's head should pop up on the screen, and he should then be looking at you, telling you congratulations for Oversouling all of the monsters in his list. He will then give you a Result Plate called 天地の破壊者: Tenchi no Hakaimono (Destroyer of Heaven and Earth). The Result Plate should be the one at the very bottom of the Result Plate list. What the Result Plate does is pretty nice. It is shaped like an inverted diamond (think of a shuriken/ninja star), with 5 Pits for Dress Spheres. There are 4 colored holes in the Plate. Just by having 'Destroyer of Heaven and Earth' equipped, you will have the 'Break HP Limit' ability automatically. Passing through both the green and red circles gives you the 'Break Damage Limit' ability. Passing through all four colors grants you a new battle command titled 銀河天*: Gengiten* (Gravity Quake). What Gravity Quake does is if you never ran from a fight, you will do 99,999 damage with every use of the command. If you run even *one* time, however, the damage is reduced. But still, by the time I got the Result Plate, I had ran away from probably a few hundred fights, and Yuna would do 50,000 damage with Galaxy Quake on normal monsters. Yuna would do around 15,000 per hit against the bosses of the Holy Bevelle Mausoleum with Galaxy Quake after all those times fleeing as well. Which was great to use while Hasted when Paine would charge up her Sabotender Machine Gun attack. I would get in about 6 or more attacks while Paine's animation would go through, thus doubling the amount of damage that was done just with Paine's Sabotender Machine Gun. Once you get the Destroyer of Heaven and Earth Result Plate and do a 強くてニューゲーム: Kyoukute Nyu-ge-mu (New Game +), the "battles fled" counter resets to zero, so you can do 99,999 no problem on your next playthrough as long as you never run that time through. Alright, I forgot to mention a little tidbit about the Holy Bevelle Mausoleum. Note that my floor stated is an approximation (that's why there's a '~' before the floor number). The floor I have stated should be the first floor you can encounter the monster on, and then you should be able to encounter it for the next 2 or 3 floors after that (except for a few monsters which last about 8 floors). So you should find the monster on the floor I have stated, and the next couple as well. Also note that some monsters appear even if you had never fought them before. I did not go into the Thunder Plains New Cave and fought the monsters from there in the Mausoleum. Same with most of the monsters in the secret cave found inside the Chocobo stables (except for the Globe Eater). But, I did not fight the Globe Eater the first time going through, and never fought neither the Chocobo Eater nor the Globe Eater in the Mausoleum. So you might have to find the Globe Eater in the Calm Lands Secret Cave first before either monster appears in the Mausoleum. Ok, as of version 1.10, I have added Bribes for all of the monsters in Shinra's monster list. First off, I did all of these bribes on my own; I do not yet own the Ultimania book to copy them off and write down. When I get the Ultimania book, I will include the amount of gil stated in that and what the Ultimania book says you get if it is a different amount/item than what I have posted here. About Bribing: For those players familiar with FFX's Bribing system, the Bribing system in FFX2 is pretty similar, except for a few points. Point one, in this game, it seems pretty much that to get the monster to leave the battle by Bribing is only their max HP x4. Please note that since monsters get more HP when they Oversoul, you will have to give more gil. Point two: sometimes you get a better item if the monster is Oversouled, sometimes you do not. In order to Bribe, you have to have the command. A Gambler will learn the Bribe command, which is named わいろ: Wairo (Bribe) in this game. A few things I have realized while Bribing are: 1-Multiple characters can Bribe the same monster. If Monster X needs 12,000 gil to be Bribed, Yuna can give 10,000 gil, and Paine can give the last 2,000 and it will be just like giving 12,000 gil. In other words, the amount given adds on with each time Bribed. But only in the same battle. 2-If a character uses the Bribe command and dies before Bribing, the money will still be there for you to Bribe with. So don't worry if you have 1,000,000 gil and try to Bribe Subete wo Suteshimono with 800,000 then die. You **WILL NOT** be stuck with 200,000 gil and have lost that 800,000. 3-In FFX, if a monster was asleep and you tried to Bribe it, the money would be wasted. I have not tried to see if the gil is wasted in this game, so I would not recommend trying it out. 4-The more money you do give, the more of an item you can get. For example, I have it listed that 13,000 gil will net you 9 Mega Potions from an Over- souled Eagle. So, if you gave 50,000 gil, you'd get a lot more. Bribing is a faster way of accumulating some items than stealing is. But from my Bribing, not that many Bribes were too useful. I have tested this method with Tonberrys before I started Bribing regularly. Giving 39,996 Gil will get you about 88 Ethers. Giving 50,000 gil will give you 99 of the item. 5-Yes, I know that I said the amount should be the monster's Max HP x4 for the Bribe, but for many Bribes I have a little bit more. That is because the amount I have listed is the first/lowest amount I gave before getting something from the monster. 6-Once I get the Ultimania book, I will go back and include the following info for the monsters: Experience, [Oversoul Experience], [Oversoul Gil], Items dropped (common and rare), [Oversoul Items Dropped], and which Magic Bullets you can learn from each monster. I also plan to include the above info and the info I already have in this guide for all of the enemies you fight in the game. But this is all I can do without the Ultimania book/without losing my sanity. 7-I don't have all of the names of monsters in English, but hopefully the Ultimania book will have them. And I know a couple of monster names do not go with what they are regularly called in the American versions of games. Such as モルボル: Moruboru. I myself don't see that as Marlboro. Yes, they use Bad Breath, an attack probably meant to poke fun at the cigarettes. But, well, in the first incarnation of the monster, FF2, they did not even use the Bad Breath attack; Sphinxmeras did. So I don't see that being Marlboro. Besides, in the American version of the game (and I think the Ultimania book too), the monster is called a Malboro, which is a misspelling anyway (yeah, I am sure they aren't spelled exact due to copyrights). So if you don't like my calling a Moruboru a Molbol, well, tough noogies. And besides, I would think Marlboro would be spelled as マールボロ: Ma-ruboro and not how they are spelled in the game. 8-I thought about including [Oversoul Gil], Experience, and [Oversoul Experience] for monsters, but well, I simply cannot at this time. I have around 260 hours on this game, and well, I seriously need a break if I want to actually play this game ever again. I am only human. I will more than gladly include them once I get the Ultimania book. 9-Oh yes, and just to add, Bribing an Oversouled monster is the same as killing an Oversouled monster; in that the next monster of the same type **WILL NOT** be Oversouled. The 'counter' will reset just as if you sliced the monster in half. W H A T ' S -=- N E W -=- W H A T ' S -=- N E W -=- W H A T ' S -=- N E W -=- W H A T ' S -=- N E W -=- W H A T ' S -=- N E W -=- W H A T ' S -=- N E W -=- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Before we begin.. I just got this game yesterday (04/02), and have already become a kleptomaniac in the game. So I am writing this as I play through and steal as much as I can from monsters. So far, it seems that only 1 item can be stolen from a monster at a time. I have never been able to steal more than 1 per enemy yet. So if I can and am just unlucky, that's what I know right now. For the Common stolen item, that is what you usually will steal with the シーフ: Shi-fu (Thief) ability ぬすむ: Nusumu. For the Rare steal, you can sometimes get lucky and steal the Rare item instead, but if you use the Thief ability いいものぬすむ: Iimo no Nusumu (Rare Steal) you will get the rare item. Oversouled monsters have more HP, Gil, Experience, different/more items that you can steal, and items that the monsters themselves drop. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=Note about "Holy Bevelle Mausoleum"-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=Note about "Holy Bevelle Mausoleum"-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=Note about "Holy Bevelle Mausoleum"-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- For those who are wondering, that is what I think the name of the now-famous "Under Bevelle 100 Floor Dungeon" is called. My locations included in this guide all have a '~' before the floor number, signaling this is ABOUT where they are fought. I recorded when I first ran into the monster in the dungeon, and that is how I got the approximate location. You do not have to simply wander around the exact floor I have stated; you can probably walk around for a few floors after it as well. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=Note about "Holy Bevelle Mausoleum"-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=Note about "Holy Bevelle Mausoleum"-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=Note about "Holy Bevelle Mausoleum"-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Also, please excuse the errors/mistranslations that are in here. I'm doing the best I can for these, but I've never had any form of Japanese language education, so I apologize if I make a boo-boo here or there. ----------------------------Note about [Oversoul]---------------------------- ----------------------------Note about [Oversoul]---------------------------- ----------------------------Note about [Oversoul]---------------------------- ----------------------------Note about [Oversoul]---------------------------- I do not know what causes an Oversoul of a monster, it just happens randomly on its own it seems. Usually on my game it is at the start of a fight, but sometimes an enemy will Oversoul midway into a battle. All of the monster's HP are restored and raised in value. You can steal better items on monsters that are Oversouled. Although you can only steal 1 item per monster, if the one you fight goes Oversoul and you already stole an item or gil already, you *CAN* still steal again after the Oversouling takes place. So if you are quick, it is quite possible to steal more gold or stock up on items even quicker if you steal before the Oversoul happens, and then after as well. The Status Immunities in brackets: [Confuse] are for the Oversoul version in addition to the regular Immunities. But note that when Oversouled, although there might be some new immunities, I have seen a couple of immunities on the regular version no longer on the Oversouled version's status. Since it was getting a little confusing the way I used to have it set, I decided to have seperate colums for regular Status Immunities and then the [Oversoul Status Immunities]. It should be easier on the eyes to pick out between regular and [Oversoul] stats now. The monsters from Page 1* through Page 3* do NOT Oversoul. Only the first 8 pages worth of monsters on Shinra's list do. ----------------------------Note about [Oversoul]---------------------------- ----------------------------Note about [Oversoul]---------------------------- ----------------------------Note about [Oversoul]---------------------------- -=-=-=-=-NEW INFO ABOUT OVERSOULING=-=-=-=-NEW INFO ABOUT OVERSOULING=-=-=-=- -=-=-=-=-NEW INFO ABOUT OVERSOULING=-=-=-=-NEW INFO ABOUT OVERSOULING=-=-=-=- -=-=-=-=-NEW INFO ABOUT OVERSOULING=-=-=-=-NEW INFO ABOUT OVERSOULING=-=-=-=- Thanks to the FFX2 board for this info (I think Hamstar and some others): When a monster becomes Oversouled, **ALL** of the monsters of that species will also be Oversouled. So, say a Death Gaze Oversouls. If you run from the battle, the next monster of the same species as a Death Gaze (say, a Vertigo) will also be Oversouled! You can Oversoul monsters much faster using this method instead of constantly fighting each type in a species over and over. When you kill an Oversouled monster, the 'counter' resets. You can also build up on some good items quickly with the method. What I do when I am looking for one particular monster in an area toOversoul, I run away from everything else except that certain one. I kill the type I am trying to get to Oversoul until it does. I am not sure if it matters to do that or not, but that is what I do anyway to be safe. Try it out, you will love the results. Just do not kill the monster, as that will reset the "count" and you will have to re-fight the monster group several more times to get another Oversoul. -=-=-=-=-NEW INFO ABOUT OVERSOULING=-=-=-=-NEW INFO ABOUT OVERSOULING=-=-=-=- -=-=-=-=-NEW INFO ABOUT OVERSOULING=-=-=-=-NEW INFO ABOUT OVERSOULING=-=-=-=- -=-=-=-=-NEW INFO ABOUT OVERSOULING=-=-=-=-NEW INFO ABOUT OVERSOULING=-=-=-=- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-Good Steals=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Some monsters have really nice items for you to take. By using the above method if the monsters in this list are Oversouled, you can rack up on some rather rare items pretty quickly (if the particular monster needs to be in Oversoul status for the good items, that is). Here is a list of monsters to look out for, and what to take from them, and why they are so good: Please note that the Story Level which has each monster might not be the only one you can fight them in. It is the earliest I myself have confronted them. STORY LEVEL 1 ビコケット: Bikoketto Oversoul Rare Steal: ウォールリング: Uo-ruringu (Wall Ring) x1 The actual Accessory isn't that great, but they can be sold for 2,500 gil each. Steal as many as you can to take Oaka's debt down fast. ダイブペッカー: Daibupekka- (Dive Pecker) Oversoul Rare Steal: エーテル: E-teru (Ether) x2 You can't buy Ethers in the game, but you can build up an early supply quickly by stealing two at a time from these birds. ペールプリン: Pe-rupurin (Pearl Pudding) Oversoul Rare Steal: 北極の風: Hokkyoku no Kaze (North Pole Wind) x3 Pretty useful to use against those Huge Gels, since they are initially weak against Ice when the battle starts. ナスホルン: Nasuhoruno Oversoul Rare Steal: メガフェニックス: Megafenikkusu (Mega Phoenix) x2 These can't be bought, and you do not get many of them throughout the regular game. Mega Phoenixes can be a lifesaver later on in the game. ホワイトエレメンタル: Howaitoerementaru (White Elemental) Oversoul Rare Steal: 北極の風: Hokkyoku no Kaze (North Pole Wind) x3 Another source of the item instead of Pearl Puddings. フリムスルス: Hurimusurusu (Hrimthurs) Oversoul Rare Steal: メガポーション: Megapo-shon (Mega Potion) x2 Yet another item that cannot be bought and is found in low quantities normally. Heals 2000HP to all characters (very useful). Item Shooters who have learned the "Medicine Knowledge" ability and use one as an item will heal 4000HP to all 3 party members. クシファクティヌス: Kushifakutinusu Oversoul Rare Steal: 水の魔石: Mizu no Maishi (Water Gem) x3 Good source of Water Gems early on. Gems cast the first-level spell of its respective element 6 times per 1 gem. オチュー: Ochuu (Ochu) Oversoul Rare Steal: 沈黙の衝撃: Chinmoku no Shougeki (Silence Shock) x1 Each one can be sold for 3,750 gil; an easy money source. ディフェンダー: Difenda- (Defender) Oversoul Rare Steal: ダイヤの小手: Daiya no Kote (Diamond Gauntlet) x1 Diamond Gauntlets give a Defense Power +40 bonus each. Two can be equipped for a +80 Defense Power bonus. ロックマイマイ: Rokkumaimai (Rock Snail) Oversoul Rare Steal: ミスリルバングル: Misurirubanguru (Mithril Bangle) x1 Although kind of tough at Story Level 1, the amazing Mithril Bangle increases the user's HP by 60%, and two can be equipped for even more HP. アンラ・マンユ: Anra・Manyu Common Steal: ラストエリクサー: Rasutoerikusa- (Last Elixir) x1 This giant monster cannot kill you until Story Level 5 (unless you just sit there and let it), so you can get encountered by it as many times as you like, and rack up on this item that heals 9,999HP and 9,999MP to all three party members. STORY LEVEL 2 バービュート: Ba-byu-to (Barbut) Oversoul Rare Steal: 光のカーテン: Hikari no Ka-ten (Light Curtain) x8 Each Light Curtain has the same effect as the Protect spell (Doubles all three party member's Defense Power). イーグル: I-guru (Eagle) Oversoul Rare Steal: メガフェニックス: Megafenikkusu (Mega Phoenix) x2 Another source of Mega Phoenixes. アノール: Ano-ru Oversoul Rare Steal: 魔除薬: Majokusuri (Magic Abolish Medicine) x6 Has the same effect as the White Mage's Dispel spell (removes positive status effects on the target). Handy when you forget to have a White Mage in your Result Plate. イエロープリン: Iero-purin (Yellow Pudding) Oversoul Rare Steal: 雷の魔石: Kaminari no Maishi (Lightning Gem) x3 A good source of Lightning Gems. Can be very handy against Variable Gels (their initial weakness is Lightning). ククルカン: Kukurukan Oversoul Rare Steal: 万能薬: Bannouyaku (Panacea) x10 Panaceas cannot be bought, and you can garner up a large supply from these monsters. 99式機士: 99 Shikishi (Machine Soldier 99) Oversoul Rare Steal: パワーグローブ: Pawa-guro-bu (Power Glove) x1 Power Gloves give an Attack Power +40 each bonus. Although you cannot run from the Machine Soldier 99 in Story Level 2, if you manipulate the rotating floor puzzle correctly in Story Level 2, you can repeatedly fight them and eventually build up a good quantity. STORY LEVEL 3 ファルコン: Farukon (Falcon) Oversoul Rare Steal: メガポーション: Megapo-shon (Mega Potion) x2 Yet another source of the rare Mega Potion. グレータードレイク: Gure-ta-doreiku (Greater Drake) Oversoul Rare Steal: 炎の魔石: Honoo no Maishi (Fire Gem) x10 A wonderful source of Fire Gems. グクマッツ: Gukumattsu Rare Steal: 金のアンクレット: Kin no Ankuretto (Gold Anklet) x4 Each Gold Anklet can be sold for 1,250 gil each, so you make a nice 5,000 gil each time you successfully perform a Rare Steal against this monster. アイアンサイド: Aiansaido (Ironside) Oversoul Rare Steal: 体力の薬: Tairyoku no Kusuri (Stamina Medicine) x8 Stamina Drinks double the targets Max HP for the battle, unless she dies. But with twice the HP, it should be less likely that you do die. STORY LEVEL 5 アダマントータス: Adamanto-tasu (Adamant Tortoise) Oversoul Rare Steal: 誓いのヴェール: Chikai no Ve-ru (Oath Veil) x1 Each Oath Veil offers a very nice Magic Defense +60 bonus, and is stackable as always. シューイン: Shu-in Rare Steal: 英雄の薬: Eiyuu no Kusuri (Hero Medicine) Although Shu-in isn't on the regular list of monsters, the Hero Medicine grants temporary invincibility to the target. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-Good Steals=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Now for the regular list, which is in the same order as Shinra's. Enjoy! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 1 サレット: Saretto (Sallet) /Sallet/ [Oversoul: 248HP/4MP] Where fought: Besaid Cave (SL1/SL2) / Mushroom Rock Road (SL1/SL2) / Lake Macalania (SL1/SL2) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B7 (SL5) HP: 60 MP: 4 Gil: 10 Race: ヘルム: Herumu (Helm) Common Steal: ポーション: Po-shon (Potion) x1 Rare Steal: 光のカータン: Hikari no Ka-tan (Light Curtain) x1 [Oversoul Common Steal]: ポーション: Po-shon (Potion) x2 [Oversoul Rare Steal]: 光のカータン: Hikari no Ka-tan (Light Curtain) x3 Status Immunities: Curse [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] Bribe: 240 Gil = 光のカータン: Hikari no Ka-tan (Light Curtain) x1 [Oversoul Bribe]: 992 Gil = 光のカータン: Hikari no Ka-tan (Light Curtain) x4 ビコケット: Bikoketto /Bicoquet/ [Oversoul: 738HP/10MP] Where Fought: Thunder Plains (SL1/SL2) / Mount Gagazet Cave (SL1/SL2/SL3) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B10 (SL5) HP: 182 MP: 10 Gil: 18 Race: ヘルム: Herumu (Helm) Common Steal: ポーション: Po-shon (Potion) x1 Rare Steal: 光のカータン: Hikari no Ka-tan (Light Curtain) x1 [Oversoul Common Steal]: [Oversoul Rare Steal]: ウォールリング: Uo-ruringu (Wall Ring) x1 Status Immunities: Curse [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] Bribe: 728 Gil = 光のカータン: Hikari no Ka-tan (Light Curtain) x3 [Oversoul Bribe]: 2,952 Gil = 光のカータン: Hikari no Ka-tan (Light Curtain) x8 バービュート: Ba-byu-to (Barbut) /Barbut/ [Oversoul: 2,144HP/13MP] Where Fought: Besaid (SL3/SL5) / Besaid Cave (SL2/SL3/SL5) / Mihen Road (SL3/SL5) / Moonflow (SL4) / Thunder Plains (SL3/SL5) / Lake Macalania (SL2/SL3/SL5) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B21 (SL5) HP: 562 MP: 13 Gil: 33 Race: ヘルム: Herumu (Helm) Common Steal: 月のカーテン: Tsuki no Ka-ten (Moon Curtain) x1 Rare Steal: 星のカーテン: Hoshi no Ka-ten (Star Curtain) x2 [Oversoul Common Steal]: 光のカーテン: Hikari no Ka-ten (Light Curtain) x6 [Oversoul Rare Steal]: 光のカーテン: Hikari no Ka-ten (Light Curtain) x8 Elemental Attributes: Weak against Lightning Status Immunities: Curse [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] Bribe: 2,248 Gil = 月のカーテン: Tsuki no Ka-ten (Star Curtain) x10 [Oversoul Bribe]: 8,576 Gil = 星の指輪: Hoshi no Yubiwa (Star Ring) x1 アーメット: A-metto (Armet) /Armet/ [Oversoul: 2,370HP/21MP] Where Fought: Thunder Plains (SL2/SL3/SL4) / Behind Monster Arena (SL2) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B24 (SL5) HP: 788 MP: 21 Gil: 74 Race: ヘルム: Herumu (Helm) Common Steal: 月のカーテン: Tsuki no Ka-ten (Moon Curtain) x1 Rare Steal: 星のカーテン: Hoshi no Ka-ten (Star Curtain) x1 [Oversoul Common Steal]: 月のカーテン: Tsuki no Ka-ten (Moon Curtain) x4 [Oversoul Rare Steal]: 月のカーテン: Tsuki no Ka-ten (Moon Curtain) x5 Status Immunities: Curse [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] Bribe: 3,152 Gil = 光のカーテン: Hikari no Ka-ten (Light Curtain) x18 [Oversoul Bribe]: 9,480 Gil = 光の指輪: Hikari no Yubiwa (Light Ring) x1 バシネット: Bashinetto (Basinet) /Basinet/ [Oversoul: 3,355HP/27MP] Where Fought: LeBlanc's Hideout Secret Area (SL3) / Thunder Plains / Mount Gagazet (SL3/SL5) / Mount Gagazet Cave (SL3/SL5) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B41 (SL5) HP: 1,342 MP: 27 Gil: 110 Race: ヘルム: Herumu (Helm) Common Steal: ハイポーション: Haipo-shon (High Potion) x1 Rare Steal: ハイポーション: Haipo-shon (High Potion) x2 [Oversoul Common Steal]: 星のカーテン: Hoshi no Ka-ten (Star Curtain) x2 [Oversoul Rare Steal]: 星のカーテン: Hoshi no Ka-ten (Star Curtain) x3 Status Immunities: Curse [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] Bribe: 6,000 Gil = ウォールリング: Uo-ruringu (Wall Ring) x1 [Oversoul Bribe]: 13,500 Gil = 月の指輪: Tsuki no Yubiwa (Moon Ring) x1 ヘビーサレット: Hebi-saretto (Heavy Sallet) /Heavy Sallet/ [Oversoul: 12,915HP/0MP] Where Fought: Bikanel Desert Sabotender Hole (SL5) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B50 (SL5) HP: 11,200 MP: 0 Gil: 110 Race: ヘルム: Herumu Common Steal: 月のカーテン: Tsuki no Ka-ten (Moon Curtain) x2 Rare Steal: 星のカーテン: Hoshi no Ka-ten (Star Curtain) x2 [Oversoul Common Steal]: 月のカーテン: Tsuki no Ka-ten (Moon Curtain) x3 [Oversoul Rare Steal]: 星のカーテン: Hoshi no Ka-ten (Star Curtain) x3 Elemental Attributes: No effect: Gravity Status Immunities: Death / Petrification / Sleep / Silence / Poison / Confuse / Berserk / Curse / Stop [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Death] / [Petrification] / [Sleep] / [Silence] / [Poison] / [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] Bribe: 44,800 Gil = 光の指輪: Hikari no Yubiwa (Light Ring) x3 [Oversoul Bribe]: 55,000 Gil = 守りの指輪: Mamori no Yubiwa (Protect Ring) x1 コヨーテ: Koyo-te (Coyote) /Coyote/ [Oversoul: 296HP/0MP] Where Fought: Besaid (SL1/SL2) / Mushroom Rock Road (SL1/SL2) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B1 (SL5) HP: 74 MP: 0 Gil: 10 Race: 狼: Ookami (Wolf) Common Steal: ポーション: Po-shon (Potion) x1 Rare Steal: フェニックスの尾: Fenikkusu no O (Phoenix Tail) x1 [Oversoul Common Steal]: ポーション: Po-shon (Potion) x2 [Oversoul Rare Steal]: ハイポーション: Haipo-shon (High Potion) x2 Status Immunities: Curse [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] Bribe: 446 Gil = フェニックスの尾: Fenikkusu no O (Phoenix Tail) x6 [Oversoul Bribe]: 1,184 Gil = メガフェニックス: Megafenikkusu (Mega Phoenix) x1 ワイルドウルフ: Wairudourufu (Wild Wolf) /Wild Wolf/ [Oversoul: 740HP/0MP] Where Fought: Mihen Road (SL1/SL2) / Calm Lands (SL1/SL3) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B10 (SL5) HP: 185 MP: 0 Gil: 12 Race: 狼: Ookami (Wolf) Common Steal: ポーション: Po-shon (Potion) x1 Rare Steal: フェニックスの尾: Fenikkusu no O (Phoenix Tail) x1 [Oversoul Common Steal]: ハイポーション: Haipo-shon (High Potion) x2 [Oversoul Rare Steal]: フェニックスの尾: Fenikkusu no O (Phoenix Tail) x3 Status Immunities: Curse [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] Bribe: 740 Gil = フェニックスの尾: Fenikkusu no O (Phoenix Tail) x7 [Oversoul Bribe]: 2,960 Gil = フェニックスの尾: Fenikkusu no O (Phoenix Tail) x19 キラーハウンド: Kira-haundo (Killer Hound) /Killer Hound/ [Oversoul: 818HP/0MP] Where Fought: Bikanel Desert Dig Areas-西/West and 南/South (SL1/SL2/SL3/SL5) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B13 (SL5) HP: 202 MP: 0 Gil: 18 Race: 狼: Ookami (Wolf) Common Steal: ポーション: Po-shon (Potion) x1 Rare Steal: フェニックスの尾: Fenikkusu no O (Phoenix Tail) x1 [Oversoul Common Steal]: ハイポーション: Haipo-shon (High Potion) x2 [Oversoul Rare Steal]: ハイポーション: Haipo-shon (High Potion) x3 Status Immunities: Curse [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] Bribe: 808 Gil = ハイポーション: Haipo-shon (High Potion) x2 [Oversoul Bribe]: 3,272 Gil = チョコボの尾: Chokobo no O (Chocobo Tail) x3 ホワイトファング: Howaitofangu (White Fang) /Wild Fang/ [Oversoul: 1,412HP/4MP] Where Fought: Mount Gagazet (SL1/SL2) / Mount Gagazet Cliffs (SL2) / Mount Gagazet Cave (SL1) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B16 (SL5) HP: 378 MP: 4 Gil: 48 Race: 狼: Ookami (Wolf) Common Steal: ポーション: Po-shon (Potion) x1 Rare Steal: フェニックスの尾: Fenikkusu no O (Phoenix Tail) x1 [Oversoul Common Steal]: ハイポーション: Haipo-shon (High Potion) x4 [Oversoul Rare Steal]: ハイポーション: Haipo-shon (High Potion) x5 Status Immunities: Sleep / Curse [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Sleep] / [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] Bribe: 1,800 Gil = ハイポーション: Haipo-shon (High Potion) x4 [Oversoul Bribe]: 7,000 Gil = チョコボの羽: Chokobo no Hane (Chocobo Feather) x3 カニス・マヨル: Kanisu・Mayoru /Canis Major/ [Oversoul: 2,458HP/8MP] Where Fought: Bikanel Desert Dig Area-北/North (SL3) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B36 (SL5) HP: 943 MP: 9 Gil: 67 Race: 狼: Ookami (Wolf) Common Steal: ハイポーション: Haipo-shon (High Potion) x1 Rare Steal: ハイポーション: Haipo-shon (High Potion) x2 [Oversoul Common Steal]: ハイポーション: Haipo-shon (High Potion) x4 [Oversoul Rare Steal]: ハイポーション: Haipo-shon (High Potion) x5 Status Immunities: Darkness / Curse [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Darkness] / [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] Bribe: 3,772 Gil = ハイポーション: Haipo-shon (High Potion) x7 [Oversoul Bribe]: 9,900 Gil = ヘイストリング: Heisutoringu (Haste Ring) x1 ルプス: Rupusu (Lupus) /Lupus/ [Oversoul: 3,455HP/10MP] Where Fought: Mushroom Rock Road (SL5) / Mount Gagazet Cliffs (SL3/SL5) / Mount Gagazet Cave (SL3/SL5) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B47 (SL5) HP: 1,262 MP: 10 Gil: 80 Race: 狼: Ookami (Wolf) Common Steal: ハイポーション: Haipo-shon (High Potion) x1 Rare Steal: ハイポーション: Haipo-shon (High Potion) x2 [Oversoul Common Steal]: ハイポーション: Haipo-shon (High Potion) x3 [Oversoul Rare Steal]: ハイポーション: Haipo-shon (High Potion) x4 Status Immunities: Curse [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] Bribe: 5,048 Gil = エクスポーション: Ekusupo-shon (X-Potion) x2 [Oversoul Bribe]: 14,000 Gil = ヘイストリング: Heisutoringu (Haste Ring) x1 ティンダロス: Tindarosu /Tindalos/ [Oversoul: 7,330HP/12MP] Where Fought: Farplane Core (SL5) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B61 (SL5) HP: 3,324 MP: 12 Gil: 315 Race: 狼: Ookami (Wolf) Common Steal: Rare Steal: ハイポーション: Haipo-shon (High Potion) x1 [Oversoul Common Steal]: [Oversoul Rare Steal]: チョコボの尾: Chokobo no O (Chocobo Tail) x1 Elemental Attributes: No effect: Gravity Status Immunities: Sleep / Curse / Stop [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Sleep] / [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] Bribe: 13,300 Gil = チョコボの尾: Chokobo no O (Chocobo Tail) x27 [Oversoul Bribe]: 29,320 Gil = チョコボの羽: Chokobo no Hane (Chocobo Wing) x22 ダイブペッカー: Daibupekka- (Dive Pecker) /Dive Pecker/ [Oversoul: 72HP/2MP] Where Fought: Mihen Road (SL1/SL2) / Calm Lands (SL1/SL2) / Mount Gagazet Ruins (SL1) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B1 (SL5) HP: 10 MP: 2 Gil: 12 Race: 鳥: Tori (Bird) Common Steal: ポーション: Po-shon (Potion) x1 Rare Steal: エーテル: E-teru (Ether) x1 [Oversoul Common Steal]: エーテル: E-teru (Ether) x1 [Oversoul Rare Steal]: エーテル: E-teru (Ether) x2 Status Immunities: Curse [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] Bribe: 40 Gil = 毒消し: Dokukeshi (Antidote) x1 [Oversoul Bribe]: 288 Gil = エーテル: E-teru (Ether) x1 イーグル: I-guru (Eagle) /Eagle/ [Oversoul: 3,040HP/28MP] Where Fought: Mihen Road (SL2/SL3/SL5) / Calm Lands (SL2/SL3/SL5) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B21 (SL5) HP: 735 MP: 28 Gil: 44 Race: 鳥: Tori (Bird) Common Steal: ハイポーション: Haipo-shon (High Potion) x1 Rare Steal: フェニックスの尾: Fenikkusu no O (Phoenix Tail) x3 [Oversoul Common Steal]: メガフェニックス: Megafenikkusu (Mega Phoenix) x1 [Oversoul Rare Steal]: メガフェニックス: Megafenikkusu (Mega Phoenix) x2 Status Immunities: Curse [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] Bribe: 3,000 gil = フェニックスの尾: Fenikkusu no O (Phoenix Tail) x31 [Oversoul Bribe]: 13,000 gil = メガポーション: Megapo-shon (Mega Potion) x9 ファルコン: Farukon (Falcon) /Falcon/ [Oversoul: 4,843HP/42MP] Where Fought: Bikanel Desert Dig Area-北/North (SL3/SL5) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B44 (SL5) HP: 1,897 MP: 42 Gil: 55 Race: 鳥: Tori (Bird) Common Steal: ハイポーション: Haipo-shon (High Potion) x1 Rare Steal: ハイポーション: Haipo-shon (High Potion) x2 [Oversoul Common Steal]: メガポーション: Megapo-shon (Mega Potion) x1 [Oversoul Rare Steal]: メガポーション: Megapo-shon (Mega Potion) x2 Status Immunities: Curse [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] Bribe: 7,588 Gil = ハイポーション: Haipo-shon (High Potion) x14 [Oversoul Bribe]: 19,372 Gil = エクスポーション: Ekusupo-shon (X-Potion) x13 テンタクルス: Tentakurusu (Tentacles) /Tentacles/ [Oversoul: 10,120HP/64MP] Where Fought: Macalania Forest (SL3) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B36 (SL5) HP: 2,530 MP: 64 Gil: 95 Race: テンタクルス: Tentakurusu (Tentacles) Common Steal: フェニックスの尾: Fenikkusu no O (Phoenix Tail) x1 Rare Steal: 水の指輪: Mizu no Yubiwa (Water Ring) x1 [Oversoul Common Steal]: メガフェニックス: Megafenikkusu (Mega Phoenix) x2 [Oversoul Rare Steal]: メガフェニックス: Megafenikkusu (Mega Phoenix) x3 Elemental Attributes: Absorbs Water / Gravity Status Immunities: Petrification / Sleep / Curse / Stop [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Petrification] / [Sleep] / [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] / [Stop] Bribe: 10,120 Gil = 水の指輪: Mizu no Yubiwa (Water Ring) x1 [Oversoul Bribe]: 40,480 Gil = メガフェニックス: Megafenikkusu (Mega Phoenix) x12 ゲッコー: Gekko- (Gecko) /Gecko/ [Oversoul: 911HP/0MP] Where Fought: Yevon Dome (SL2) / Behind Yunalesca's Chamber (SL2) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B4 (SL5) HP: 228 MP: 10 Gil: 18 Race: トカゲ: Tokage (Lizard) Common Steal: 毒消し: Dokukeshi (Antidote) x1 Rare Steal: 毒消し: Dokukeshi (Antidote) x2 [Oversoul Common Steal]: 万能薬: Bannouyaku (Panacea) x2 [Oversoul Rare Steal]: 万能薬: Bannouyaku (Panacea) x3 Elemental Attributes: Weak against Ice Status Immunities: Sleep / Curse [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Sleep] / [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] Bribe: 912 Gil = 毒消し: Dokukeshi (Antidote) x23 [Oversoul Bribe]: 1,750 Gil = 万能薬: Bannouyaku (Panacea) x1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 2 アガマ: Agama /Agama/ [Oversoul: 532HP/29MP] Where Fought: Mushroom Rock Road (SL2/SL3) / Moonflow (SL1/SL2/SL3/SL4) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B13 (SL5) HP: 133 MP: 29 Gil: 16 Race: トカゲ: Tokage (Lizard) Common Steal: 毒消し: Dokukeshi (Antidote) x1 Rare Steal: 万能薬: Bannouyaku (Panacea) x1 [Oversoul Common Steal]: 万能薬: Bannouyaku (Panacea) x2 [Oversoul Rare Steal]: 万能薬: Bannouyaku (Panacea) x3 Elemental Attributes: Weak against Ice Status Immunities: Poison / Curse [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Poison] / [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] Bribe: 532 Gil = 毒消し: Dokukeshi (Antidote) x7 [Oversoul Bribe]: 2,128 Gil = 毒消し: Dokukeshi (Antidote) x40 スキンク: Sukinku /Skink/ [Oversoul: 2,328HP/46MP] Where Fought: Bevelle Temple (SL2/SL3/SL5) / Under Bevelle (SL5) / Behind Monster Arena (SL2) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B21 (SL5) HP: 882 MP: 44 Gil: 78 Race: トカゲ: Tokage (Lizard) Common Steal: ハイポーション: Haipo-shon (High Potion) x1 Rare Steal: 万能薬: Bannouyaku (Panacea) x1 [Oversoul Common Steal]: 万能薬: Bannouyaku (Panacea) x4 [Oversoul Rare Steal]: 万能薬: Bannouyaku (Panacea) x6 Elemental Attributes: Weak against Ice Status Immunities: Poison / Curse [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Poison] / [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] Bribe: 3,750 Gil = 万能薬: Bannouyaku (Panacea) x4 [Oversoul Bribe]: 10,250 Gil = 万能薬: Bannouyaku (Panacea) x14 アノール: Ano-ru /Anole/ [Oversoul: 2,736HP/43MP] Where Fought: Thunder Plains (SL3/SL4/SL5) / Yevon Dome (SL3/SL5) / Behind Yunalesca's Chamber (SL2) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B24 (SL5) HP: 734 MP: 33 Gil: 70 Race: トカゲ: Tokage (Lizard) Common Steal: ハイポーション: Haipo-shon (High Potion) x1 Rare Steal: 魔除薬: Majokusuri (Magic Abolish Medicine) x1 [Oversoul Common Steal]: 魔除薬: Majokusuri (Magic Abolish Medicine) x4 [Oversoul Rare Steal]: 魔除薬: Majokusuri (Magic Abolish Medicine) x6 Elemental Attributes: Weak against Ice Status Immunities: Poison / Curse [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Poison] / [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] Bribe: 2,936 Gil = 魔除薬: Majokusuri (Magic Abolish Medicine) x16 [Oversoul Bribe]: 11,000 Gil = チョコボの羽: Chokobo no Hane (Chocobo Wing) x7 アーケオシリス: A-keoshirisu /Achelousaurus/ [Oversoul: 3230HP/58MP] Where Fought: Mushroom Rock Road (SL3) / Moonflow (SL3/SL4) / Thunder Plains Monster Den (SL4) / LeBlanc's Hideout Secret Area (SL3) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B33 (SL5) HP: 1,332 MP: 58 Gil: 110 Race: トカゲ: Tokage (Lizard) Common Steal: 目薬: Megusuri (Eyedrop) x2 Rare Steal: 万能薬: Bannouyaku (Panacea) x1 [Oversoul Common Steal]: 万能薬: Bannouyaku (Panacea) x3 [Oversoul Rare Steal]: 万能薬: Bannouyaku (Panacea) x8 Elemental Attributes: Weak against Ice Status Immunities: Poison / Curse [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Poison] / [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] Bribe: 5,328 Gil = 星のペンダント: Hoshi no Pendanto (Star Pendant) x1 [Oversoul Bribe]: 12,920 Gil = ヘイストリング: Heisutoringu (Haste Ring) x2 ラセルタ: Raseruta /Lacerta/ [Oversoul: 13,556HP/62MP] Where Fought: Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B81/B90 (SL5) HP: 12,324 MP: 62 Gil: 400 Race: トカゲ: Tokage (Lizard) Common Steal: エーテル: E-teru (Ether) x1 Rare Steal: エーテル: E-teru (Ether) x2 [Oversoul Common Steal]: エーテル: E-teru (Ether) x1 [Oversoul Rare Steal]: エーテル: E-teru (Ether) x2 Elemental Attributes: Absorbs Lightning Status Immunities: Death / Petrification / Sleep / Silence / Darkness / Poison / Confuse / Berserk / Curse / Slow / Stop [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Death] / [Petrification] / [Sleep] / [Silence] / [Darkness] / [Poison] / [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] / [Slow] / [Stop] Special Attributes: Auto-Haste [Oversoul Special Attributes]: [Auto-Haste] Bribe: 49,296 Gil = 奥義の心得: Ougi no Kokoroe (Secrets Heart) x2 [Oversoul Bribe]: 54,224 Gil = 奥義の心得: Ougi no Kokoroe (Secrets Heart) x4 バイトワスプ: Baitowasupu (Bite Wasp) /Bite Wasp/ [Oversoul: 312HP/1MP] Where Fought: Kilika Forest (SL1) / Mushroom Rock Road (SL1/SL2) / Calm Lands (SL1/SL2) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B4 (SL5) HP: 78 MP: 1 Gil: 12 Race: 蜂: Hachi (Bee) Common Steal: ポーション: Po-shon (Potion) x1 Rare Steal: フェニックスの尾: Fenikkusu no O (Phoenix Tail) x1 [Oversoul Common Steal]: フェニックスの尾: Fenikkusu no O (Phoenix Tail) x2 [Oversoul Rare Steal]: フェニックスの尾: Fenikkusu no O (Phoenix Tail) x3 Elemental Attributes: Weak against Fire / Ice Status Immunities: Curse [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] / [Attack Power Down] Bribe: 400 Gil = 銀斑メガネ: Ginbuchimegane (Silver Spotted Glasses) x1 [Oversoul Bribe]: 1,248 Gil = 万能薬: Bannouyaku (Panacea) x2 ピアシングバグ: Piashingubagu (Piercing Bug) /Piercing Bug/ [Oversoul: 832HP/1MP] Where Fought: Kilika Forest (SL3/SL5) / Mushroom Rock Road (SL2/SL3) / Thunder Plains (SL3/SL4/SL5) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B21 (SL5) HP: 233 MP: 1 Gil: 48 Race: 蜂: Hachi (Bee) Common Steal: 毒消し: Dokukeshi (Antidote) x1 Rare Steal: 毒の牙: Doku no Kiba (Poison Fang) x2 [Oversoul Common Steal]: [Oversoul Rare Steal]: ホワイトケープ: Howaitoke-pu (White Cape) x1 Elemental Attributes: Weak against Ice Status Immunities: Curse [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] / [Attack Power Down] Bribe: 932 Gil = 毒の牙: Doku no Kiba (Poison Fang) x5 [Oversoul Bribe]: 3,328 Gil = ねじりはちまき: Nejirihachimaki (Twist Headband) x1 アサシンビー: Asashinbi- (Assassin Bee) /Assassin Bee/ [Oversoul: 1,840HP/27MP] Where Fought: Bikanel Desert Dig Area-北/North (SL3/SL5) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B30 (SL5) HP: 776 MP: 27 Gil: 72 Race: 蜂: Hachi (Bee) Common Steal: やまびこそう: Yamabikosou (Echo Grass) x2 Rare Steal: 毒の牙: Doku no Kiba (Poison Fang) x4 [Oversoul Common Steal]: [Oversoul Rare Steal]: 星のペンダント: Hoshi no Pendanto (Star Pendant) x1 Elemental Attributes: Weak against Ice Status Immunities: Curse / Stop [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] / [Stop] / [Attack Power Down] Bribe: 3,150 Gil = 星のペンダント: Hoshi no Pendanto (Star Pendant) x1 [Oversoul Bribe]: 7,360 Gil = 星のペンダント: Hoshi no Pendanto (Star Pendant) x3 ベスパ: Besupa /Vespa/ [Oversoul: 2,758HP/32MP] Where Fought: Calm Lands (SL3/SL5) / Calm Lands Cave (SL3/SL5) / Mount Gagazet (SL3/SL5) / Mount Gagazet Cliffs (SL3/SL5) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B36 (SL5) HP: 983 MP: 32 Gil: 78 Race: 蜂: Hachi (Bee) Common Steal: やまびこそう: Yamabikosou (Echo Grass) x2 Rare Steal: 毒の牙: Doku no Kiba (Poison Fang) x1 [Oversoul Common Steal]: [Oversoul Rare Steal]: 星のペンダント: Hoshi no Pendanto (Star Pendant) x1 Elemental Attributes: Weak against Ice Status Immunities: Curse / Stop [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] / [Attack Power Down] Bribe: 3,932 Gil = 万能薬: Bannouyaku (Panacea) x4 [Oversoul Bribe]: 11,032 Gil = 妖精のピアス: Yousei no Piasu (Fairy Pierce) x1 ワスプクィーン: Wasupukui-n (Wasp Queen) /Wasp Queen/ [Oversoul: 9,815HP/23MP] Where Fought: Bikanel Desert Sabotender Hole (SL5) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B50 (SL5) HP: 7,334 MP: 23 Gil: 98 Race: 蜂: Hachi (Bee) Common Steal: Rare Steal: 毒の牙: Doku no Kiba (Poison Fang) x2 [Oversoul Common Steal]: [Oversoul Rare Steal]: 毒の牙: Doku no Kiba (Poison Fang) x4 Elemental Attributes: No effect: Gravity Status Immunities: Death / Petrification / Sleep / Silence / Poison / Confuse / Berserk / Curse / Slow / Stop [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Death] / [Petrification] / [Sleep] / [Silence] / [Poison] / [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] / [Attack Power Down] Bribe: 29,800 Gil = 毒の牙: Doku no Kiba (Poison Fang) x84 [Oversoul Bribe]: 39,260 Gil = 毒の牙: Doku no Kiba (Poison Fang) x59 ブループリン: Buru-purin (Blue Pudding) /Blue Pudding/ [Oversoul: 220HP/87MP] Where Fought: Besaid (SL1/SL2) / Moonflow (SL1) / Macalania Forest (SL2) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B1 (SL5) HP: 55 MP: 87 Gil: 20 Race: プリン: Purin (Pudding) Common Steal: ポーション: Po-shon (Potion) x1 Rare Steal: 魚のウロコ: Sakana no Uroko (Fish Scale) x1 [Oversoul Common Steal]: 魚のウロコ: Sakana no Uroko (Fish Scale) x2 [Oversoul Rare Steal]: 龍のウロコ: Ryuu no Uroko (Dragon Scale) x2 Elemental Attributes: Weak against Lightning Half damage: Fire / Ice Absorbs Water Status Immunities: Curse [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] / [Magic Power Down] Bribe: 220 Gil = 魚のウロコ: Sakana no Uroko (Fish Scale) x1 [Oversoul Bribe]: 880 Gil = 水の魔石: Mizu no Maishi (Water Gem) x1 イエロープリン: Iero-purin (Yellow Pudding) /Yellow Pudding/ [Oversoul: 1172HP/322MP] Where Fought: Under Bevelle (SL2) / Mount Gagazet Cliffs (SL2) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B10 (SL5) HP: 303 MP: 322 Gil: 42 Race: プリン: Purin (Pudding) Common Steal: 電気玉: Denkitama (Electric Ball) x2 Rare Steal: 落雷玉: Rakuraitama (Lightning Ball) x1 [Oversoul Common Steal]: 雷の魔石: Kaminari no Maishi (Lightning Gem) x2 [Oversoul Rare Steal]: 雷の魔石: Kaminari no Maishi (Lightning Gem) x3 Elemental Attributes: Weak against Water Half damage: Fire / Ice Absorbs Lightning Status Immunities: Berserk / Curse [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] / [Magic Power Down] Bribe: 1,212 Gil = 雷の魔石: Kaminari no Maishi (Lightning Gem) x3 [Oversoul Bribe]: 4,688 Gil = 雷神の指輪: Raijin no Yubiwa (Thunder God Ring) x1 ペールプリン: Pe-rupurin (Pearl Pudding) /Pearl Pudding/ [Oversoul: 851HP/222MP] Where Fought: Mihen Road (SL1/SL2) / Mount Gagazet Cave (SL1/SL2) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B13 (SL5) HP: 188 MP: 222 Gil: 30 Race: プリン: Purin (Pudding) Common Steal: ポーション: Po-shon (Potion) x1 Rare Steal: 南極の風: Nankyoku no Kaze (South Pole Wind) x1 [Oversoul Common Steal]: ハイポーション: Haipo-shon (High Potion) x2 [Oversoul Rare Steal]: 北極の風: Hokkyoku no Kaze (North Pole Wind) x3 Elemental Attributes: Weak against Fire Half damage: Lightning / Water Absorbs Ice Status Immunities: Berserk / Curse [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] / [Magic Power Down] Bribe: 800 Gil = 南極の風: Nankyoku no Kaze (South Pole Wind) x8 [Oversoul Bribe]: 3,404 Gil = 冷気の魔石: Reiki no Maishi (Cold Gem) x4 ホワイトプリン: Howaitopurin (White Pudding) /White Pudding/ [Oversoul: 2,113HP/542MP] Where Fought: Moonflow (SL2/SL3/SL4) / Macalania Forest (SL5) / Lake Macalania (SL3/SL5) / Bevelle Temple (SL2/SL3/SL5) / Calm Lands (SL2/SL3/SL5) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B21 (SL5) HP: 625 MP: 542 Gil: 72 Race: プリン: Purin (Pudding) Common Steal: 北極の風: Hokkyoku no Kaze (North Pole Wind) x1 Rare Steal: ヒュプノクラウン: Hyupunokuraun (Hypno Crown) x1 [Oversoul Common Steal]: [Oversoul Rare Steal]: ヒュプノクラウン: Hyupunokuraun (Hypno Crown) x1 Elemental Attributes: Weak against Fire Half damage: Lightning / Water Absorbs Ice Status Immunities: Berserk / Curse [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] / [Magic Power Down] Bribe: 2,500 Gil = ヒュプノクラウン: Hyupunokuraun (Hypno Crown) x1 [Oversoul Bribe]: 8,500 Gil = ルーンの腕輪: Ru-n no Udewa (Rune Armlet) x1 レッドプリン: Reddopurin (Red Pudding) /Red Pudding/ [Oversoul: 3,050HP/674MP] Where Fought: Mihen Road (SL3/SL5) / Thunder Plains Monster Den (SL4) / Calm Lands Cave (SL3/SL5) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B36 (SL5) HP: 1,220 MP: 674 Gil: 125 Race: プリン: Purin Common Steal: ボムの魂: Bomu no Tamashii (Bomb Soul) x1 Rare Steal: 炎の魔石: Honoo no Maishi (Fire Gem) x1 [Oversoul Common Steal]: [Oversoul Rare Steal]: 炎の指輪: Honoo no Yubiwa (Fire Ring) x1 Elemental Attributes: Weak against Ice Half damage: Lightning / Water / Gravity / Holy Absorbs Fire [Oversoul Elemental Attributes]: [Weak against Ice] [Half damage: Lightning / Water / Holy] [Absorbs Fire] Status Immunities: Berserk / Curse [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] / [Magic Power Down] Bribe: 炎の魔石: Honoo no Maishi (Fire Gem) x12 [Oversoul Bribe]: 12,200 Gil = 烈火の指輪: Retsuhi no Yubiwa (Violent Fire Ring) x1 ブラックプリン: Burakkupurin (Black Pudding) /Black Pudding/ [Oversoul: 9,667HP/999MP] Where Fought: Calm Lands Secret Cave (SL5) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B65 (SL5) HP: 7,730 MP: 999 Gil: 98 Race: プリン: Purin (Pudding) Common Steal: Rare Steal: エーテル: E-teru (Ether) x1 [Oversoul Common Steal]: [Oversoul Rare Steal]: エーテル: E-teru (Ether) x1 Elemental Attributes: No effect: Fire / Ice / Lightning / Water / Holy Absorbs: Gravity [Oversoul Elemental Attributes]: [No effect: Fire / Ice / Lightning / Water / Holy] Status Immunities: Death / Petrification / Sleep / Silence / Darkness / Confuse / Berserk / Curse / Slow / Stop [Oversoul Stauts Immunities]: [Death] / [Petrification] / [Sleep] / [Silence] / [Darkness] / [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] / [Magic Power Down] Bribe: 30,920 Gil = エーテル: E-teru (Ether) x67 [Oversoul Bribe]: 38,668 Gil = エーテルターボ: E-teruta-bo (Ether Turbo) x39 プルプレア: Purupurea /Purpurea/ [Oversoul: 784HP/0MP] Where Fought: Besaid (SL1/SL2) / Mihen Road (SL1/SL2) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B5 (SL5) HP: 196 MP: 0 Gil: 18 Race: 植物: Shokubutsu (Plant) Common Steal: やまびこそう: Yamabikosou (Echo Grass) x1 Rare Steal: 万能薬: Bannouyaku (Panacea) x1 [Oversoul Common Steal]: やまびこそう: Yamabikosou (Echo Grass) x2 [Oversoul Rare Steal]: 万能薬: Bannouyaku (Panacea) x2 Elemental Attributes: Weak against Fire Half damage: Water Status Immunities: Darkness / Poison / Confuse / Curse [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Darkness] / [Poison] / [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] Bribe: 784 Gil = 万能薬: Bannouyaku (Panacea) x2 [Oversoul Bribe]: 3,136 Gil = 万能薬: Bannouyaku (Panacea) x3 レウコフィラ: Reukofira /Leucophylla/ [Oversoul: 8,936HP/0MP] Where Fought: Calm Lands (SL5) / Mount Gagazet Ruins (SL3) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B24 (SL5) HP: 2,234 MP: 0 Gil: 86 Race: 植物: Shokubutsu (Plant) Common Steal: ハイポーション: Haipo-shon (High Potion) x1 Rare Steal: フェニックスの尾: Fenikkusu no O (Phoenix Tail) x1 [Oversoul Common Steal]: 万能薬: Bannouyaku (Panacea) x6 [Oversoul Rare Steal]: 万能薬: Bannouyaku (Panacea) x8 Elemental Attributes: Weak against Fire Half damage: Water Status Immunities: Darkness / Poison / Confuse / Berserk / Curse [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Darkness] / [Poison] / [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] Bribe: 10,000 Gil = ハイポーション: Haipo-shon (High Potion) x30 [Oversoul Bribe]: 36,000 Gil = 万能薬: Bannouyaku (Panacea) x57 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 3 セファロタス: Sefarotasu /Cephalotus/ [Oversoul: 6,075HP/0MP] Where Fought: Besaid (SL3/SL5) / Mihen Road (SL3/SL5) / Calm Lands Secret Cave (SL5) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B30 (SL5) HP: 1,830 MP: 0 Gil: 62 Race: 植物: Shokubutsu (Plant) Common Steal: やまびこそう: Yamabikosou (Echo Grass) x2 Rare Steal: 万能薬: Bannouyaku (Panacea) x1 [Oversoul Common Steal]: [Oversoul Rare Steal]: 万能薬: Bannouyaku (Panacea) x8 Elemental Attributes: Weak against Fire Half damage: Water No effect: Gravity Status Immunities: Death / Darkness / Poison / Confuse / Berserk / Curse [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Death] / [Darkness] / [Poison] / [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] Bribe: 7,350 Gil = ホワイトケープ: Howaitoke-pu (White Cape) x2 [Oversoul Bribe]: 27,000 Gil = 万能薬: Bannouyaku (Panacea) x94 サハギン: Sahagin /Sahuagin/ [Oversoul: 240HP/28MP] Where Fought: Besaid Cave (SL1/SL2) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B4 (SL5) HP: 60 MP: 28 Gil: 7 Race: サハギン: Sahagin Common Steal: ポーション: Po-shon (Potion) x1 Rare Steal: 魚のウロコ: Sanaka no Uroko (Fish Scale) x1 [Oversoul Common Steal]: ポーション: Po-shon (Potion) x2 [Oversoul Rare Steal]: 魚のウロコ: Sanaka no Uroko (Fish Scale) x3 Elemental Attributes: Weak against Lightning Status Immunities: Curse [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] Bribe: 300 Gil = 魚のウロコ: Sanaka no Uroko (Fish Scale) x2 [Oversoul Bribe]: 960 Gil = 水の魔石: Mizu no Maishi (Water Gem) x4 サハギンプリンス: Sahaginpurinsu (Sahagin Prince) /Sahuagin Prince/ [Oversoul: 13,720HP/25MP] Where Fought: Calm Lands Secret Cave (SL5) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B30 (SL5) HP: 6,430 MP: 25 Gil: 105 Race: サハギン: Sahagin Common Steal: フェニックスの尾: Fenikkusu no O (Phoenix Tail) x2 Rare Steal: フェニックスの尾: Fenikkusu no O (Phoenix Tail) x3 [Oversoul Common Steal]: フェニックスの尾: Fenikkusu no O (Phoenix Tail) x2 [Oversoul Rare Steal]: フェニックスの尾: Fenikkusu no O (Phoenix Tail) x3 Elemental Attributes: Weak against Lightning No effect: Gravity Absorbs Water Status Immunities: Confuse / Curse / Stop [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] / [Stop] Bribe: 25,800 Gil = エクスポーション: Ekusupo-shon (X-Potion) x11 [Oversoul Bribe]: 54,880 Gil = エクスポーション: Ekusupo-shon (X-Potion) x52 サハギンチーフ: Sahaginchi-fu (Sahagin Chief) /Sahuagin Chief/ [Oversoul: 13,093HP/65MP] Where Fought: Bikanel Desert Sabotender Hole (SL5) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B50 (SL5) HP: 9,660 MP: 65 Gil: 105 Race: サハギン: Sahagin (Sahagin) Common Steal: 水の指輪: Mizu no Yubiwa (Water Ring) x1 Rare Steal: 水神の指輪: Mizujin no Yubiwa (Water God Ring) x1 [Oversoul Common Steal]: 水の指輪: Mizu no Yubiwa (Water Ring) x1 [Oversoul Rare Steal]: 水神の指輪: Mizujin no Yubiwa (Water God Ring) x1 Elemental Attributes: Weak against Lightning No effect: Gravity Absorbs Water Status Immunities: Death / Confuse / Curse / Stop [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Death] / [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Confuse] Bribe: 39,250 Gil = 浄水の指輪: Jousui no Yubiwa (Clear Water Ring) x1 [Oversoul Bribe]: 52,372 Gil = 浄水の指輪: Jousui no Yubiwa (Clear Water Ring) x1 ナスホルン: Nasuhoruno /Nashorn/ [Oversoul: 1,928HP/0MP] Where Fought: Calm Lands (SL1/SL2) / Bikanel Desert Dig Areas-西/West and 南/South (SL1/SL2/SL3/SL5) / Yevon Dome (SL2) / Behind Yunalesca's Chamber (SL2) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B1 (SL5) HP: 482 MP: 0 Gil: 22 Race: ホーンズ: Ho-nzu (Horns) Common Steal: ポーション: Po-shon (Potion) x1 Rare Steal: フェニックスの尾: Fenikkusu no O (Phoenix Tail) x1 [Oversoul Common Steal]: [Oversoul Rare Steal]: メガフェニックス: Megafenikkusu (Mega Phoenix) x2 Status Immunities: Sleep / Poison / Curse [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Sleep] / [Poison] / [Confuse] / [Curse] Bribe: 1,928 Gil = ハイポーション: Haipo-shon (High Potion) x4 [Oversoul Bribe]: 7,712 Gil = 炎神の指輪: Honoojin no Yubiwa (Fire God Ring) x1 クアトロホーン: Kuatoroho-n (Quatro Horn) /Quatro Horn/ [Oversoul: 752HP/0MP] Where Fought: Mihen Road (SL1) / Moonflow (SL1/SL2) Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B1 (SL5) HP: 188 MP: 0 Gil: 13 Race: ホーンズ: Ho-nzu (Horns) Common Steal: やすもの手榴弾: Yasumonoshuryuudan (Cheap Grenade) x1 Rare Steal: フェニックスの尾: Fenikkusu no O (Phoenix Tail) x1 [Oversoul Common Steal]: ハイポーション: Haipo-shon (High Potion) x1 [Oversoul Rare Steal]: ハイポーション: Haipo-shon (High Potion) x2 Status Immunities: Curse [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Confuse] / [Curse] Bribe: 802 Gil = やすもの手榴弾: Yasumonoshuryuudan (Cheap Grenade) x16 [Oversoul Bribe]: 3,008 Gil = メガフェニックス: Megafenikkusu (Mega Phoenix) x2 バリーヴァルハ: Bari-varuha (Valley Valuha) /Barivaruha/ [Oversoul: 8,758HP/0MP] Where Fought: Moonflow (SL3/SL4) / Thunder Plains (SL4/SL5) / Calm Lands Cave (SL3/SL5) / Mount Gagazet Cliffs (SL3/SL5) / Mount Gagazet Ruins (SL3) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B41 (SL5) HP: 3,688 MP: 0 Gil: 230 Race: ホーンズ: Ho-nzu (Horns) Common Steal: ハイポーション: Haipo-shon (High Potion) x2 Rare Steal: 炎の魔石: Honoo no Maishi (Fire Gem) x2 [Oversoul Common Steal]: [Oversoul Rare Steal]: 烈火の指輪: Retsuhi no Yubiwa (Violent Fire Ring) x1 Elemental Attributes: Absorbs Fire Status Immunities: Poison / Curse [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Poison] / [Confuse] / [Curse] Bribe: 14,752 Gil = 烈火の指輪: Retsuhi no Yubiwa (Violent Fire Ring) x1 [Oversoul Bribe]: 35,032 Gil = クリスタルバングル: Kurisutarubanguru (Crystal Bangle) x1 アーリマン: A-riman (Ahriman) /Ahriman/ [Oversoul: 396HP/15MP] Where Fought: Calm Lands (SL1/SL2) / Mount Gagazet (SL1/SL2) / Mount Gagazet Cliffs (SL1) Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B1 (SL5) HP: 99 MP: 15 Gil: 20 Race: 邪眼: Jame (Wicked Eye) Common Steal: ポーション: Po-shon (Potion) x1 Rare Steal: フェニックスの尾: Fenikkusu no O (Phoenix Tail) x1 [Oversoul Common Steal]: フェニックスの尾: Fenikkusu no O (Phoenix Tail) x1 [Oversoul Rare Steal]: メガフェニックス: Megafenikkusu (Mega Phoenix) x1 Status Immunities: Curse [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] Bribe: 396 Gil = 万能薬: Bannouyaku (Panacea) x1 [Oversoul Bribe]: 1,734 Gil = メガフェニックス: Megafenikkusu (Mega Phoenix) x1 フライアイ: Furaiai (Fly Eye) /Fly Eye/ [Oversoul: 1,032HP/52MP] Where Fought: Mihen Road (SL1)/ Bikanel Desert Dig Areas-西/West and 南/South (SL1/SL2/SL3/SL5) / Mount Gagazet (SL2) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B10 (SL5) HP: 258 MP: 52 Gil: 20 Race: 邪眼: Jame (Wicked Eye) Common Steal: フェニックスの尾: Fenikkusu no O (Phoenix Tail) x1 Rare Steal: フェニックスの尾: Fenikkusu no O (Phoenix Tail) x1 [Oversoul Common Steal]: フェニックスの尾: Fenikkusu no O (Phoenix Tail) x3 [Oversoul Rare Steal]: フェニックスの尾: Fenikkusu no O (Phoenix Tail) x4 Status Immunities: Curse [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] Bribe: 1,032 Gil = 万能薬: Bannouyaku (Panacea) x1 [Oversoul Bribe]: 4,500 Gil = フェニックスの尾: Fenikkusu no O (Phoenix Tail) x44 バーティゴ: Ba-tigo (Vertigo) /Vertigo/ [Oversoul: 2,352HP/57MP] Where Fought: Lake Macalania (SL3) / Bevelle Temple (SL2) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B13 (SL5) HP: 688 MP: 57 Gil: 36 Race: 邪眼: Jame (Wicked Eye) Common Steal: 毒消し: Dokukeshi (Antidote) x2 Rare Steal: 毒消し: Dokukeshi (Antidote) x3 [Oversoul Common Steal]: [Oversoul Rare Steal]: タロットカード: Tarottoka-do (Tarot Card) x1 Status Immunities: Curse / Slow [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] Bribe: 3,000 Gil = 銀ぶちメガネ: Ginbuchi no Megane (Silver Spotted Glasses) x1 [Oversoul Bribe]: 11,000 Gil = エリクサー: Erikusa- (Elixir) x1 デスゲイズ: Desugeizu (Death Gaze) /Death Gaze/ [Oversoul: 4,223HP/388MP] Where Fought: Calm Lands Cave (SL3/SL5) / Mount Gagazet (SL3/SL5) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B41 (SL5) HP: 1,720 MP: 388 Gil: 130 Race: 邪眼: Jame (Wicked Eye) Common Steal: フェニックスの尾: Fenikkusu no O (Phoenix Tail) x1 Rare Steal: 万能薬: Bannouyaku (Panacea) [Oversoul Common Steal]: [Oversoul Rare Steal]: マジカルパウダー: Majikarupauda- (Magical Powder) x1 Elemental Attributes: No effect: Gravity Status Immunities: Confuse / Berserk / Curse / Slow / Stop [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] Bribe: 7,000 Gil = 銀斑のメガネ: Ginbuchi no Megane (Silver Spotted Glasses) x1 [Oversoul Bribe]: 17,000 Gil = エリクサー: Erikusa- (Elixir) x3 イエローエレメンタル: Iero-erementaru (Yellow Elemental) /Yellow Elemental/ [Oversoul: 48HP/120MP] Where Fought: Mount Gagazet Ruins (SL1) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B4 (SL5) HP: 12 MP: 120 Gil: 24 Race: エレメンタル: Erementaru (Elemental) Common Steal: ポーション: Po-shon (Potion) x1 Rare Steal: 電気玉: Denkitama (Electric Ball) x1 [Oversoul Common Steal]: 電気玉: Denkitama (Electric Ball) x1 [Oversoul Rare Steal]: 落雷玉: Rakuraitama (Lightning Ball) x1 Elemental Attributes: Weak against Water No effect: Fire / Ice Absorbs Lightning Status Immunities: Petrification / Sleep / Confuse / Berserk / Curse [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Petrification] / [Sleep] / [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] / [Magic Power Down] Bribe: 48 Gil = 電気玉: Denkitama (Electric Ball) x1 [Oversoul Bribe]: 200 Gil = 落雷玉: Rakuraitama (Lightning Ball) x1 ホワイトエレメンタル: Howaitoerementaru (White Elemental) /White Elemental/ [Oversoul: 308HP/155MP] Where Fought: Lake Macalania (SL1/SL2) / Yevon Dome (SL2) / Behind Yunalesca's Chamber (SL2) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B7 (SL5) HP: 77 MP: 155 Gil: 26 Race: エレメンタル: Erementaru (Elemental) Common Steal: 南極の風: Nankyoku no Kaze (South Pole Wind) x1 Rare Steal: 南極の風: Nankyoku no Kaze (South Pole Wind) x2 [Oversoul Common Steal]: 北極の風: Hokkyoku no Kaze (North Pole Wind) x2 [Oversoul Rare Steal]: 北極の風: Hokkyoku no Kaze (North Pole Wind) x3 Elemental Attributes: Weak against Fire No effect: Lightning / Water Absorbs Ice Status Immunities: Petrification / Sleep / Confuse / Berserk / Curse [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Petrification] / [Sleep] / [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] / [Magic Power Down] Bribe: 308 Gil = 冷気の魔石: Reiki no Maishi (Cold Gem) x1 [Oversoul Bribe]: 1,232 Gil = 冷気の魔石: Reiki no Maishi (Cold Gem) x5 レッドエレメンタル: Reddoerementaru (Red Elemental) /Red Elemental/ [Oversoul: 336HP/330MP] Where Fought: Kilika Forest (SL1) / Mushroom Rock Road (SL1/SL2) / Thunder Plains (SL1/SL2) / Macalania Forest (SL1) / Lake Macalania (SL1/SL2) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B4 (SL5) HP: 99 MP: 330 Gil: 25 Race: エレメンタル: Erementaru (Elemental) Common Steal: ポーション: Po-shon (Potion) x1 Rare Steal: ボムのかけら: Bomu no Kakera (Bomb Fragment) x1 [Oversoul Common Steal]: ボムの魂: Bomu no Tamashii (Bomb Soul) x2 [Oversoul Rare Steal]: ボムの魂: Bomu no Tamashii (Bomb Soul) x3 Elemental Attributes: Weak against Ice No effect: Lightning / Water Absorbs Fire Status Immunities: Petrification / Sleep / Confuse / Berserk / Curse [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Petrification] / [Sleep] / [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] / [Magic Power Down] Bribe: 396 Gil = ボムのかけら: Bomu no Kakera (Bomb Fragment) x4 [Oversoul Bribe]: 炎の魔石: Honoo no Maishi (Fire Gem) x4 ゴールドエレメンタル: Go-rudoerementaru (Gold Elemental) /Gold Elemental/ [Oversoul: 396HP/280MP] Where Fought: Mushroom Rock Road (SL1/SL2/SL3) / Thunder Plains (SL1/SL2) / Macalania Forest (SL1/SL2) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B10 (SL5) HP: 84 MP: 280 Gil: 40 Race: エレメンタル: Erementaru (Elemental) Common Steal: 落雷玉: Rakuraitama (Lightning Ball) x2 Rare Steal: 電気玉: Denkitama (Electric Ball) x1 [Oversoul Common Steal]: 落雷玉: Rakuraitama (Lightning Ball) x2 [Oversoul Rare Steal]: 落雷玉: Rakuraitama (Lightning Ball) x3 Elemental Attributes: Weak against Water No effect: Fire / Ice Absorbs Lightning Status Immunities: Petrification / Sleep / Confuse / Berserk / Curse [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Petrification] / [Sleep] / [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] / [Magic Power Down] Bribe: 336 Gil = 雷の魔石: Kaminari no Maishi (Lightning Gem) x2 [Oversoul Bribe]: 1,584 Gil = 雷の魔石: Kaminari no Maishi (Lightning Gem) x4 ブルーエレメンタル: Buru-erementaru (Blue Elemental) /Blue Elemental/ [Oversoul: 788HP/350MP] Where Fought: Thunder Plains (SL4/SL5) Macalania Forest (SL3) / Lake Macalania (SL3/SL5) / LeBlanc's Hideout Secret Area (SL3) / Behind Monster Arena (SL2) / Calm Lands Secret Cave (SL5) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B33 (SL5) HP: 363 MP: 350 Gil: 180 Race: エレメンタル: Erementaru (Elemental) Common Steal: 龍のウロコ: Ryuu no Uroko (Dragon Scale) x1 Rare Steal: 水の魔石: Mizu no Maishi (Water Gem) x1 [Oversoul Common Steal]: [Oversoul Rare Steal]: 水の一閃: Mizu no Ichisen (Water Flash) x1 Elemental Attributes: Weak against Lightning No effect: Fire / Ice Absorbs Water Status Immunities: Petrification / Sleep / Confuse / Berserk / Curse [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Petrification] / [Sleep] / [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] / [Magic Power Down] Bribe: 1,500 Gil = 水の魔石: Mizu no Maishi (Water Gem) x4 [Oversoul Bribe]: 3,152 Gil = 金のかみかざり: Kin no Kamikazari (Gold Hair Ornament) x1 ダークエレメンタル: Da-kuerementaru (Dark Elemental) /Dark Elemental/ [Oversoul: 983HP/1,028MP] Where Fought: Farplane Core (SL5) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B61 (SL5) HP: 433 MP: 1,028 Gil: 410 Race: エレメンタル: Erementaru (Elemental) Common Steal: 冷気の魔石: Reiki no Maishi (Cold Gem) x2 Rare Steal: 雷の魔石: Kaminari no Maishi (Lightning Gem) x1 [Oversoul Common Steal]: 冷気の魔石: Reiki no Maishi (Cold Gem) x3 [Oversoul Rare Steal]: 雷の魔石: Kaminari no Maishi (Lightning Gem) x4 Elemental Attributes: No effect: Fire / Ice / Lightning / Water Status Immunities: Petrification / Sleep / Silence / Poison / Confuse / Berserk / Curse / Slow / Stop [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Petrification] / [Sleep] / [Silence] / [Poison] / [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] / [Slow] / [Magic Defense Down] Bribe: 1,732 Gil = エーテルターボ: E-teruta-bo (Ether Turbo) x1 [Oversoul Bribe]: 4,000 Gil = クリスタルボール: Kurisutarubo-ru (Crystal Ball) x2 ブラックエレメンタル: Burakkuerementaru (Black Elemental) /Black Elemental/ [Oversoul: 10,998HP/2380MP] Where Fought: Holy Bevelle Mausoleum B40 (SL5-Boss) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B81 (SL5) HP: 9,999 MP: 2,380 Gil: 380 Race: エレメンタル: Erementaru (Elemental) Common Steal: エーテル: E-teru (Ether) x1 Rare Steal: ルーンの腕輪: Ru-n no Udewa (Rune Armlet) x1 [Oversoul Common Steal]: エーテル: E-teru (Ether) x1 [Oversoul Rare Steal]: ルーンの腕輪: Ru-n no Udewa (Rune Armlet) x2 Elemental Attributes: No effect: Gravity Status Immunities: Death / Petrification / Sleep / Silence / Darkness / Poison / Confuse / Berserk / Curse / Slow / Stop [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Death] / [Petrification] / [Sleep] / [Silence] / [Darkness] / [Poison] / [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Berserk] / [Curse] / [Slow] / [Stop] / [Magic Power Down] Special Attributes: Auto-Reflect Bribe: 39,996 Gil = 妖術の心得: Youjutsu no Kokoroe (Witchcraft Heart) x1 [Oversoul Bribe]: 43,392 Gil = 妖術の心得: Youjutsu no Kokoroe (Witchcraft Heart) x1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 4 タコーバ: Tako-ba /Takouba/ [Oversoul: 3,936HP/0MP] Where Fought: Moonflow (SL1/SL2) / Mount Gagazet (SL1/SL2) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B7 (SL5) HP: 984 MP: 0 Gil: 110 Race: ブレード: Bure-do (Blade) Common Steal: フェニックスの尾: Fenikkusu no O (Phoenix Tail) x1 Rare Steal: 命のロウソク: Inochi no Rousoku (Candle of Life) x2 [Oversoul Common Steal]: 命のロウソク: Inochi no Rousoku (Candle of Life) x4 [Oversoul Rare Steal]: 命のロウソク: Inochi no Rousoku (Candle of Life) x5 Elemental Attributes: Weak against Fire No effect: Gravity Status Immunities: Sleep / Silence / Curse / Defense Power Down / Magic Defense Down [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Sleep] / [Silence] / [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] / [Defense Power Down] / [Magic Defense Down] Bribe: 4,000 Gil = 命のロウソク: Inochi no Rousoku (Candle of Life) x27 [Oversoul Bribe]: 15,744 Gil = セーフティビット: Se-futibitto (Safety Bit) x1 バロング: Barongu /Barong/ [Oversoul: 6,833HP/0MP] Where Fought: Bevelle Temple (SL3/SL5) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B47 (SL5) HP: 2,733 MP: 0 Gil: 138 Race: ブレード: Bure-do (Blade) Common Steal: フェニックスの尾: Fenikkusu no O (Phoenix Tail) x1 Rare Steal: フェニックスの尾: Fenikkusu no O (Phoenix Tail) x2 [Oversoul Common Steal]: [Oversoul Rare Steal]: 死の衝撃: Shi no Shougeki (Death Shock) x1 Elemental Attributes: Weak against Fire No effect: Gravity Status Immunities: Sleep / Silence / Poison / Curse / Slow / Defense Power Down / Magic Defense Down [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Sleep] / [Silence] / [Poison] / [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] / [Slow] / [Defense Power Down] / [Magic Defense Down] Bribe: 10,932 Gil = 天使のイヤリング: Tenshi no Iyaringu (Angel Earring) x1 [Oversoul Bribe]: 27,732 Gil = エリクサー: Erikusa- (Elixir) x3 キングタコーバ: Kingutako-ba /King Takouba/ [Oversoul: 22,104HP/0MP] Where Fought: Bikanel Desert Sabotender Hole (SL5) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B50 (SL5) HP: 18,004 MP: 0 Gil: 300 Race: ブレード: Bure-do (Blade) Common Steal: 星のペンダント: Hoshi no Pendanto (Star Pendant) x1 Rare Steal: 天使のイヤリング: Tenshi no Iyaringu (Angel Earring) x1 [Oversoul Common Steal]: グラスのバックル: Gurasu no Bakkuru (Glass Buckle) x1 [Oversoul Rare Steal]: 天使のイヤリング: Tenshi no Iyaringu (Angel Earring) x1 Elemental Attributes: Weak against Fire No effect: Gravity Status Immunities: Petrification / Sleep / Silence / Darkness / Poison / Confuse / Curse / Slow / Stop / Defense Power Down / Magic Defense Down [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Petrification] / [Sleep] / [Silence] / [Darkness] / [Poison] / [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] / [Slow] / [Stop] / [Defense Power Down] / [Magic Defense Down] Bribe: 72,025 Gil = 天使のイヤリング: Tenshi no Iyaringu (Angel Earring) x4 [Oversoul Bribe]: 88,416 Gil = グラスのバックル: Gurasu no Bakkuru (Glass Buckle) x9 プロトキマイラ: Purotokimaira (Proto Chimera) /Proto Chimera/ Where Fought: Kilika Forest (SL1) / Moonflow-North Bank (SL1/SL3) / Mount Gagazet Cave (SL1/SL2) Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B16 (SL5) [Oversoul: 1,680HP/210MP] HP: 420 MP: 210 Gil: 120 Race: キマイラ: Kimaira (Chimera) Common Steal: ポーション: Po-shon (Potion) x1 Rare Steal: 雷の指輪: Kaminari no Yubiwa (Lightning Ring) x1 [Oversoul Common Steal]: 氷神の指輪: Hyoujin no Yubiwa (Ice God Ring) x1 [Oversoul Rare Steal]: 水神の指輪: Mizujin no Yubiwa (Water God Ring) x1 Elemental Attributes: No effect: Lightning / Gravity Status Immunities: Sleep / Silence / Darkness / Poison / Curse [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Sleep] / [Silence] / [Darkness] / [Confuse] / [Curse] Bribe: 1,680 Gil = 炎の指輪: Honoo no Yubiwa (Fire Ring) x1 [Oversoul Bribe]: 7,000 Gil = 雷神の指輪: Raijin no Yubiwa (Thunder God Ring) x1 ゴーキマイラ: Go-kimaira /Gorgimera/ [Oversoul: 14,440HP/485MP] Where Fought: Lake Macalania (SL3) / Thunder Plains (SL5) / Calm Lands Cave (SL3/SL5) / Mount Gagazet Ruins (SL3) / Calm Lands Secret Cave (SL5) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B41 (SL5) HP: 4,360 MP: 485 Gil: 310 Race: キマイラ: Kimaira (Chimera) Common Steal: 雷の魔石: Kaminari no Maishi (Lightning Gem) x1 Rare Steal: 雷のー閃: Kaminari no Ichisen (Lightning Flash) x1 [Oversoul Common Steal]: [Oversoul Rare Steal]: 雷のー閃: Rai no Ichisen (Lightning Flash) x1 Elemental Attributes: Half damage: Fire / Water No effect: Lightning / Gravity Status Immunities: Death / Sleep / Silence / Darkness / Poison / Curse / Stop [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Death] / [Sleep] / [Silence] / [Darkness] / [Poison] / [Confuse] / [Curse] / [Stop] Bribe: 17,500 Gil = 雷と水の指輪: Kaminari to Mizu no Yubiwa (Lightning and Water Ring) x1 [Oversoul Bribe]: 58,000 Gil = フォーハンド: Fo-hando (Four Hand) x2 フリムスルス: Hurimusurusu /Hrimthurs/ [Oversoul: 2,208HP/11MP] Where Fought: Bikanel Desert Dig Areas-西/West and 南/South (SL1/SL2/SL3/SL5) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B10 (SL5) HP: 552 MP: 11 Gil: 44 Race: 巨人: Kyojin (Giant) Common Steal: フェニックスの尾: Fenikkusu no O (Phoenix Tail) x1 Rare Steal: フェニックスの尾: Fenikkusu no O (Phoenix Tail) x2 [Oversoul Common Steal]: メガポーション: Megapo-shon (Mega Potion) x1 [Oversoul Rare Steal]: メガポーション: Megapo-shon (Mega Potion) x2 Elemental Attributes: Weak against Gravity Status Immunities: Sleep / Confuse / Curse [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Sleep] / [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] Bribe: 3,000 Gil = フェニックスの尾: Fenikkusu no O (Phoenix Tail) x5 [Oversoul Bribe]: 25,000 Gil = パワーグローブ: Pawa-guro-bu (Power Glove) x1 ギガース: Giga-su (Gigas) /Gigas/ [Oversoul: 9,360HP/22MP] Where Fought: Thunder Plains Monster Den (SL4) / Calm Lands Secret Cave (SL5) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B30 (SL5) HP: 2,290 MP: 22 Gil: 180 Race: 巨人: Kyojin (Giant) Common Steal: ハイポーション: Haipo-shon (High Potion) x1 Rare Steal: やすらぎのポプリ: Yasuragi no Popuri (Tranquil Potpourri) x1 [Oversoul Common Steal]: エクスポーション: Ekusupo-shon (X-Potion) x1 [Oversoul Rare Steal]: エクスポーション: Ekusupo-shon (X-Potion) x2 Elemental Attributes: Weak against Gravity Status Immunities: Sleep / Darkness / Confuse / Berserk / Curse / Stop [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Sleep] / [Darkness] / [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] / [Stop] Bribe: 9,160 Gil = チャンピオンベルト: Chanpionberuto (Champion Belt) x1 [Oversoul Bribe]: 37,500 Gil = パワーグローブ: Pawa-guro-bu (Power Glove) x1 ガグ: Gagu /Gug/ [Oversoul: 16,300HP/67MP] Where Fought: Farplane Core (SL5) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B70 (SL5) HP: 6,433 MP: 67 Gil: 600 Race: 巨人: Kyojin (Giant) Common Steal: ハイポーション: Haipo-shon (High Potion) x2 Rare Steal: ハイポーション: Haipo-shon (High Potion) x3 [Oversoul Common Steal]: ハイポーション: Haipo-shon (High Potion) x3 [Oversoul Rare Steal]: ハイポーション: Haipo-shon (High Potion) x4 Elemental Attributes: Weak against Gravity Status Immunities: Death / Sleep / Darkness / Confuse / Berserk / Curse / Stop [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Death] / [Sleep] / [Darkness] / [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] / [Stop] Special Attributes: Defense Power +10 Bribe: 25,792 Gil = パワーグローブ: Pawa-guro-bu (Power Glove) x1 [Oversoul Bribe]: 65,200 Gil = 剣技の真髄: Kengi no Shinzui (Sword Skill Essence) x1 シャンタク: Shantaku /Shantak/ [Oversoul: 1,187HP/47MP] Where Fought: Mihen Road (SL1/SL2) / Mount Gagazet Cliffs (SL2) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B13 (SL5) HP: 1,130 MP: 47 Gil: 120 Race: 巨鳥: Kyotori (Giant Bird) Common Steal: 万能薬: Bannouyaku (Panacea) x1 Rare Steal: 黒のチョーカー: Kuro no Cho-ka- (Black Choker) x1 [Oversoul Common Steal]: 万能薬: Bannouyaku (Panacea) x1 [Oversoul Rare Steal]: メガフェニックス: Megafenikkusu (Mega Phoenix) x1 Elemental Attributes: Gravity Status Immunities: Petrification / Sleep / Darkness / Confuse / Berserk / Curse / Stop / Attack Power Down / Magic Power Down [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Petrification] / [Sleep] / [Darkness] / [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] / [Stop] / [Attack Power Down] / [Magic Power Down] Bribe: 5,000 Gil = 銀ぶちメガネ: Ginbuchi no Megane (Silver Spotted Glasses) x1 [Oversoul Bribe]: 5,000 Gil = 暗闇の衝撃: Kurayami no Shougeki (Darkness Shock) x1 ズー: Zuu (Zuu) /Zu/ [Oversoul: 10,805HP/112MP] Where Fought: Mihen Road (SL3/SL5) / Bikanel Desert Dig Area-北/North (SL3/SL5) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B27 (SL5) HP: 9,338 MP: 112 Gil: 164 Race: 巨鳥: Kyotori (Giant Bird) Common Steal: フェニックスの尾: Fenikkusu no O (Phoenix Tail) x1 Rare Steal: フェニックスの尾: Fenikkusu no O (Phoenix Tail) x2 [Oversoul Common Steal]: [Oversoul Rare Steal]: 烈火の指輪: Retsuhi no Yubiwa (Violent Fire Ring) x1 Elemental Attributes: No effect: Gravity Status Immunities: Petrification / Sleep / Darkness / Poison / Confuse / Berserk / Curse / Stop / Attack Power Down / Magic Power Down [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Petrification] / [Sleep] / [Darkness] / [Poison] / [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] / [Stop] / [Attack Power Down] / [Magic Power Down] Bribe: 37,352 Gil = 暗闇の衝撃: Kurayami no Shougeki (Darkness Shock) x1 [Oversoul Bribe]: 43,220 Gil = 炎と氷の指輪: Honoo to Koori no Yubiwa (Fire and Ice Ring) x1 ルフ: Rufu /Rukh/ [Oversoul: 16,493HP/112MP] Where Fought: Mushroom Rock Road (SL3) / Mount Gagazet Cliffs (Cave area-SL5) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B50 (SL5) HP: 12,850 MP: 112 Gil: 530 Race: 巨鳥: Kyotori (Giant Bird) Common Steal: フェニックスの尾: Fenikkusu no O (Phoenix Tail) x2 Rare Steal: エーテル: E-teru (Ether) x1 [Oversoul Common Steal]: [Oversoul Rare Steal]: 天使のイヤリング: Tenshi no Iyaringu (Angel Earring) x1 Elemental Attributes: No effect: Gravity Status Immunities: Death / Petrification / Sleep / Silence / Darkness / Poison / Confuse / Berserk / Curse / Slow / Stop / Attack Power Down / Magic Power Down / Defense Power Down / Magic Defense Down [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Death] / [Petrification] / [Sleep] / [Silence] / [Darkness] / [Poison] / [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] / [Slow] / [Stop] / [Attack Power Down] / [Magic Power Down] / [Defense Power Down] / [Magic Defense Down] Special Attributes: No damage from Magic [Oversoul Special Attributes]: [No damage from Magic] Bribe: 51,400 Gil = メガフェニックス: Megafenikkusu (Mega Phoenix) x18 [Oversoul Bribe]: 66,000 Gil = メガフェニックス: Megafenikkusu (Mega Phoenix) x18 レッサードレイク: Ressa-doreiku (Lesser Drake) /Lesser Drake/ [Oversoul: 2,108HP/33MP] Where Fought: Besaid Cave (SL2) / Thunder Plains (SL1/SL2) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B7 (SL5) HP: 577 MP: 33 Gil: 22 Race: ドレイク: Doreiku (Drake) Common Steal: ポーション: Po-shon (Potion) x1 Rare Steal: ボムのかけら: Bomu no Kakera (Bomb Fragment) x1 [Oversoul Common Steal]: 炎の魔石: Honoo no Maishi (Fire Gem) x3 [Oversoul Rare Steal]: 炎の魔石: Honoo no Maishi (Fire Gem) x4 Elemental Attributes: Weak against Ice No effect: Fire Status Immunities: Silence / Curse [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Silence] / [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] / [Attack Power Down] Bribe: 2,750 Gil = 炎の一閃: Honoo no Ichisen: Fire Flash x1 [Oversoul Bribe]: 8,432 Gil = 烈火の指輪: Retsuhi no Yubiwa (Violent Fire Ring) x1 スパインドレイク: Supaindoreiku (Spine Drake) /Spine Drake/ [Oversoul: 8,826HP/103MP] Where Fought: Besaid Cave (SL3/SL5) / Mushroom Rock Road (SL5) / Thunder Plains Monster Den (SL4) / Mount Gagazet Cliffs (SL3) / Mount Gagazet Ruins (SL3/SL5) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B36 (SL5) HP: 2,582 MP: 82 Gil: 127 Race: ドレイク: Doreiku (Drake) Common Steal: 北極の風: Hokkyoku no Kaze (North Pole Wind) x1 Rare Steal: 冷気の魔石: Reiki no Maishi (Cold Gem) x1 [Oversoul Common Steal]: 氷神の指輪: Hyoujin no Yubiwa (Ice God Ring) x1 [Oversoul Rare Steal]: 水神の指輪: Suijin no Yubiwa (Water God Ring) x1 Elemental Attributes: No effect: Ice Status Immunities: Sleep / Darkness / Poison / Curse / Slow [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Sleep] / [Darkness] / [Poison] / [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] / [Slow] / [Attack Power Down] Bribe: 10,328 Gil = 氷神の指輪: Hyoujin no Yubiwa (Ice God Ring) x1 [Oversoul Bribe]: 35,304 Gil = 極光の指輪: Kyokukou no Yubiwa (Aurora Ring) x1 ボルトドレイク: Borutodoreiku (Bolt Drake) /Bolt Drake/ [Oversoul: 2,492HP/42MP] Where Fought: Thunder Plains (SL2/SL3/SL4) / Bikanel Desert Dig Areas-西/West and 南/South (SL1/SL2/SL3/SL5) / Mount Gagazet Cliffs (SL5) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B24 (SL5) HP: 623 MP: 42 Gil: 130 Race: ドレイク: Doreiku (Drake) Common Steal: 落雷玉: Rakuraitama (Lightning Ball) x1 Rare Steal: 雷の指輪: Kaminari no Yubiwa (Lighting Ring) x1 [Oversoul Common Steal]: 雷の魔石: Kaminari no Maishi (Lightning Gem) x2 [Oversoul Rare Steal]: 雷の魔石: Kaminari no Maishi (Lightning Gem) x3 Elemental Attributes: Weak against Ice No effect: Lightning Status Immunities: Sleep / Curse [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Sleep] / [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] / [Attack Power Down] Bribe: 2,500 Gil = 雷の一閃: Kaminari no Ichisen (Lightning Flash) x1 [Oversoul Bribe]: 11,000 Gil = 雷神の指輪: Raijin no Yubiwa (Thunder God Ring) x1 グレータードレイク: Gure-ta-doreiku (Greater Drake) /Greater Drake/ [Oversoul: 6,658HP/107MP] Where Fought: Mushroom Rock Road (SL3) / Mount Gagazet (SL3/SL5) / Mount Gagazet Cave (SL3) / Calm Lands Secret Cave (SL5) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B47 (SL5) HP: 1,819 MP: 103 Gil: 140 Race: ドレイク: Doreiku (Drake) Common Steal: 炎の魔石: Honoo no Maishi (Fire Gem) x1 Rare Steal: 炎の魔石: Honoo no Maishi (Fire Gem) x2 [Oversoul Common Steal]: ア熙ホヒ簑ミ: Honoo no Maishi (Fire Gem) x3 [Oversoul Rare Steal]: 炎の魔石: Honoo no Maishi (Fire Gem) x10 Elemental Attributes: Weak against Ice No effect: Fire Status Immunities: Sleep / Silence / Darkness / Poison / Confuse / Berserk / Curse / Slow [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Sleep] / [Silence] / [Darkness] / [Poison] / [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] / [Slow] / [Attack Power Down] Bribe: 7,276 Gil = 炎神の指輪: Honoojin no Yubiwa (Fire God Ring) x1 [Oversoul Bribe]: 26,632 Gil = 炎と氷の指輪: Honoo to Koori no Yubiwa (Fire and Ice Ring) x3 エルダードレイク: Eruda-doreiku (Elder Drake) /Elder Drake/ [Oversoul: 42,350HP/135MP] Where Fought: Holy Bevelle Mausoleum-random floors (SL5) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B81 (SL5) HP: 38,500 MP: 135 Gil: 550 Race: ドレイク: Doreiku (Drake) Common Steal: エーテルターボ: E-teruta-bo (Ether Turbo) x1 Rare Steal: エーテルターボ: E-teruta-bo (Ether Turbo) x2 [Oversoul Common Steal]: エーテルターボ: E-teruta-bo (Ether Turbo) x1 [Oversoul Rare Steal]: エーテルターボ: E-teruta-bo (Ether Turbo) x2 Elemental Attributes: Weak against Fire / Ice / Lightning / Water Absorbs Gravity Status Immunities: Death / Petrification / Sleep / Silence / Darkness / Poison / Confuse / Berserk / Curse / Slow / Stop [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Death] / [Petrification] / [Sleep] / [Silence] / [Darkness] / [Poison] / [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] / [Slow] / [Stop] / [Attack Power Down] Special Attributes: Auto-Protect [Special Oversoul Attributes]: Auto-Protect Bribe: 154,000 Gil = メガポーション: Megapo-shon (Mega Potion) x85 [Oversoul Bribe]: 169,400 Gil = 妖術の真髄: Youjutsu no Shinzui (Witchcraft Essence) x9 ククルカン: Kukurukan /Kukulcan/ [Oversoul: 9,480HP/85MP] Where Fought: Under Bevelle (SL2) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B16 (SL5) HP: 2,868 MP: 85 Gil: 86 Race: 妖蛇: Youhebi (Bewitching Snake) Common Steal: 金の針: Kin no Hari (Gold Needle) x2 Rare Steal: 万能薬: Bannouyaku (Panacea) x1 [Oversoul Common Steal]: 万能薬: Bannouyaku (Panacea) x8 [Oversoul Rare Steal]: 万能薬: Bannouyaku (Panacea) x10 Elemental Attributes: Weak against Ice Status Immunities: Death / Petrification / Sleep / Poison / Confuse / Curse / Slow / Attack Power Down / Magic Power Down [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Death] / [Petrification] / [Sleep] / [Poison] / [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] / [Slow] / [Attack Power Down] / [Magic Power Down] Bribe: 11,472 Gil = 石化の衝撃: Sekika no Shougeki (Petrify Shock) x1 [Oversoul Bribe]: 40,000 Gil = 石化の衝撃: Sekika no Shougeki (Petrify Shock) x4 グクマッツ: Gukumattsu /Gucumatz/ [Oversoul: 13,820HP/140MP] Where Fought: Mushroom Rock Road (SL5) / Thunder Plains (SL3) / Bikanel Desert Dig Area-北/North (SL3) / Yevon Dome (SL5) / Calm Lands Secret Cave (SL5) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B33 (SL5) HP: 3,720 MP: 140 Gil: 173 Race: 妖蛇: Youhebi (Bewitching Snake) Common Steal: 金の針: Kin no Hari (Gold Needle) x2 Rare Steal: 金のアンクレット: Kin no Ankuretto (Gold Anklet) x4 [Oversoul Common Steal]: 魔力の薬: Maryoku no Kusuri (Magic Power Medicine) x2 [Oversoul Rare Steal]: 魔力の薬: Maryoku no Kusuri (Magic Power Medicine) x3 Elemental Attributes: Weak against Ice No effect: Gravity Status Immunities: Death / Petrification / Sleep / Poison / Confuse / Curse / Slow / Attack Power Down / Magic Power Down [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Death] / [Petrification] / [Sleep] / [Poison] / [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] / [Slow] / [Attack Power Down] / [Magic Power Down] Bribe: 14,880 Gil = 石化の衝撃: Sekika no Shougeki (Petrify Shock) x1 [Oversoul Bribe]: 55,280 Gil = 石化の衝撃: Sekika no Shougeki (Petrify Shock) x6 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 5 チャク: Chaku /Chac/ [Oversoul: 459,743HP/820MP] Where Fought: Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B80 (SL5-Boss) Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B81 (SL5) HP: 437,850 MP: 820 Gil: 750 Race: 妖蛇: Youhebi (Bewitching Snake) Common Steal: エーテル: E-teru (Ether) x1 Rare Steal: エーテル: E-teru (Ether) x2 [Oversoul Common Steal]: エーテル: E-teru (Ether) x1 [Oversoul Rare Steal]: エーテル: E-teru (Ether) x2 Elemental Attributes: Weak against Ice No effect: Gravity Absorbs Lightning Status Immunities: Death / Petrification / Sleep / Silence / Darkness / Poison / Confuse / Berserk / Curse / Slow / Stop / Attack Power Down / Magic Power Down / Defense Power Down / Magic Defense Down [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Death] / [Petrification] / [Sleep] / [Silence] / [Darkness] / [Poison] / [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] / [Slow] / [Stop] / [Attack Power Down] / [Magic Power Down] / [Defense Power Down] / [Magic Defense Down] Bribe: 1,751,400 Gil = 至高の魔石: Shikou no Maishi (Supreme Gem) x3 [Oversoul Bribe]: 1,838,972 Gil = 至高の魔石: Shikou no Maishi (Supreme Gem) x8 イビリタケ: Ibiritake /Evil Mushroom/ [Oversoul: 376HP/83MP] Where Fought: Mihen Road (SL1/SL2) / Mushroom Rock Road (SL1/SL2) / Mount Gagazet Cave (SL1) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B13 (SL5) HP: 94 MP: 83 Gil: 14 Race: キノコ: Kinoko (Mushroom) Common Steal: 目薬: Megusuri (Eyedrop) x1 Rare Steal: 万能薬: Bannouyaku (Panacea) x1 [Oversoul Common Steal]: 目薬: Megusuri (Eyedrop) x2 [Oversoul Rare Steal]: 万能薬: Bannouyaku (Panacea) x3 Elemental Attributes: Weak against Fire Half damage: Water Status Immunities: Silence / Darkness / Berserk / Curse [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Silence] / [Darkness] / [Confuse] / [Curse] Bribe: 400 Gil = 目薬: Megusuri (Eyedrop) x7 [Oversoul Bribe]: 1,504 Gil = 万能薬: Bannouyaku (Panacea) x1 ヤマイタケ: Yamaitake (Mountain Mushroom) /Leccinum/ [Oversoul: 3,240HP/120MP] Where Fought: Mihen Road (SL3/SL5) / Mount Gagazet Cliffs (SL3/SL5) / Mount Gagazet Cave (SL3) / Yevon Dome (SL3) / Behind Yunalesca's Chamber (SL3) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B36 (SL5) HP: 810 MP: 120 Gil: 83 Race: キノコ: Kinoko (Mushroom) Common Steal: 毒消し: Dokukeshi (Antidote) x2 Rare Steal: 毒消し: Dokukeshi (Antidote) x3 [Oversoul Common Steal]: [Oversoul Rare Steal]: 水神の指輪: Mizujin no Yubiwa (Water God Ring) x1 Elemental Attributes: Weak against Fire Half damage: Water Status Immunities: Sleep / Darkness / Berserk / Curse [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Sleep] / [Darkness] / [Confuse] / [Curse] Bribe: 3,240 Gil = 星のペンダント: Hoshi no Pendanto (Star Pendant) x1 [Oversoul Bribe]: 12,960 Gil = 星のペンダント: Hoshi no Pendanto (Star Pendant) x3 アヤメタケ: Ayametake /Chrysenteroides/ [Oversoul: 10,998HP/270MP] Where Fought: Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B81 (SL5) HP: 9,999 MP: 270 Gil: 320 Race: キノコ: Kinoko (Mushroom) Common Steal: エーテル: E-teru (Ether) x1 Rare Steal: エーテル: E-teru (Ether) x2 [Oversoul Common Steal]: エーテル: E-teru (Ether) x1 [Oversoul Rare Steal]: エーテル: E-teru (Ether) x2 Elemental Attributes: Weak against Fire Half damage: Water No effect: Gravity Status Immunities: Death / Petrification / Sleep / Silence / Darkness / Poison / Confuse / Berserk / Curse / Slow / Stop [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Death] / [Petrification] / [Sleep] / [Silence] / [Darkness] / [Poison] / [Confuse] / [Curse] / [Slow] / [Stop] Special Attributes: Auto-Regen [Oversoul Special Attributes]: [Auto-Regen] Bribe: 39,996 Gil = ロイヤルクラウン: Roiyarukuraun (Royal Crown) x4 [Oversoul Bribe]: 53,992 Gil = ばれるの心得: Abareru no Kokoroe (Rage Heart) x3 イビリスギタケ: Ibirisugitake /Evil Pholiota/ [Oversoul: 5,124HP/128MP] Where Fought: Bikanel Desert Sabotender Hole (SL5) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B50 (SL5) HP: 4,880 MP: 128 Gil: 48 Race: キノコ: Kinoko (Mushroom) Common Steal: 黒のチョーカー: Kuro no Cho-ka- (Black Choker) x1 Rare Steal: やすらぎのポプリ: Yasuragi no Popuri (Tranquil Potpourri) x1 [Oversoul Common Steal]: 黒のチョーカー: Kuro no Cho-ka- (Black Choker) x1 [Oversoul Rare Steal]: やすらぎのポプリ: Yasuragi no Popuri (Tranquil Potpourri) x1 Elemental Attributes: Weak against Fire No effect: Gravity Absorbs Water Status Immunities: Petrification / Sleep / Silence / Darkness / Poison / Confuse / Berserk / Curse / Stop [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Petrification] / [Sleep] / [Silence] / [Darkness] / [Poison] / [Confuse] / [Curse] / [Stop] Bribe: 19,520 Gil = やすらぎのポプリ: Yasuragi no Popuri (Tranquil Potpourri) x1 [Oversoul Bribe]: 21,000 Gil = やすらぎのポプリ: Yasuragi no Popuri (Tranquil Potpourri) x3 ハイズォ: Haizuo /Hayzor/ [Oversoul: 2,612HP/0MP] Where Fought: Macalania Forest (SL1/SL2) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B16 (SL5) HP: 653 MP: 0 Gil: 22 Race: ハイズォ: Haizuo Common Steal: フェニックスの尾: Fenikkusu no O (Phoenix Tail) x1 Rare Steal: きれいなグラス玉: Kireinagurasutama (Beautiful Glass Ball) x1 [Oversoul Common Steal]: 銀の砂時計: Gin no Sunadokei (Silver Hourglass) x1 [Oversoul Rare Steal]: 銀の砂時計: Gin no Sunadokei (Silver Hourglass) x2 Elemental Attributes: Weak against Lightning / Gravity Status Immunities: Petrification / Sleep / Silence / Curse / Magic Power Down / Magic Defense Down [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Petrification] / [Sleep] / [Silence] / [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] / [Magic Power Down] / [Magic Defense Down] Bribe: 2,612 Gil = きれいなグラス玉: Kireinagurasutama (Beautiful Glass Ball) x1 [Oversoul Bribe]: 10,448 Gil = 休まずのワッペン: Yasumazu no Wappen (Restless Crest) x1 ディープハイズォ: Di-puhaizuo (Deep Haizuo) /Deep Hayzor/ [Oversoul: 4,119HP/122MP] Where Fought: Macalania Forest (SL1/SL2/SL3) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B24 (SL5) HP: 1,030 MP: 122 Gil: 40 Race: ハイズォ: Haizuo Common Steal: 金のアンクレット: Kin no Ankuretto (Gold Anklet) x1 Rare Steal: 光るトンボ玉: Hikarutonbotama (Light Tonba? Ball) x1 [Oversoul Common Steal]: 金の砂時計: Kin no Sunadokei (Gold Hourglass) x1 [Oversoul Rare Steal]: 金の砂時計: Kin no Sunadokei (Gold Hourglass) x2 Elemental Attributes: Weak against Lightning / Gravity Status Immunities: Petrification / Sleep / Silence / Confuse / Curse / Magic Power Down / Magic Defense Down [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Petrification] / [Sleep] / [Silence] / [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] / [Magic Power Down] / [Magic Defense Down] Bribe: 4,120 Gil = 光るトンボ玉: Hikarutonbotama (Light Tonba? Ball) x1 [Oversoul Bribe]: 16,476 Gil = 休まずのワッペン: Yasumazu no Wappen (Restless Crest) x1 サンドウォーム: Sandouo-mu (Sand Worm) /Sand Worm/ [Oversoul: 20,558HP/42MP] Where Fought: Bikanel Desert Dig Area-北/North (SL3/SL5) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B24 (SL5) HP: 12,722 MP: 42 Gil: 340 Race: ウォーム: Uo-mu (Worm) Common Steal: フェニックスの尾: Fenikkusu no O (Phoenix Tail) x1 Rare Steal: フェニックスの尾: Fenikkusu no O (Phoenix Tail) x2 [Oversoul Common Steal]: 体力の薬: Tairyoku no Kusuri (Stamina Medicine) x1 [Oversoul Rare Steal]: 体力の薬: Tairyoku no Kusuri (Stamina Medicine) x2 Elemental Attributes: Weak against Water No effect: Gravity Status Immunities: Death / Petrification / Sleep / Silence / Darkness / Confuse / Curse / Slow / Stop [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Death] / [Petrification] / [Sleep] / [Silence] / [Darkness] / [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] / [Slow] / [Stop] Bribe: 50,888 Gil = 重力の指輪: Juuryoku no Yubiwa (Gravity Ring) x3 [Oversoul Bribe]: 82,232 Gil = 奥義の心得: Ougi no Kokoroe (Secrets Heart) x1 アースウォーム: A-suuo-mu (Earth Worm) /Earth Worm/ [Oversoul: 52,545HP/95MP] Where Fought: Farplane Core (SL5) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B65 (SL5) HP: 36,233 MP: 95 Gil: 6,000 Race: ウォーム: Uo-mu (Worm) Common Steal: Rare Steal: メガポーション: Megapo-shon (Mega Potion) x1 [Oversoul Common Steal]: [Oversoul Rare Steal]: メガポーション: Megapo-shon (Mega Potion) x1 Elemental Attributes: Weak against Water No effect: Gravity Status Immunities: Death / Petrification / Sleep / Silence / Darkness / Confuse / Curse / Slow / Stop [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Death] / [Petrification] / [Sleep] / [Silence] / [Darkness] / [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] / [Blown Away] / [Slow] / [Stop] Bribe: 144,932 Gil = ラストエリクサー: Rasutoerikusa- (Last Elixir) x4 [Oversoul Bribe]: 210,200 = クリスタルバングル: Kurisutarubanguru (Crystal Bangle) x5 クシファクティヌス: Kushifakutinusu /Xiphactinus/ [Oversoul: 2,892HP/0MP] Where Fought: Macalania Forest (SL1/SL2) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B13 (SL5) HP: 773 MP: 0 Gil: 30 Race: 古代魚: Kodai Sakana (Ancient Fish) Common Steal: 魚のウロコ: Sanaka no Uroko (Fish Scale) x1 Rare Steal: 魚のウロコ: Sanaka no Uroko (Fish Scale) x1 [Oversoul Common Steal]: 水の魔石: Mizu no Maishi (Water Gem) x1 [Oversoul Rare Steal]: 水の魔石: Mizu no Maishi (Water Gem) x3 Elemental Attributes: Weak against Lightning / Gravity Status Immunities: Petrification / Sleep / Curse [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Petrification] / [Sleep] / [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] Bribe: 3,092 Gil = 水の魔石: Mizu no Maishi (Water Gem) x19 [Oversoul Bribe]: 15,000 Gil = 浄水の指輪: Jousui no Yubiwa (Clear Water Ring) x1 ディニクチス: Dinikuchisu /Dinictus/ [Oversoul: 7,792HP/0MP] Where Fought: Lake Macalania SL3/SL5) / Calm Lands Secret Cave (SL5) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B41 (SL5) HP: 1,873 MP: 0 Gil: 88 Race: 古代魚: Kodai Sakana (Ancient Fish) Common Steal: 水の魔石: Mizu no Maishi (Water Gem) x1 Rare Steal: 水の魔石: Mizu no Maishi (Water Gem) x2 [Oversoul Common Steal]: [Oversoul Rare Steal]: 雷と水の指輪: Kaminari to Mizu no Yubiwa (Lightning and Water Ring) x1 Elemental Attributes: Weak against Lightning / Gravity No effect: Water Status Immunities: Petrification / Sleep / Curse [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Petrification] / [Sleep] / [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] Bribe: 7,500 Gil = 水の指輪: Mizu no Yubiwa (Water Ring) x1 [Oversoul Bribe]: 31,200 Gil = 雷と水の指輪: Kaminari to Mizu no Yubiwa (Lightning and Water Ring) x1 ヒュージゲル: Hyu-jigeru (Huge Gel) /Huge Gel/ [Oversoul: 2,333HP/999MP] Where Fought: Macalania Forest (SL1/SL2/SL3) / Calm Lands (SL1/SL5) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B27 (SL5) HP: 973 MP: 999 Gil: 380 Race: ゲル: Geru (Gel) Common Steal: Rare Steal: 氷の指輪: Koori no Yubiwa (Ice Ring) x1 [Oversoul Common Steal]: 水の魔石: Mizu no Maishi (Water Gem) x3 [Oversoul Rare Steal]: 水の魔石: Mizu no Maishi (Water Gem) x4 Elemental Attributes: Random (Starts battle Weak against Ice) Status Immunities: Death / Petrification / Sleep / Silence / Darkness / Poison / Confuse / Berserk / Curse / Slow / Stop [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Death] / [Petrification] / [Sleep] / [Silence] / [Darkness] / [Poison] / [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] / [Blown Away] / [Slow] / [Stop] [Oversoul Special Attributes]: [No damage from Physical Attack] Bribe: 3,892 Gil = 水の指輪: Mizu no Yubiwa (Water Ring) x1 [Oversoul Bribe]: 9,500 Gil = 浄水の指輪: Jousui no Yubiwa (Clear Water Ring) x1 バリアブルゲル: Bariaburugeru (Variable Gel) /Variable Gel/ [Oversoul: 16,700HP/9,999MP] Where Fought: Macalania Forest (SL3/SL5) / Calm Lands (SL5) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B75 (SL5) HP: 6,680 MP: 9,999 Gil: 380 Race: ゲル: Geru (Gel) Common Steal: 水の指輪: Mizu no Yubiwa (Water Ring) x1 Rare Steal: 水神の指輪: Mizujin no Yubiwa (Water God Ring) x1 [Oversoul Common Steal]: [Oversoul Rare Steal]: 雷と水の指輪: Kaminari to Mizu no Yubiwa (Lighting and Water Ring) x1 Elemental Attributes: Random (Starts battle Weak against Lightning) Status Immunities: Death / Petrification / Sleep / Silence / Darkness / Poison / Confuse / Berserk / Curse / Slow / Stop [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Death] / [Petrification] / [Sleep] / [Silence] / [Darkness] / [Poison] / [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] / [Blown Away] / [Slow] / [Stop] Special Attributes: No damage from physical attack [Oversoul Special Attributes]: [No damage from physical attack] Bribe: 26,750 Gil = 黒魔法の心得: Kuromahou no Kokoroe (Black Magic Heart) x1 [Oversoul Bribe]: 66,800 Gil = 黒魔法の心得: Kuromahou no Kokoroe (Black Magic Heart) x2 ベヒーモス: Behi-mosu (Behemoth) /Behemoth/ [Oversoul: 1,491HP/280MP] Where Fought: Yevon Dome (SL2) / Behind Yunalesca's Chamber (SL1/SL2) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B7 (SL5) HP: 1,420 MP: 280 Gil: 80 Race: ベヒーモス: Behi-mosu (Behemoth) Common Steal: フェニックスの尾: Fenikkusu no O (Phoenix Tail) x1 Rare Steal: 電気玉: Denkitama (Electric Ball) x2 [Oversoul Common Steal]: [Oversoul Rare Steal]: サークレット: Sa-kuretto (Circlet) x1 Elemental Attributes: No effect: Gravity Absorbs Lightning Status Immunities: Death / Sleep / Silence / Darkness / Poison / Confuse / Curse / Stop [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Death] / [Sleep] / [Silence] / [Darkness] / [Poison] / [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] / [Stop] Bribe: 7,000 Gil = ヒュプノクラウン: Hyupunokuraun (Hypno Crown) x2 [Oversoul Bribe]: 5,964 Gil = 天雷の指輪: Tenrai no Yubiwa (Thunder Cloud Ring) x1 フンババ: Funbaba /Humbaba/ [Oversoul: 30,163HP/785MP] Where Fought: Thunder Plains (SL5-Boss) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B36 (SL5) HP: 27,772 MP: 785 Gil: 550 Race: ベヒーモス: Behi-mosu (Behemoth) Common Steal: ハイポーション: Haipo-shon (High Potion) x2 Rare Steal: エーテル: E-teru (Ether) x1 [Oversoul Common Steal]: [Oversoul Rare Steal]: フォーシールド: Fo-shi-rudo (Four Shield) x1 Elemental Attributes: No effect: Gravity Absorbs Lightning Status Immunities: Death / Petrification / Sleep / Silence / Darkness / Poison / Confuse / Berserk / Curse / Slow / Stop [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Death] / [Petrification] / [Sleep] / [Silence] / [Darkness] / [Poison] / [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] / [Slow] / [Stop] Bribe: 111,088 Gil = ばれるの心得: Abareru no Kokoroe (Rage Heart) x2 [Oversoul Bribe]: 121,000 Gil = ばれるの心得: Abareru no Kokoroe (Rage Heart) x2 フレイムドラゴン: Fureimudoragon (Flame Dragon) /Flame Dragon/ [Oversoul: 1883HP/84MP] Where Fought: Besaid Cave (SL1-Boss) (SL3/SL5) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B7 (SL5) HP: 980 MP: 84 Gil: 300 Race: ドラゴン: Doragon (Dragon) Common Steal: ハイポーション: Haipo-shon (High Potion) x1 Rare Steal: ハイポーション: Haipo-shon (High Potion) x2 [Oversoul Common Steal]: [Oversoul Rare Steal]: ハイポーション: Haipo-shon (High Potion) x4 Elemental Attributes: Weak against Ice Half Damage: Fire No effect: Gravity Status Immunities: Death / Petrification / Sleep / Silence / Confuse / Curse / Stop [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Death] / [Petrification] / [Sleep] / [Silence] / [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] / [Stop] Bribe: 4,500 Gil = 炎の魔石: Honoo no Maishi (Fire Gem) x22 [Oversoul Bribe]: 7,532 Gil = 炎神の指輪: Honoojin no Yubiwa (Fire God Ring) x1 ザラマンデル: Zaramanderu (Zauramander) /Salamander/ [Oversoul: 14,243HP/276MP] Where Fought: Thunder Plains Monster Den (SL4-Boss) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B41 (SL5) HP: 12,850 MP: 276 Gil: 930 Race: ドラゴン: Doragon (Dragon) Common Steal: Rare Steal: 炎と氷の指輪: Honoo to Koori no Yubiwa (Fire and Ice Ring) x1 [Oversoul Common Steal]: [Oversoul Rare Steal]: 炎と氷の閃光: Honoo to Koori no Senkou (Fire and Ice Flash) x1 Elemental Attributes: Weak against Ice No effect: Gravity Status Immunities: Death / Petrification / Sleep / Silence / Poison / Confuse / Curse / Slow / Stop / Attack Power Down / Magic Power Down / Defense Power Down / Magic Defense Down [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Death] / [Petrification] / [Sleep] / [Silence] / [Poison] / [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] / [Slow] / [Stop] / [Attack Power Down] / [Magic Power Down] / [Defense Power Down] / [Magic Defense Down] Special Attributes: No damage from magic [Oversoul Special Attributes]: [No damage from magic] Bribe: 51,750 Gil = 烈火の指輪: Retsuhi no Yubiwa (Violent Fire Ring) x1 [Oversoul Bribe]: 56,972 Gil = フォーブレス: Fo-buresu (Four Breath) x1 ルブルムドラゴン: Ruburumudoragon (Rubrum Dragon) /Rubrum Dragon/ [Oversoul: 18,186HP/378MP] Where Fought: Farplane Core (SL5) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B61 (SL5) HP: 17,320 MP: 378 Gil: 780 Race: ドラゴン: Doragon (Dragon) Common Steal: ハイポーション: Haipo-shon (High Potion) x1 Rare Steal: エーテル: E-teru (Ether) x1 [Oversoul Common Steal]: エーテル: E-teru (Ether) x2 [Oversoul Rare Steal]: エーテル: E-teru (Ether) x3 Elemental Attributes: Absorbs Fire / Ice / Lightning / Water / Gravity / Holy Status Immunities: Death / Petrification / Sleep / Silence / Darkness / Poison / Confuse / Curse / Slow / Stop / Attack Power Down / Magic Power Down / Defense Power Down / Magic Defense Down [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Death] / [Petrification] / [Sleep] / [Silence] / [Darkness] / [Poison] / [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] / [Slow] / [Stop] / [Attack Power Down] / [Magic Power Down] / [Defense Power Down] / [Magic Defense Down] Bribe: 69,300 Gil = 炎と氷の指輪: Honoo to Koori no Yubiwa (Fire and Ice Ring) x3 [Oversoul Bribe]: 72,744 Gil = 黒魔法の真髄: Kuromahou no Shinzui (Black Magic Essence) x1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 6 オチュー: Ochuu (Ochu) /Otyugh/ [Oversoul: 3,755HP/62MP] Where Fought: Thunder Plains (SL1/SL2) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B4 (SL5) HP: 1,480 MP: 62 Gil: 133 Race: オチュー: Ochuu (Ochu) Common Steal: 毒消し: Dokukeshi (Antidote) x1 Rare Steal: ねじりはちまき: Nejirihachimaki (Twist Headband) x1 [Oversoul Common Steal]: [Oversoul Rare Steal]: 沈黙の衝撃: Chinmoku no Shougeki (Silence Shock) x1 Elemental Attributes: Weak against Fire Half damage: Water No effect: Gravity Status Immunities: Petrification / Poison / Curse / Slow / Stop [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Petrification] / [Poison] / [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] / [Slow] / [Stop] Bribe: 6,500 Gil = 黒のチョーカー: Kuro no Cho-ka- (Black Choker) x1 [Oversoul Bribe]: 16,000 Gil = 妖精のピアス: Yousei no Piasu (Fairy Pierce) x2 ねぼけオチュー: Nebokeochu- /Sleepy Otyugh/ [Oversoul: 2,608HP/103MP] Where Fought: Mushroom Rock Road (SL2-Not random) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B27 (SL5) HP: 2,484 MP: 103 Gil: 180 Race: オチュー: Ochuu (Ochu) Common Steal: 万能薬: Bannouyaku (Panacea) x1 Rare Steal: 万能薬: Bannouyaku (Panacea) x2 [Oversoul Common Steal]: [Oversoul Rare Steal]: ビーズのブローチ: Bi-zu no Buro-chi (Beads Brooch) x1 Elemental Attributes: Weak against Fire Half damage: Water No effect: Gravity Status Immunities: Death / Petrification / Silence / Darkness / Poison / Confuse / Berserk / Curse / Slow / Stop [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Death] / [Petrification] / [Silence] / [Darkness] / [Poison] / [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] / [Slow] / [Stop] Bribe: Cannot Bribe [Oversoul Bribe]: Cannot Bribe ばれオチュー: Abareochu- (Rage Ochu) /Raging Otyugh/ [Oversoul: 24,650HP/85MP] Where Fought: Yevon Dome (SL3/SL5) / Behind Yunalesca's Chamber (SL3) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B47 (SL5) HP: 9,860 MP: 85 Gil: 430 Race: オチュー: Ochu- (Ochu) Common Steal: 万能薬: Bannouyaku (Panacea) x1 Rare Steal: ホワイトケープ: Howaitoke-pu (White Cape) x1 [Oversoul Common Steal]: [Oversoul Rare Steal]: 沈黙の衝撃: Chinmoku no Shougeki (Silence Shock) x1 Elemental Attributes: Weak against Fire Half damage: Water No effect: Gravity Status Immunities: Death / Petrification / Sleep / Confuse / Berserk / Curse / Slow / Stop [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Death] / [Petrification] / [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] / [Slow] / [Stop] Bribe: 40,250 Gil = ビーズのブローチ: Bi-zu no Buro-chi (Beads Brooch) x1 [Oversoul Bribe]: 98,750 Gil = 妖精のピアス: Yousei no Piasu (Fairy Pierce) x1 クァール: Kua-ru /Coeurl/ [Oversoul: 1,380HP/310MP] Where Fought: Besaid Cave (SL1/SL2) / Calm Lands (SL1/SL2) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B7 (SL5) HP: 320 MP: 310 Gil: 30 Race: クァール: Kua-ru (Coeurl) Common Steal: フェニックスの尾: Fenikkusu no O (Phoenix Tail) x1 Rare Steal: フェニックスの尾: Fenikkusu no O (Phoenix Tail) x2 [Oversoul Common Steal]: フェニックスの尾: Fenikkusu no O (Phoenix Tail) x3 [Oversoul Rare Steal]: フェニックスの尾: Fenikkusu no O (Phoenix Tail) x4 Elemental Attributes: No effect: Gravity Status Immunities: Petrification / Sleep / Berserk / Curse / Magic Defense Down [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Petrification] / [Sleep] / [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] / [Magic Power Down] / [Magic Defense Down] Bribe: 1,500 Gil = 異界の影: Ikai no Kage (Other World Shadow) x5 [Oversoul Bribe]: 5,520 Gil = 天使のイヤリング: Tenshi no Iyaringu (Angel Earring) x1 クィーンクァール: Kui-nkua-ru /Queen Coeurl/ [Oversoul: 12,480HP/1,400MP] Where Fought: Besaid Cave (SL3/SL5) / Kilika Forest (SL3/SL5) / Mihen Road (SL3/SL5) / Behind Monster Arena (SL2) / Mount Gagazet Ruins (SL3) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B27 (SL5) HP: 3,270 MP: 1,340 Gil: 330 Race: クァール: Kua-ru (Coeurl) Common Steal: フェニックスの尾: Fenikkusu no O (Phoenix Tail) x1 Rare Steal: エーテル: E-teru (Ether) x1 [Oversoul Common Steal]: [Oversoul Rare Steal]: 死の衝撃: Shi no Shougeki (Death Shock) x1 Elemental Attributes: No effect: Gravity Status Immunities: Petrification / Sleep / Darkness / Berserk / Curse / Slow / Stop / Magic Defense Down [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Petrification] / [Sleep] / [Darkness] / [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] / [Slow] / [Stop] / [Magic Power Down] / [Magic Defense Down] Bribe: 13,080 Gil = エーテル: E-teru (Ether) x27 [Oversoul Bribe]: 49,920 Gil = エーテルターボ: E-teruta-bo (Ether Turbo) x25 ディフェンダー: Difenda- (Defender) /Defender/ [Oversoul: 1,312HP/175MP] Where Fought: Kilika Forest (SL1) / Thunder Plains (SL1/SL2) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B4 (SL5) HP: 1,240 MP: 175 Gil: 100 Race: アーマー: A-ma- (Armor) Common Steal: フェニックスの尾: Fenikkusu no O (Phoenix Tail) x1 Rare Steal: ガントレット: Gantoretto (Gauntlet) x1 [Oversoul Common Steal]: [Oversoul Rare Steal]: ダイヤの小手: Daiya no Kote (Diamond Gauntlet) x1 Elemental Attributes: No effect: Gravity Status Immunities: Death / Sleep / Silence / Darkness / Poison / Berserk / Curse / Slow / Stop / Defense Power Down / Magic Defense Down [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Death] / [Sleep] / [Silence] / [Darkness] / [Poison] / [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] / [Slow] / [Stop] / [Defense Power Down] / [Magic Defense Down] Bribe: 6,000 Gil = 黒の魔石: Kuro no Maishi (Black Gem) x20 [Oversoul Bribe]: 5,248 Gil = 黒の魔石: Kuro no Maishi (Black Gem) x23 アイアンサイド: Aiansaido (Ironside) /Iron Side/ [Oversoul: 12,154HP/1,400MP] Where Fought: Kilika Forest (SL3/SL5) / Thunder Plains Monster Den (SL4) / Yevon Dome (SL3/SL5) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B30 (SL5) HP: 8,432 MP: 1,400 Gil: 200 Race: アーマー: A-ma- (Armor) Common Steal: 黒の魔石: Kuro no Maishi (Black Gem) x2 Rare Steal: 黒の魔石: Kuro no Maishi (Black Gem) x3 [Oversoul Common Steal]: 体力の薬: Tairyoku no Kusuri (Stamina Medicine) x6 [Oversoul Rare Steal]: 体力の薬: Tairyoku no Kusuri (Stamina Medicine) x8 Elemental Attributes: No effect: Gravity Status Immunities: Death / Petrification / Sleep / Silence / Darkness / Poison / Confuse / Berserk / Curse / Slow / Stop / Attack Power Down / Magic Power Down / Defense Power Down / Magic Defense Down [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Death] / [Petrification] / [Sleep] / [Silence] / [Darkness] / [Poison] / [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] / [Slow] / [Stop] / [Attack Power Down] / [Magic Power Down] / [Defense Power Down] / [Magic Defense Down] Bribe: 33,800 Gil = 光の魔石: Hikari no Maishi (Light Gem) x13 [Oversoul Bribe]: 48,616 Gil = 光の魔石: Hikari no Maishi (Light Gem) x23 モルボル: Moruboru (Molbol) /Marlboro/ [Oversoul: 6,171HP/110MP] Where Fought: Besaid (SL3/SL5) / Thunder Plains (SL4/SL5) / Under Bevelle (SL3-Boss) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B24 (SL5) HP: 5,877 MP: 110 Gil: 370 Race: モルボル: Moruboru (Molbol) Common Steal: ハイポーション: Haipo-shon (High Potion) x1 Rare Steal: ハイポーション: Haipo-shon (High Potion) x2 [Oversoul Common Steal]: 万能薬: Bannouyaku (Panacea) x8 [Oversoul Rare Steal]: 万能薬: Bannouyaku (Panacea) x10 Elemental Attributes: No effect: Gravity Status Immunities: Death / Petrification / Sleep / Silence / Poison / Confuse / Berserk / Curse / Slow / Stop [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Death] / [Petrification] / [Sleep] / [Silence] / [Poison] / [Confuse] / [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] / [Slow] / [Stop] Bribe: 23,508 Gil = 万能薬: Bannouyaku (Panacea) x39 [Oversoul Bribe]: 24,684 Gil = ビーズのブローチ: Bi-zu no Buro-chi (Beads Brooch) x1 モルボルグレート: Moruborugure-to (Molbol Great) /Great Marlboro/ [Oversoul: 19,937HP/152MP] Where Fought: Farplane Core (SL5) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B70 (SL5) HP: 12,988 MP: 152 Gil: 1,200 Race: モルボル: Moruboru (Molbol) Common Steal: Rare Steal: 魔除薬: Majokusuri (Magic Abolish Medicine) x1 [Oversoul Common Steal]: 万能薬: Bannouyaku (Panacea) x2 [Oversoul Rare Steal]: 万能薬: Bannouyaku (Panacea) x3 Elemental Attributes: No effect: Gravity Status Immunities: Death / Petrification / Sleep / Silence / Darkness / Poison / Confuse / Berserk / Curse / Slow / Stop [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Death] / [Petrification] / [Sleep] / [Silence] / [Darkness] / [Poison] / [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] / [Slow] / [Stop] Bribe: 51,932 Gil = 白魔法の真髄: Shiromahou no Shinzui (White Magic Essence) x1 [Oversoul Bribe]: 79,748 Gil = 白魔法の真髄: Shiromahou no Shinzui (White Magic Essence) x2 ボム: Bomu (Bomb) /Bomb/ [Oversoul: 545HP/265MP] Where Fought: Mount Gagazet Ruins (SL1) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B4 (SL5) HP: 140 MP: 265 Gil: 30 Race: ボム: Bomu (Bomb) Common Steal: ポーション: Po-shon (Potion) x1 Rare Steal: ボムのかけら: Bomu no Kakera (Bomb Fragment) x1 [Oversoul Common Steal]: ボムのかけら: Bomu no Kakera (Bomb Fragment) x2 [Oversoul Rare Steal]: ボムの魂: Bomu no Tamashii (Bomb Soul) x1 Elemental Attributes: Weak against Ice / Water Absorbs Fire Status Immunities: Sleep / Confuse / Berserk / Curse [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Sleep] / [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] Bribe: 650 Gil = 炎の魔石: Honoo no Maishi (Fire Gem) x3 [Oversoul Bribe]: 3,000 Gil = 炎の指輪: Honoo no Yubiwa (Fire Ring) x1 デトネイター: Detoneita- (Detonator) /Detonater/ [Oversoul: 7,220HP/423MP] Where Fought: Bevelle Temple (SL3/SL5) / Under Bevelle (SL3/SL5) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B24 (SL5) HP: 1,860 MP: 423 Gil: 98 Race: ボム: Bomu (Bomb) Common Steal: ボムの魂: Bomu no Tamashii (Bomb Soul) x1 Rare Steal: 命のロウソク: Inochi no Rousoku (Candle of Life) x1 [Oversoul Common Steal]: [Oversoul Rare Steal]: 炎の魔石: Honoo no Maishi (Fire Gem) x2 Elemental Attributes: Weak against Ice No effect: Gravity Absorbs Fire Status Immunities: Sleep / Silence / Confuse / Berserk / Curse [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Sleep] / [Silence] / [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] Bribe: 7,440 Gil = 命のロウソク: Inochi no Rousoku (Candle of Life) x60 [Oversoul Bribe]: 28,880 Gil = ソウルオブサマサ: Souruobusamasa (Soul of Samantha) x1 ボルケーノ: Boruke-no (Volcano) /Volcano/ [Oversoul: 10,840HP/488MP] Where Fought: Farplane Core (SL5) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B65 (SL5) HP: 6,210 MP: 488 Gil: 330 Race: ボム: Bomu (Bomb) Common Steal: ハイポーション: Haipo-shon (High Potion) x1 Rare Steal: 炎神の指輪: Honoojin no Yubiwa (Fire God Ring) x1 [Oversoul Common Steal]: 炎の魔石: Honoo no Maishi (Fire Gem) x2 [Oversoul Rare Steal]: 炎の魔石: Honoo no Maishi (Fire Gem) x3 Elemental Attributes: No effect: Gravity Absorbs Fire Status Immunities: Sleep / Silence / Confuse / Berserk / Curse [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Sleep] / [Silence] / [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] Bribe: 24,840 Gil = 烈火の指輪: Retsuhi no Yubiwa (Violent Fire Ring) x2 [Oversoul Bribe]: 43,360 Gil = ソウルオブサマサ: Souruobusamasa (Soul of Samantha) x4 鉄巨人: Tetsukyojin (Iron Giant) /Iron Giant/ [Oversoul: 233HP/0MP] Where Fought: Besaid (SL1/SL2) / Mihen Road (SL1/SL2) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B1 (SL5) HP: 222 MP: 0 Gil: 40 Race: 鉄巨人: Tetsukyojin (Iron Giant) Common Steal: やすもの手榴弾: Yasumonoshuryuudan (Cheap Grenade) x1 Rare Steal: 手榴弾: Shuryuudan (Grenade) x1 [Oversoul Common Steal]: M爆弾: M Bakudan (Medium Bomb) x2 [Oversoul Rare Steal]: M爆弾: M Bakudan (Medium Bomb) x4 Elemental Attributes: No effect: Gravity Status Immunities: Petrification / Sleep / Poison / Curse / Stop [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Petrification] / [Sleep] / [Poison] / [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] / [Stop] Bribe: 888 Gil = 手榴弾: Shuryuudan (Grenade) x13 [Oversoul Bribe]: 932 Gil = ミスリルの小手: Misuriru no Kote (Mithril Gauntlet) x1 ウルフラマイター: Urufuramaita- /Wolframiter/ [Oversoul: 2,046HP/0MP] Where Fought: Besaid (SL3) / Thunder Plains (SL3/SL4) / Mount Gagazet (SL3/SL5) / Mount Gagazet Cave (SL5) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B21 (SL5) HP: 2,044 MP: 0 Gil: 153 Race: 鉄巨人: Tetsukyojin (Iron Giant) Common Steal: 月のカーテン: Tsuki no Ka-ten (Moon Curtain) x2 Rare Steal: ウォールリング: Uo-ruringu (Wall Ring) x1 [Oversoul Common Steal]: 月のカーテン: Tsuki no Ka-ten (Moon Curtain) x8 [Oversoul Rare Steal]: 月のカーテン: Tsuki no Ka-ten (Moon Curtain) x10 Elemental Attributes: No effect: Gravity Status Immunities: Death / Petrification / Sleep / Silence / Curse / Slow / Stop [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Death] / [Petrification] / [Sleep] / [Silence] / [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] / [Slow] / [Stop] Bribe: 8,176 Gil = ウォールリング: Uo-ruringu (Wall Ring) x1 [Oversoul Bribe]: 8,184 Gil = 光の指輪: Hikari no Yubiwa (Light Ring) x2 ボリスパイダー: Borisupaida- (Boly Spider) /Borispider/ [Oversoul: 804HP/0MP] Where Fought: Mount Gagazet Ruins (SL1-Boss/SL3/SL5) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B4 (SL5) HP: 480 MP: 0 Gil: 300 Race: クモ: Kumo (Spider) Common Steal: 万能薬: Bannouyaku (Panacea) x1 Rare Steal: 万能薬: Bannouyaku (Panacea) x2 [Oversoul Common Steal]: [Oversoul Rare Steal]: 休まずのワッペン: Yasumazu no Wappen (Restless Crest) x1 Elemental Attributes: Weak against Fire / Ice Status Immunities: Death / Sleep / Poison / Confuse / Berserk / Curse / Stop [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Death] / [Sleep] / [Poison] / [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] / [Stop] Bribe: 2,000 Gil = 毒消し: Dokukeshi (Antidote) x26 [Oversoul Bribe]: 3,500 Gil = 星のペンダント: Hoshi no Pendanto (Star Pendant) x1 アラーネア: Ara-nea /Aranea/ [Oversoul: 33,394HP/178MP] Where Fought: Holy Bevelle Mausoleum B20 (SL5-Boss) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B81 (SL5) HP: 18,280 MP: 178 Gil: 800 Race: クモ: Kumo (Spider) Common Steal: エーテルターボ: E-teruta-bo (Ether Turbo) x1 Rare Steal: 休まずのワッペン: Yasumazu no Wappen (Restless Crest) x1 [Oversoul Common Steal]: エーテルターボ: E-teruta-bo (Ether Turbo) x2 [Oversoul Rare Steal]: 休まずのワッペン: Yasumazu no Wappen (Restless Crest) x2 Elemental Attributes: No effect: Gravity Status Immunities: Death / Petrification / Sleep / Silence / Darkness / Poison / Confuse / Berserk / Curse / Slow / Stop / Attack Power Down / Magic Power Down / Defense Power Down / Magic Defense Down [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Death] / [Petrification] / [Sleep] / [Silence] / [Darkness] / [Poison] / [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] / [Slow] / [Stop] / [Attack Power Down] / [Magic Power Down] / [Defense Power Down] / [Magic Defense Down] Bribe: 73,150 Gil = 剣技の真髄: Kengi no Shinzui (Sword Skill Essence) x7 [Oversoul Bribe]: 133,600 Gil = 剣技の真髄: Kengi no Shinzui (Sword Skill Essence) x11 ゼロ式機士: Zeroshikishi (Machine Type Zero) /Machine - Type Zero/ [Oversoul: 4,831HP/0MP] Where Fought: Kilika Forest (SL1-Boss) / Under Bevelle (SL2) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B10 (SL5) HP: 1,935 MP: 0 Gil: 1,000 Race: 機士: Kishi (Machine) Common Steal: Rare Steal: ミスリルの小手: Misuriru no Kote (Mithril Gauntlet) x1 [Oversoul Common Steal]: [Oversoul Rare Steal]: ダイヤの小手: Daiya no Kote (Diamond Gauntlet) x1 Elemental Attributes: No effect: Gravity Status Immunities: Death / Petrification / Sleep / Silence / Poison / Confuse / Berserk / Curse / Stop [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Death] / [Petrification] / [Sleep] / [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Stop] Bribe: Cannot Bribe [Oversoul Bribe]: Cannot Bribe 99式機士: 99 Shikishi (Machine Type 99) /Machine - Type 99/ [Oversoul: 6,838HP/0MP] Where Fought: Under Bevelle (SL2/SL5) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B21 (SL5) HP: 2,775 MP: 0 Gil: 400 Race: 機士: Kishi (Machine) Common Steal: ミスリルの小手: Misuriru no Kote (Mithril Gauntlet) x1 Rare Steal: 守りのヴェール: Mamori no Ve-ru (Protect Veil) x1 [Oversoul Common Steal]: [Oversoul Rare Steal]: パワーグローブ: Pawa-guro-bu (Power Glove) x1 Elemental Attributes: No effect: Gravity Status Immunities: Death / Petrification / Sleep / Confuse / Poison / Confuse / Berserk / Curse / Slow / Stop [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Death] / [Petrification] / [Sleep] / [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Slow] / [Stop] Bribe: Cannot Bribe [Oversoul Bribe]: Cannot Bribe ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 7 ロックマイマイ: Rokkumaimai (Rock Snail) /Rock Snail/ [Oversoul: 4,935HP/82MP] Where Fought: Moonflow-North Bank (SL1/SL3/SL4) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B27 (SL5) HP: 4,700 MP: 82 Gil: 780 Race: マイマイ: Maimai (Snail) Common Steal: アイアンバングル: Aianbanguru (Iron Bangle) x1 Rare Steal: ミスリルの小手: Misuriru no Kote (Mithril Gauntlet) x1 [Oversoul Common Steal]: [Oversoul Rare Steal]: ミスリルバングル: Misurirubanguru (Mithril Bangle) x1 Elemental Attributes: No effect: Gravity Status Immunities: Death / Petrification / Sleep / Silence / Darkness / Poison / Confuse / Berserk / Curse / Slow / Stop / Defense Power Down / Magic Defense Down [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Death] / [Petrification] / [Sleep] / [Silence] / [Darkness] / [Poison] / [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] / [Blown Away] / [Slow] / [Stop] / [Defense Power Down] / [Magic Defense Down] Bribe: 18,800 Gil = 重力の指輪: Juuryoku no Yubiwa (Gravity Ring) x1 [Oversoul Bribe]: 19,740 Gil = フォーシールド: Fo-shi-rudo (Four Shield) x1 マウントマイマイ: Mauntomaimai (Mountain Snail) /Mount Snail/ [Oversoul: 360,444HP/170MP] Where Fought: Holy Bevelle Mausoleum B60 (SL5-Boss) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B81 (SL5) HP: 343,280 MP: 170 Gil: 1,200 Race: マイマイ: Maimai (Snail) Common Steal: エリクサー: Erikusa- (Elixir) x1 Rare Steal: エリクサー: Erikusa- (Elixir) x2 [Oversoul Common Steal]: エリクサー: Erikusa- (Elixir) x1 [Oversoul Rare Steal]: エリクサー: Erikusa- (Elixir) x2 Elemental Attributes: No effect: Gravity Status Immunities: Death / Petrification / Sleep / Silence / Darkness / Poison / Confuse / Berserk / Curse / Blown Away / Slow / Stop / Attack Power Down / Magic Power Down / Defense Power Down / Magic Defense Down [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Death] / [Petrification] / [Sleep] / [Silence] / [Darkness] / [Poison] / [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] / [Blown Away] / [Slow] / [Stop] / [Attack Power Down] / [Magic Power Down] / [Defense Power Down] / [Magic Defense Down] Special Attributes: Auto-Protect / Auto-Shell [Oversoul Special Attributes]: [Auto-Protect] / [Auto-Shell] Bribe: 白魔法の心得: Shiromahou no Kokoroe (White Mage Heart) x22 [Oversoul Bribe]: 1,541,776 Gil = 奥義の心得: Ougi no Kokoroe (Secrets Heart) x27 ジオパラウド: Jioparaudo (Geo Proud) /Geoproud/ [Oversoul: 6,641HP/9,999MP] Where Fought: Under Bevelle (SL2-Boss/SL3/SL5) HP: 4,420 MP: 9,999 Gil: 1,000 Race: ジオ: Jio (Geo) Common Steal: 水の魔石: Mizu no Maishi (Water Gem) x1 Rare Steal: 水の魔石: Mizu no Maishi (Water Gem) x2 [Oversoul Common Steal]: [Oversoul Rare Steal]: 雷と水の指輪: Kaminari to Mizu no Yubiwa (Lightning and Water Ring) x1 Elemental Attributes: Weak against Holy No effect: Gravity Status Immunities: Death / Petrification / Sleep / Silence / Darkness / Poison / Confuse / Berserk / Curse / Blown Away / Stop [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Death] / [Petrification] / [Sleep] / [Silence] / [Darkness] / [Poison] / [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] / [Blown Away] / [Stop] / [Attack Power Down] Bribe: Cannot Bribe [Oversoul Bribe]: Cannot Bribe 護法のガーディアン: Gohou no Ga-dian (Guardian of Religious Doctrine) /Religious Doctrine Guardian/ [Oversoul: 7,864HP/9,999MP] Where Fought: Under Bevelle (SL2-Boss/SL3/SL5) HP: 3,680 MP: 9,999 Gil: 800 Race: 霊獣: Reijuu (Sacred Beast) Common Steal: 魔力の薬: Maryoku no Kusuri (Magic Power Medicine) x1 Rare Steal: 魔力の薬: Maryoku no Kusuri (Magic Power Medicine) x2 [Oversoul Common Steal]: [Oversoul Rare Steal]: 回復の指輪: Kaifuku no Yubiwa (Recovery Ring) x1 Elemental Attributes: Weak against Holy No effect: Gravity Status Immunities: Death / Petrification / Sleep / Silence / Darkness / Poison / Confuse / Berserk / Curse / Blown Away / Slow / Stop [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Death] / [Petrification] / [Sleep] / [Silence] / [Darkness] / [Poison] / [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Confuse] / [Blown Away] / [Slow] / [Stop] / [Magic Power Down] Bribe: Cannot Bribe [Oversoul Bribe]: Cannot Bribe チョコボイーター: Chokoboi-ta- (Chocobo Eater) /Chocobo Eater/ [Oversoul: 2,993HP/230MP] Where Fought: Mihen Road (SL2-Boss) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B16 (SL5) HP: 2,350 MP: 230 Gil: 500 Race: イーター: I-ta- (Eater) Common Steal: エクスポーション: Ekusupo-shon (X-Potion) x1 Rare Steal: エクスポーション: Ekusupo-shon (X-Potion) x2 [Oversoul Common Steal]: 光のゆびわ: Hikari no Yubiwa (Light Ring) x1 [Oversoul Rare Steal]: 光のゆびわ: Hikari no Yubiwa (Light Ring) x2 Elemental Attributes: Weak against Fire No effect: Gravity Status Immunities: Death / Petrification / Sleep / Darkness / Poison / Confuse / Berserk / Curse / Stop / Attack Power Down [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Death] / [Petrification] / [Sleep] / [Darkness] / [Poison] / [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] / [Stop] / [Attack Power Down] Bribe: Cannot Bribe [Oversoul Bribe]: Cannot Bribe グローブイーター: Guro-bui-ta- (Globe Eater) /Globe Eater/ [Oversoul: 36,980HP/310MP] Where Fought: Calm Lands Secret Cave (SL5-Boss) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B75 HP: 11,600 MP: 310 Gil: 1,500 Race: イーター: I-ta- (Eater) Common Steal: メガポーション: Megapo-shon (Mega Potion) x1 Rare Steal: メガポーション: Megapo-shon (Mega Potion) x2 [Oversoul Common Steal]: メガポーション: Megapo-shon (Mega Potion) x1 [Oversoul Rare Steal]: エリクサー: Erikusa- (Elixir) x1 Elemental Attributes: No effect: Gravity Status Immunities: Death / Petrification / Sleep / Silence / Darkness / Poison / Confuse / Berserk / Curse / Stop / Attack Power Down [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Death] / [Petrification] / [Sleep] / [Silence] / [Darkness] / [Poison] / [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] / [Stop] / [Attack Power Down] Special Attributes: Auto-Reflect Bribe: 48,400 Gil = 白魔法の心得: Shiromahou no Kokoroe (White Magic Heart) x2 [Oversoul Bribe]: 147,920 Gil = カイザーナックル: Kaiza-nakkuru (Kaiser Knuckle) x1 アダマンタイマイ: Adamantaimai /Adamant Hawksbill/ [Oversoul: 8,243HP/210MP] Where Fought: Calm Lands (SL3/SL5) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B33 (SL5) HP: 7,850 MP: 210 Gil: 650 Race: アダマント: Adamanto (Adamant) Common Steal: エクスポーション: Ekusupo-shon (X-Potion) x1 Rare Steal: マッスルベルト: Massuruberuto (Muscle Belt) x1 [Oversoul Common Steal]: [Oversoul Rare Steal]: 神秘のヴェール: Shinpi no Ve-ru (Mystery Veil) x1 Elemental Attributes: No effect: Gravity Status Immunities: Death / Petrification / Sleep / Silence / Darkness / Poison / Confuse / Curse / Slow / Stop [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Death] / [Petrification] / [Sleep] / [Silence] / [Darkness] / [Poison] / [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] / [Blown Away] / [Slow] / [Stop] Bribe: 31,400 Gil = エクスポーション: Ekusupo-shon (X-Potion) x6 [Oversoul Bribe]: 33,000 Gil = 守りの指輪: Mamori no Yubiwa (Protect Ring) x1 アダマントータス: Adamanto-tasu (Adamant Tortoise) /Adamant Tortoise/ [Oversoul: 25,809HP/270MP] Where Fought: Farplane Core (SL5) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B70 (SL5) HP: 14,580 MP: 270 Gil: 1,000 Race: アダマント: Adamanto (Adamant) Common Steal: エクスポーション: Ekusupo-shon (X-Potion) x1 Rare Steal: ブラックベルト: Burakkuberuto (Black Belt) x1 [Oversoul Common Steal]: [Oversoul Rare Steal]: 誓いのヴェール: Chikai no Ve-ru (Oath Veil) x1 Elemental Attributes: No effect: Gravity Status Immunities: Death / Petrification / Sleep / Silence / Darkness / Poison / Confuse / Berserk / Curse / Blown Away / Slow / Stop / Attack Power Down / Magic Power Down / Defense Power Down / Magic Defense Down [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Death] / [Petrification] / [Sleep] / [Silence] / [Darkness] / [Poison] / [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] / [Blown Away] / [Slow] / [Stop] / [Attack Power Down] / [Magic Power Down] / [Defense Power Down] / [Magic Defense Down] Bribe: 白魔法の心得: Shiromahou no Kokoroe (White Mage Heart) x2 [Oversoul Bribe]: 103,250 Gil = 守りの指輪: Mamori no Yubiwa (Protect Ring) x6 アルテマウェポン: Arutemauepon (Ultima Weapon) /Ultima Weapon/ [Oversoul: 67,515HP/9999MP] Where Fought: Calm Lands Secret Cave (SL5) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B47 (SL5) HP: 34,300 MP: 9,999 Gil: 3,000 Race: ウェポン: Uepon (Weapon) Common Steal: 至高の魔石: Shikou no Maishi (Supreme Gem) x1 Rare Steal: 至高の魔石: Shikou no Maishi (Supreme Gem) x2 [Oversoul Common Steal]: 至高の魔石: Shikou no Maishi (Supreme Gem) x1 [Oversoul Rare Steal]: 至高の魔石: Shikou no Maishi (Supreme Gem) x2 Elemental Attributes: No effect: Gravity Status Immunities: Death / Petrification / Sleep / Silence / Darkness / Poison / Confuse / Berserk / Curse / Slow / Stop / Attack Power Down / Magic Power Down / Defense Power Down / Magic Defense Down [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Death] / [Petrification] / [Sleep] / [Silence] / [Darkness] / [Poison] / [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] / [Slow] / [Stop] / [Attack Power Down] / [Magic Power Down] / [Defense Power Down] / [Magic Defense Down] Bribe: 137,200 Gil = 守りの指輪: Mamori no Yubiwa (Protect Ring) x6 [Oversoul Bribe]: 270,060 Gil = リボン: Ribon (Ribbon) x3 オメガウェポン: Omegauepon (Omega Weapon) /Omega Weapon/ [Oversoul: 25,410HP/9,999MP] Where Fought: Farplane Core (SL5) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B75 (SL5) HP: 24,200 MP: 9,999 Gil: 5,000 Race: ウェポン: Uepon (Weapon) Common Steal: エーテルターボ: E-teruta-bo (Ether Turbo) x1 Rare Steal: エーテルターボ: E-teruta-bo (Ether Turbo) x2 [Oversoul Common Steal]: [Oversoul Rare Steal]: 妖精のピアス: Yousei no Piasu (Fairy Pierce) x1 Elemental Attributes: No effect: Gravity Status Immunities: Death / Petrification / Sleep / Silence / Darkness / Poison / Confuse / Berserk / Curse / Slow / Stop / Attack Power Down / Magic Power Down / Defense Power Down / Magic Defense Down [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Death] / [Petrification] / [Sleep] / [Silence] / [Darkness] / [Poison] / [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] / [Slow] / [Stop] / [Attack Power Down] / [Magic Power Down] / [Defense Power Down] / [Magic Defense Down] Bribe: 102,000 Gil = リボン: Ribon (Ribbon) x1 [Oversoul Bribe]: 102,750 Gil = リボン: Ribon (Ribbon) x1 すべてを捨てし者: Subete wo Suteshimono (He Who Threw It All Away) /The All Trasher/ [Oversoul: 210,000HP/9,999MP] Where Fought: Holy Bevelle Mausoleum Bottom Floor (SL5-Boss) HP: 200,000 MP: 9,999 Gil: 3,000 Race: ウェポン: Uepon (Weapon) Common Steal: 至高の魔石: Shikou no Maishi (Supreme Gem) x1 Rare Steal: 至高の魔石: Shikou no Maishi (Supreme Gem) x2 [Oversoul Common Steal]: 至高の魔石: Shikou no Maishi (Supreme Gem) x1 [Oversoul Rare Steal]: 至高の魔石: Shikou no Maishi (Supreme Gem) x2 Elemental Attributes: No effect: Gravity Status Immunities: Death / Petrification / Sleep / Silence / Darkness / Poison / Confuse / Berserk / Curse / Blown Away / Slow / Stop / Attack Power Down / Magic Power Down / Defense Power Down / Magic Defense Down [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Death] / [Petrification] / [Sleep] / [Silence] / [Darkness] / [Poison] / [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] / [Blown Away] / [Slow] / [Stop] / [Attack Power Down] / [Magic Power Down] / [Defense Power Down] / [Magic Defense Down] Bribe: 800,000 Gil = ダークマター: Da-kumata- (Dark Matter) x8 [Oversoul Bribe]: 840,000 Gil = ダークマター: Da-kumata- (Dark Matter) x17 秘宝のガーディアン: Hihou no Ga-dian (Treasure Guardian) /Treasure Guardian/ [Oversoul: 4,030HP/1,000MP] Where Fought: Behind Yunalesca's Chamber (SL1 Boss/SL3) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B7 (SL5) HP: 2,886 MP: 1,000 Gil: 200 Race: 聖獣: Seijuu (Holy Beast) Common Steal: Rare Steal: 守りのヴェール: Mamori no Ve-ru (Protect Veil) x1 [Oversoul Common Steal]: [Oversoul Rare Steal]: 神秘のヴェール: Shinpi no Ve-ru (Mystery Veil) x1 Elemental Attributes: Weak against Fire / Ice / Lightning / Water / Holy No effect: Gravity Status Immunities: Death / Petrification / Sleep / Silence / Poison / Confuse / Curse / Stop [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Death] / [Petrification] / [Sleep] / [Silence] / [Poison] / [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] / [Stop] Bribe: 11,544 Gil = 誓いのヴェール: Chikai no Ve-ru (Oath Veil) x1 [Oversoul Bribe]: 16,120 Gil = 誓いのヴェール: Chikai no Ve-ru (Oath Veil) x2 アジ・ダハーカ: Aji・Daha-ka /Azi Dahaka/ [Oversoul: 153,510HP/869MP] Where Fought: Farplane Core (SL5-Boss) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B70 (SL5) HP: 146,200 MP: 869 Gil: 1,300 Race: 聖獣: Seijuu (Holy Beast) Common Steal: Rare Steal: エクスポーション: Ekusupo-shon (X-Potion) x1 [Oversoul Common Steal]: [Oversoul Rare Steal]: タリスマン: Tarisuman (Talisman) x1 Elemental Attributes: No effect: Gravity Status Immunities: Death / Petrification / Sleep / Silence / Darkness / Poison / Confuse / Berserk / Curse / Slow / Stop / Attack Power Down / Magic Power Down / Defense Power Down / Magic Defense Down [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Death] / [Petrification] / [Sleep] / [Silence] / [Darkness] / [Poison] / [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] / [Slow] / [Stop] / [Attack Power Down] / [Magic Power Down] / [Defense Power Down] / [Magic Defense Down] Bribe: Cannot Bribe [Oversoul Bribe]: Cannot Bribe トンベリ: Tonberi (Tonberry) /Tonberry/ [Oversoul: 39,996HP/0MP] Where Fought: Mushroom Rock Road (SL1/SL2) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum-random floors (SL5) HP: 9,999 MP: 0 Gil: 300 Race: トンベリ: Tonberi (Tonberry) Common Steal: Rare Steal: エーテル: E-teru (Ether) x1 [Oversoul Common Steal]: [Oversoul Rare Steal]: エーテルターボ: E-teruta-bo (Ether Turbo) x1 Elemental Attributes: Half damage: Water No effect: Gravity Status Immunities: Death / Petrification / Sleep / Silence / Darkness / Poison / Confuse / Curse / Slow / Stop / Attack Power Down / Magic Power Down / Defense Power Down / Magic Defense Down [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Death] / [Petrification] / [Sleep] / [Silence] / [Darkness] / [Poison] / [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] / [Slow] / [Stop] / [Attack Power Down] / [Magic Power Down] / [Defense Power Down] / [Magic Defense Down] Bribe: 40,000 Gil = エーテル: E-teru (Ether) x88 [Oversoul Bribe]: 162,000 Gil = 剣技の心得: Kengi no Kokoroe (Sword Skill Heart) x4 メガトンベリ: Megatonberi (Mega Tonberry) /Mega Tonberry/ [Oversoul: 51,030HP/0MP] Where Fought: Holy Bevelle Mausoleum-random floors after B40 (SL5) HP: 48,600 MP: 0 Gil: 600 Race: トンベリ: Tonberi (Tonberry) Common Steal: エーテルターボ: E-teruta-bo (Ether Turbo) x1 Rare Steal: エーテルターボ: E-teruta-bo (Ether Turbo) x2 [Oversoul Common Steal]: エーテルターボ: E-teruta-bo (Ether Turbo) x1 [Oversoul Rare Steal]: エーテルターボ: E-teruta-bo (Ether Turbo) x2 Elemental Attributes: Half damage: Water No effect: Gravity Status Immunities: Death / Petrification / Sleep / Silence / Darkness / Poison / Confuse / Curse / Slow / Stop / Attack Power Down / Magic Power Down / Defense Power Down / Magic Defense Down [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Death] / [Petrification] / [Sleep] / [Silence] / [Darkness] / [Poison] / [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] / [Slow] / [Stop] / [Attack Power Down] / [Magic Power Down] / [Defense Power Down] / [Magic Defense Down] Bribe: 剣技の心得: Kengi no Kokoroe (Sword Skill Heart) x4 [Oversoul Bribe]: 254,120 Gil 剣技の心得: Kengi no Kokoroe (Sword Skill Heart) x5 クリーパー: Kuri-pa- (Creeper) /Creeper/ [Oversoul: 7,896HP/870MP] Where Fought: Mihen Road Mystery Cave (SL5) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B65 (SL5) HP: 1,974 MP: 870 Gil: 80 Race: 地虫: Chimushi (Earth Insect) Common Steal: ハイポーション: Haipo-shon (High Potion) x1 Rare Steal: フェニックスの尾: Fenikkusu no O (Phoenix Tail) x1 [Oversoul Common Steal]: ハイポーション: Haipo-shon (High Potion) x2 [Oversoul Rare Steal]: フェニックスの尾: Fenikkusu no O (Phoenix Tail) x2 Elemental Attributes: No effect: Gravity Absorbs Water Status Immunities: Curse [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] Bribe: 8,000 Gil = S爆弾: S Bakudan (Small Bomb) x9 [Oversoul Bribe]: 31,584 Gil = S爆弾: S Bakudan (Small Bomb) x26 ハガーバグ: Haga-bagu (Hugger Bug) /Hugger Bug/ [Oversoul: 9,400HP/950MP] Where Fought: Mihen Road Mystery Cave (SL5) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B65 (SL5) HP: 2,350 MP: 950 Gil: 80 Race: 地虫: Chimushi (Earth Insect) Common Steal: ハイポーション: Haipo-shon (High Potion) x1 Rare Steal: フェニックスの尾: Fenikkusu no O (Phoenix Tail) x1 [Oversoul Common Steal]: [Oversoul Rare Steal]: フェニックスの尾: Fenikkusu no O (Phoenix Tail) x2 Elemental Attributes: No effect: Gravity Absorbs Lightning Status Immunities: Curse [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] Bribe: 9,400 Gil = M爆弾: M Bakudan (Medium Bomb) x17 [Oversoul Bribe]: 37,600 Gil = M爆弾: M Bakudan (Medium Bomb) x29 ヘキサフィート: Hekisafi-to (Hexa-Feet) /Hexa-Feet/ [Oversoul: 11,220HP/980MP] Where Fought: Mihen Road Mystery Cave (SL5) Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B65 (SL5) HP: 2,805 MP: 980 Gil: 80 Race: 地虫: Chimushi (Earth Insect) Common Steal: ハイポーション: Haipo-shon (High Potion) x1 Rare Steal: 万能薬: Bannouyaku (Panacea) x1 [Oversoul Common Steal]: ハイポーション: Haipo-shon (High Potion) x2 [Oversoul Rare Steal]: 万能薬: Bannouyaku (Panacea) x2 Elemental Attributes: No effect: Gravity Absorbs Ice Status Immunities: Curse [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] Bribe: 11,220 Gil = L爆弾: L Bakudan (Large Bomb) x14 [Oversoul Bribe]: 44,880 Gil = L爆弾: L Bakudan (Large Bomb) x34 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 8 キングヴァーミン: Kinguva-min (King Vermin) /King Vermin/ [Oversoul: 41,850HP/872MP] Where Fought: Mihen Road Mystery Cave (SL5-Boss) Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B65 (SL5) HP: 39,857 MP: 872 Gil: 3,500 Race: 地虫: Chimushi (Earth Insect) Common Steal: エーテルターボ: E-teruta-bo (Ether Turbo) x1 Rare Steal: エーテルターボ: E-teruta-bo (Ether Turbo) x2 [Oversoul Common Steal]: エーテルターボ: E-teruta-bo (Ether Turbo) x1 [Oversoul Rare Steal]: エーテルターボ: E-teruta-bo (Ether Turbo) x2 Elemental Attributes: No effect: Gravity Absorbs Fire [Oversoul Elemental Attributes]: [No effect: Gravity] [Absorbs Fire / Holy] Status Immunities: Death / Petrification / Sleep / Silence / Darkness / Poison / Confuse / Berserk / Curse / Blown Away / Slow / Stop [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Death] / [Petrification] / [Sleep] / [Silence] / [Darkness] / [Poison] / [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] / [Blown Away] / [Slow] / [Stop] Bribe: 159,450 Gil = エーテルターボ: E-teruta-bo (Ether Turbo) x53 [Oversoul Bribe]: 167,400 Gil = エリクサー: Erikusa- (Elixir) x15 インセクトマザー: Insekutomaza- (Insect Mother) /Insect Mother/ [Oversoul: 51,236HP/868MP] Where Fought: Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B85 HP: 48,796 MP: 868 Gil: 1,000 Race: 地虫: Chimushi (Earth Insect) Common Steal: エーテル: E-teru (Ether) x1 Rare Steal: エーテル: E-teru (Ether) x2 [Oversoul Common Steal]: エリクサー: Erikusa- (Elixir) x1 [Oversoul Rare Steal]: エリクサー: Erikusa- (Elixir) x2 Elemental Attributes: No effect: Fire / Lightning / Gravity [Oversoul Elemental Attributes]: [No effect: Gravity] [Absorbs Fire / Lightning] Status Immunities: Sleep / Curse / Blown Away / Slow / Stop [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Sleep] / [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] / [Blown Away] Bribe: 195,500 Gil = フォーハンド: Fo-hando (Four Hand) x1 [Oversoul Bribe]: 204,950 Gil = 白魔法の真髄: Shiromahou no Shinzui (White Magic Essence) x1 クリティカルバグ: Kuritikarubagu (Critical Bug) /Critical Bug/ [Oversoul: 60,096HP/908MP] Where Fought: Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B85 HP: 57,234 MP: 908 Gil: 1,000 Race: 地虫: Chimushi (Earth Insect) Common Steal: エーテル: E-teru (Ether) x1 Rare Steal: エーテル: E-teru (Ether) x2 [Oversoul Common Steal]: エリクサー: Erikusa- (Elixir) x1 [Oversoul Rare Steal]: エリクサー: Erikusa- (Elixir) x2 Elemental Attributes: No effect: Ice / Water / Gravity [Oversoul Elemental Attributes]: [No effect: Gravity] [Absorbs Ice / Water] Status Immunities: Sleep / Curse / Blown Away / Slow / Stop [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Sleep] / [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] / [Blown Away] Bribe: 228,936 Gil = 黒魔法の真髄: Kuromahou no Shinzui (Black Magic Essence) x1 [Oversoul Bribe]: 240,384 Gil = 黒魔法の真髄: Kuromahou no Shinzui (Black Magic Essence) x2 サボテンダー: Sabotenda- (Sabotender) /Sabotender/ [Oversoul: 7,777HP/777MP] Where Fought: Bikanel Desert Sabotender Hole (SL5) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B47 (SL5) HP: 2,002 MP: 120 Gil: 0 [Oversoul Gil]: 0 Experience: 0 [Oversoul Experience]: 0 Race: サボテンダー: Sabotenda- (Sabotender) Common Steal: Nothing Rare Steal: Nothing [Oversoul Common Steal]: Nothing [Oversoul Rare Steal]: Nothing Elemental Attributes: Weak against Water No effect: Gravity Status Immunities: Petrification / Sleep / Silence / Darkness / Poison / Confuse / Berserk / Curse / Slow / Stop [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Petrification] / [Sleep] / [Silence] / [Darkness] / [Poison] / [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] / [Slow] / [Stop] Special Attributes: No damage from Magic [Oversoul Special Attributes]: [No damage from Magic] Bribe: Cannot Bribe [Oversoul Bribe]: Cannot Bribe ジャボテンダー: Jabotenda- (Jabotender) /Jabotender/ [Oversoul: 33,333HP/1,111MP] Where Fought: Bikanel Desert Sabotender Hole (SL5) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B50 (SL5) HP: 22,222 MP: 1,111 Gil: 0 Race: サボテンダー: Sabotenda- (Sabotender) Common Steal: 体力の秘薬: Tairyoku no Hiyaku (Stamina Secret Medicine) x1 Rare Steal: 体力の秘薬: Tairyoku no Hiyaku (Stamina Secret Medicine) x2 [Oversoul Common Steal]: 体力の秘薬: Tairyoku no Hiyaku (Stamina Secret Medicine) x3 [Oversoul Rare Steal]: 体力の秘薬: Tairyoku no Hiyaku (Stamina Secret Medicine) x5 Elemental Attributes: No effect: Gravity Status Immunities: Death / Petrification / Sleep / Silence / Darkness / Poison / Confuse / Berserk / Curse / Blown Away / Slow / Stop / Attack Power Down / Magic Power Down / Defense Power Down / Magic Defense Down [Oversoul Status Immunities]: [Death] / [Petrification] / [Sleep] / [Silence] / [Darkness] / [Poison] / [Confuse] / [Berserk] / [Curse] / [Blown Away] / [Slow] / [Stop] / [Attack Power Down] / [Magic Power Down] / [Defense Power Down] / [Magic Defense Down] Bribe: Cannot Bribe [Oversoul Bribe]: Cannot Bribe ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ==========The monsters from Page 1* through Page 3* do NOT Oversoul========== ==========The monsters from Page 1* through Page 3* do NOT Oversoul========== ==========The monsters from Page 1* through Page 3* do NOT Oversoul========== ==========The monsters from Page 1* through Page 3* do NOT Oversoul========== Page 1* 砲機兵13型: Houkihei 13 kei (Mechanical Gun Soldier Type 13) /Cannon Machine Soldier - Type 13/ Where Fought: Bevelle (SL2-Must side with Youth Alliance) / Under Bevelle (SL2) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B16 (SL5) HP: 1,380 MP: 0 Gil: 25 Race: 機兵: Kihei (Mechanical Soldier) Common Steal: S爆弾: S Bakudan (Small Bomb) x1 Rare Steal: 睡眠手榴弾: Suiminshuryuudan (Sleep Grenade) x1 Elemental Attributes: Weak against Lightning Status Immunities: Death / Petrification / Sleep / Silence / Poison / Confuse / Berserk / Curse / Slow Bribe: Cannot Bribe 砲機兵62型: Houkihei 62 kei (Mechanical Gun Soldier Type 62) /Cannon Machine Soldier - Type 62/ Where Fought: Under Bevelle (SL3/SL5) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B44 (SL5) HP: 4,100 MP: 0 Gil: 94 Race: 機兵: Kihei (Mechanical Soldier) Common Steal: 暗闇手榴弾: Kurayamishuryuudan (Darkness Grenade) x1 Rare Steal: 睡眠手榴弾: Suiminshuryuudan (Sleep Grenade) x1 Elemental Attributes: Weak against Lightning No effect: Gravity Status Immunities: Death / Petrification / Sleep / Silence / Poison / Confuse / Berserk / Curse / Stop Bribe: Cannot Bribe 襲機兵28型: Shuukihei 28 kei (Mechanical Attack Soldier Type 28) /Attack Machine Soldier - Type 28/ Where Fought: Under Bevelle (SL2) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B16 (SL5) HP: 1,270 MP: 0 Gil: 25 Race: 機兵: Kihei (Mechanical Soldier) Common Steal: 手榴弾: Shuryuudan (Grenade) x1 Rare Steal: S爆弾: S Bakudan (Small Bomb) x1 Status Immunities: Death / Petrification / Sleep / Silence / Poison / Confuse / Berserk / Curse / Stop Bribe: Cannot Bribe 襲機兵71型: Shuukihei 71 kei (Mechanical Attack Soldier Type 71) /Attack Machine Soldier - Type 71/ Where Fought: Under Bevelle (SL3/SL5) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B44 (SL5) HP: 3,800 MP: 0 Gil: 94 Race: 機兵: Kihei (Mechanical Soldier) Common Steal: 沈黙手榴弾: Chinmokushuryuudan (Silence Grenade) x1 Rare Steal: 睡眠手榴弾: Suiminshuryuudan (Sleep Grenade) x1 Elemental Attributes: No effect: Gravity Status Immunities: Death / Petrification / Sleep / Silence / Poison / Confuse / Berserk / Curse / Stop Bribe: Cannot Bribe マキナレンジャー: Makinarenja- (Machina Ranger) /Machina Ranger/ Where Fought: Mihen Road (SL3) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B24 (SL5) HP: 2,490 MP: 0 Gil: 22 Race: マキナ: Makina (Machina) Common Steal: S爆弾: S Bakudan (Small Bomb) x1 Rare Steal: M爆弾: M Bakudan (Medium Bomb) x1 Elemental Attributes: Absorbs Lightning Status Immunities: Death / Petrification / Sleep / Silence / Poison / Confuse / Berserk / Curse Bribe: Cannot Bribe マキナハンター: Makinahanta- (Machina Hunter) /Machina Hunter/ Where Fought: Bikanel Desert Dig Area-東/East (SL3/SL5) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B27 (SL5) HP: 1,780 MP: 0 Gil: 30 Race: マキナ: Makina (Machina) Common Steal: やすもの手榴弾: Yasumonoshuryuudan (Cheap Grenade) x1 Rare Steal: 沈黙手榴弾: Chinmokushuryuudan (Silence Grenade) x1 Elemental Attributes: Absorbs Lightning Status Immunities: Death / Petrification / Sleep / Silence / Poison / Confuse / Berserk / Curse Bribe: Cannot Bribe マキナソルジャー: Makinasoruja- (Machina Soldier) /Machina Soldier/ Where Fought: Thunder Plains New Cave (SL5) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B61 (SL5) HP: 3,048 MP: 0 Gil: 120 Race: マキナ: Makina (Machina) Common Steal: S爆弾: S Bakudan (Small Bomb) x1 Rare Steal: S爆弾: S Bakudan (Small Bomb) x2 Elemental Attributes: No effect: Gravity Absorbs Lightning Status Immunities: Death / Petrification / Sleep / Silence / Poison / Confuse / Berserk / Curse Bribe: Cannot Bribe マキナコマンダー: Makinakomanda- (Machina Commander) /Machina Commander/ Where Fought: Thunder Plains New Cave (SL5) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B70 (SL5) HP: 2,774 MP: 0 Gil: 120 Race: マキナ: Makina (Machina) Common Steal: S爆弾: S Bakudan (Small Bomb) x1 Rare Steal: S爆弾: S Bakudan (Small Bomb) x2 Elemental Attributes: No effect: Gravity Absorbs Lightning Status Immunities: Death / Petrification / Sleep / Silence / Poison / Confuse / Berserk / Curse / Slow / Stop Bribe: Cannot Bribe スカウトマキナ: Sukautomakina (Scout Machina) /Scout Machina/ Where Fought: Mihen Road (SL3) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B24 (SL5) HP: 3,444 MP: 0 Gil: 48 Race: マキナ: Makina (Machina) Common Steal: S爆弾: S Bakudan (Small Bomb) x1 Rare Steal: 沈黙手榴弾: Chinmokushuryuudan (Silence Grenade) x1 Elemental Attributes: Absorbs Lightning Status Immunities: Death / Petrification / Sleep / Silence / Poison / Confuse / Berserk / Curse Bribe: Cannot Bribe ガードマキナ: Ga-domakina (Guard Machina) /Guard Machina/ Where Fought: Bikanel Desert Dig Area-東/East (SL3/SL5) Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B27 (SL5) HP: 2,460 MP: 0 Gil: 40 Race: マキナ: Makina (Machina) Common Steal: やすもの手榴弾: Yasumonoshuryuudan (Cheap Grenade) x1 Rare Steal: 暗闇手榴弾: Kurayamishuryuudan (Darkness Grenade) x1 Elemental Attributes: Absorbs Lightning Status Immunities: Death / Petrification / Sleep / Silence / Poison / Confuse / Berserk / Curse Bribe: Cannot Bribe アサルトマキナ: Asarutomakina (Assault Machina) /Assault Machina/ Where Fought: Thunder Plains New Cave (SL5) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B61 (SL5) HP: 4,477 MP: 0 Gil: 180 Race: マキナ: Makina (Machina) Common Steal: M爆弾: M Bakudan (Medium Bomb) x1 Rare Steal: M爆弾: M Bakudan (Medium Bomb) x2 Elemental Attributes: No effect: Gravity Absorbs Lightning Status Immunities: Death / Petrification / Sleep / Silence / Poison / Confuse / Berserk / Curse Bribe: Cannot Bribe キリングマキナ: Kiringumakina (Killing Machina) /Killing Machina/ Where Fought: Thunder Plains New Cave (SL5) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B70 (SL5) HP: 4,222 MP: 0 Gil: 180 Race: マキナ: Makina (Machina) Common Steal: M爆弾: M Bakudan (Medium Bomb) x1 Rare Steal: M爆弾: M Bakudan (Medium Bomb) x2 Elemental Attributes: No effect: Gravity Absorbs Lightning Status Immunities: Death / Petrification / Sleep / Silence / Poison / Confuse / Berserk / Curse / Slow / Stop Bribe: Cannot Bribe マキナシューター: Makinashu-ta- (Machina Shooter) /Machina Shooter/ Where Fought: Bikanel Desert Dig Area-東/East (SL3/SL5) Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B44 (SL5) HP: 4,293 MP: 0 Gil: 100 Race: マキナ: Makina (Machina) Common Steal: 睡眠手榴弾: Suiminshuryuudan (Sleep Grenade) x1 Rare Steal: 石化手榴弾: Sekikashuryuudan (Petrify Grenade) x1 Elemental Attributes: Weak against Water No effect: Gravity Absorbs Lightning Status Immunities: Death / Petrification / Sleep / Silence / Darkness / Poison / Confuse / Berserk / Curse / Stop Bribe: Cannot Bribe マキナストライカー: Makinasutoraika- (Machina Striker) /Machina Striker/ Where Fought: Thunder Plains New Cave (SL5) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B70 HP: 6,722 MP: 0 Gil: 400 Race: マキナ: Makina (Machina) Common Steal: L爆弾: L Bakudan (Large Bomb) x1 Rare Steal: L爆弾: L Bakudan (Large Bomb) x2 Elemental Attributes: Weak against Water No effect: Gravity / Holy Absorbs Lightning Status Immunities: Death / Petrification / Sleep / Silence / Darkness / Poison / Confuse / Berserk / Curse / Slow / Stop / Attack Power Down / Magic Power Down / Defense Power Down / Magic Defense Down Bribe: Cannot Bribe Aレコーダー: A Reko-da- (A Recorder) /A Recorder/ Where Fought: Besaid (SL3)/ Besaid Cave (SL5) / Kilika Forest (SL5) / Mihen Road (SL3/SL5) / Moonflow (SL3/SL4) / Thunder Plains (SL3/SL4) / Thunder Plains Monster Den (SL4) / Thunder Plains New Cave (SL5-Boss) / Lake Macalania (SL3) / Calm Lands Cave / Mount Gagazet (SL3/SL5) / Mount Gagazet Cliffs (SL3) / Yevon Dome (SL3/SL5) HP: 624 MP: 512 Gil: 0 Race: マキナ: Makina (Machina) Common Steal: ポーション: Po-shon (Potion) x1 Rare Steal: ポーション: Po-shon (Potion) x2 Elemental Attributes: No effect: Gravity Absorbs Lightning Status Immunities: Death / Petrification / Sleep / Silence / Darkness / Poison / Confuse / Berserk / Curse / Blown Away Bribe: Cannot Bribe Rレコーダー: R Reko-da- (R Recorder) /R Recorder/ Where Fought: Besaid (SL5) / Besaid Cave (SL3/SL5) / Kilika Forest (SL5) / Mihen Road (SL3/SL5) / Mushroom Rock Road (SL5) / Moonflow (SL4) / Thunder Plains (SL3/SL4) / Thunder Plains Monster Den (SL4) / Macalania Forest (SL3/SL5) / Lake Macalania / Calm Lands (SL3) / Calm Lands Cave (SL5) / Mount Gagazet (SL3/SL5) / Mount Gagazet Ruins (SL3) / Yevon Dome (SL3) HP: 620 MP: 512 Gil: 0 Race: マキナ: Makina (Machina) Common Steal: ポーション: Po-shon (Potion) x1 Rare Steal: ポーション: Po-shon (Potion) x2 Elemental Attributes: No effect: Gravity Absorbs Lightning Status Immunities: Death / Petrification / Sleep / Silence / Darkness / Poison / Confuse / Berserk / Curse / Blown Away Bribe: Cannot Bribe Sレコーダー: S Reko-da- (S Recorder) /S Recorder/ Where Fought: Besaid (SL3) / Besaid Cave (SL5) / Kilika Forest (SL3) / Mihen Road (SL3/SL5)/ Moonflow (SL3/SL4) / Macalania Forest (SL3) / Lake Macalania (SL3) / Calm Lands Cave (SL3/SL5) / Mount Gagazet (SL3/SL5) / Mount Gagazet Ruins (SL3) / Mount Gagazet Cave (SL3) / Yevon Dome (SL5) HP: 620 MP: 512 Gil: 0 Race: マキナ: Makina (Machina) Common Steal: ポーション: Po-shon (Potion) x1 Rare Steal: ポーション: Po-shon (Potion) x2 Elemental Attributes: No effect: Gravity Absorbs Lightning Status Immunities: Death / Petrification / Sleep / Silence / Darkness / Poison / Confuse / Berserk / Curse / Blown Away Bribe: Cannot Bribe マキナパンツァー: Makinapantsa- (Machina Panzer) /Machina Panzer/ Where Fought: Thunder Plains New Cave (SL5-Boss) HP: 30,500 MP: 1,247 Gil: 10,000 Race: マキナ: Makina (Machina) Common Steal: Rare Steal: 誓いのヴェール: Chikai no Ve-ru (Oath Veil) x1 Elemental Attributes: No effect: Gravity Absorbs: Lightning Status Immunities: Death / Petrification / Sleep / Silence / Darkness / Poison / Confuse / Berserk / Curse / Blown Away / Stop Bribe: Cannot Bribe ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 2* ヘビマシンガン: Hebimashingan (Snake Machine Gun) /Snake Machinegun/ Where Fought: Mount Gagazet Ruins (SL1) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B7 (SL5) HP: 38 MP: 0 Gil: 10 Race: 火蛇: Kahebi (Fire Snake) Common Steal: やすもの手榴弾: Yasumonoshuryuudan (Cheap Grenade) x1 Rare Steal: フェニックスの尾: Fenikkusu no O (Phoenix Tail) x1 Status Immunities: Death / Petrification / Sleep / Silence / Poison / Curse Bribe: Cannot Bribe ショットパイソン: Shottopaison (Shot Python) /Shot Python/ Where Fought: Yevon Dome (SL1) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B13 (SL5) HP: 152 MP: 0 Gil: 10 Race: 火蛇: Kahebi (Fire Snake) Common Steal: やすもの手榴弾: Yasumonoshuryuudan (Cheap Grenade) x1 Rare Steal: やすもの手榴弾: Yasumonoshuryuudan (Cheap Grenade) x2 Status Immunities: Death / Petrification / Sleep / Silence / Poison / Curse Bribe: Cannot Bribe キャノンバイパー: Kyanonbaipa- (Cannon Viper) /Cannon Viper/ Where Fought: Mount Gagazet Cliffs (SL2) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B13 (SL5) HP: 256 MP: 0 Gil: 20 Race: 火蛇: Kahebi (Fire Snake) Common Steal: Rare Steal: フェニックスの尾: Fenikkusu no O (Phoenix Tail) x1 Status Immunities: Death / Petrification / Sleep / Silence / Poison / Curse Bribe: Cannot Bribe ガトリングコブラ: Gatoringukobura (Gatling Cobra) /Gatling Cobra/ Where Fought: LeBlanc's Hideout Secret Area (SL2) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B13 (SL5) HP: 252 MP: 0 Gil: 40 Race: 火蛇: Kahebi (Fire Snake) Common Steal: フェニックスの尾: Fenikkusu no O (Phoenix Tail) x1 Rare Steal: フェニックスの尾: Fenikkusu no O (Phoenix Tail) x1 Status Immunities: Death / Petrification / Sleep / Silence / Poison / Curse Bribe: Cannot Bribe エクスペリメント: Ekusuperimento (Experiment) /Experiment/ Where Fought: Djose Temple (SL5-Boss) HP: 18,324 MP: 0 Gil: 0 Race: マキナ: Makina (Machina) Common Steal: Rare Steal: エーテルターボ: E-teruta-bo (Ether Turbo) x2 Elemental Attributes: No effect: Gravity Status Immunities: Death / Petrification / Sleep / Silence / Darkness / Poison / Confuse / Berserk / Curse / Blown Away / Slow / Stop / Attack Power Down / Magic Power Down / Defense Power Down / Magic Defense Down Bribe: Cannot Bribe ロンゾ若衆: Ronzowakashu (Young Ronzo) /Young Ronso/ Where Fought: Mount Gagazet (SL3-Boss) HP: 4,060 MP: 170 Gil: 20 Race: - Common Steal: Rare Steal: ミスリルバングル: Misurirubanguru (Mithril Bangle) x1 Elemental Attributes: No effect: Gravity Status Immunities: Death / Petrification / Sleep / Silence / Curse Bribe: Cannot Bribe ザルワーン: Zaruwa-n /Zurvan/ Where Fought: Besaid Temple (SL3) / Calm Lands Cave (SL3/SL5) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B21 (SL5) HP: 583 MP: 310 Gil: 70 Race: 邪鬼: Jaki (Wicked Devil) Common Steal: 魔除薬: Majokusuri (Magic Abolish Medicine) x1 Rare Steal: 魔防薬: Maboukusuri (Magic Defense Medicine) x2 Elemental Attributes: Weak against Fire Status Immunities: Silence / Confuse / Curse / Stop / Magic Power Down Bribe: 2,332 Gil = 魔除薬: Majokusuri (Magic Abolish Medicine) x5 ワラン: Waran /Waran/ Where Fought: Besaid (SL5) / Moonflow (SL4) / Thunder Plains (SL4/SL5) / Macalania Forest (SL5) / Farplane (SL5) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B33 (SL5) HP: 1,132 MP: 480 Gil: 240 Race: 邪鬼: Jaki (Wicked Devil) Common Steal: 魔除薬: Majokusuri (Magic Abolish Medicine) x1 Rare Steal: 魔除薬: Majokusuri (Magic Abolish Medicine) x2 Elemental Attributes: Weak against Fire Status Immunities: Silence / Confuse / Curse / Slow / Stop / Magic Power Down Bribe: 4,550 Gil = 魔除薬: Majokusuri (Magic Abolish Medicine) x15 アラースト: Ara-suto /Arast/ Where Fought: Farplane (SL5) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B65 (SL5) HP: 2,742 MP: 650 Gil: 330 Race: 邪鬼: Jaki (Wicked Devil) Common Steal: 魔除薬: Majokusuri (Magic Abolish Medicine) x2 Rare Steal: 魔除薬: Majokusuri (Magic Abolish Medicine) x3 Elemental Attributes: Weak against Fire No effect: Ice / Lightning / Water Status Immunities: Silence / Confuse / Berserk / Curse / Slow / Stop / Magic Power Down Bribe: 10,968 Gil = エーテルターボ: E-teruta-bo (Ether Turbo) x6 エルダーザルワーン: Eruda-zaruwa-n (Elder Zaruwan?) /Elder Zurvan/ Where Fought: Bikanel Desert Sabotender Hole (SL5) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B50 (SL5) HP: 7,520 MP: 210 Gil: 180 Race: 邪鬼: Jaki (Wicked Devil) Common Steal: Rare Steal: 万能薬: Bannouyaku (Panacea) x1 Elemental Attributes: No effect: Ice / Lightning / Water / Gravity Status Immunities: Silence / Confuse / Berserk / Curse / Slow / Stop / Magic Power Down Special Attributes: Auto-Reflect Bribe: 30,080 Gil = 万能薬: Bannouyaku (Panacea) x74 ホーント: Ho-nto (Haunt) /Haunt/ Where Fought: Besaid Temple (SL3) / Calm Lands Cave (SL3/SL5) / Djose Temple (SL3) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B21 (SL5) HP: 813 MP: 433 Gil: 120 Race: 異界: Ikai (Other World) Common Steal: 北極の風: Hokkyoku no Kaze (North Pole Wind) x1 Rare Steal: 水の魔石: Mizu no Maishi (Water Gem) x1 Elemental Attributes: Random Status Immunities: Death / Petrification / Sleep / Silence / Darkness / Poison / Confuse / Berserk / Curse / Stop Bribe: 3,252 Gil = 星のペンダント: Hoshi no Pendanto (Star Pendant) x1 ファントム: Fantomu (Phantom) /Phantom/ Where Fought: Calm Lands Secret Cave (SL5) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B70 (SL5) HP: 1,755 MP: 852 Gil: 140 Race: 異界: Ikai (Other World) Common Steal: ハイポーション: Haipo-shon (High Potion) x1 Rare Steal: ハイポーション: Haipo-shon (High Potion) x2 Elemental Attributes: Weak against Fire / Holy Absorbs Gravity Status Immunities: Death / Petrification / Sleep / Silence / Darkness / Poison / Confuse / Berserk / Curse / Stop Bribe: 7,020 Gil = メガポーション: Megapo-shon (Mega Potion) x4 ワイト: Waito (Wight) /Wight/ Where Fought: Farplane (SL5) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B75 (SL5) HP: 4,278 MP: 2,100 Gil: 520 Race: 異界: Ikai (Other World) Common Steal: 体力の泉: Tairyoku no Sen (Stamina Spring) x1 Rare Steal: 体力の泉: Tairyoku no Sen (Stamina Spring) x2 Elemental Attributes: Random Status Immunities: Death / Petrification / Sleep / Silence / Darkness / Poison / Confuse / Berserk / Curse / Slow / Stop Bribe: 17,112 Gil = 命の泉: Inochi no Sen (Life Spring) x11 リッチ: Ricchi (Lich) /Lich/ Where Fought: Mihen Road (SL5) / Mushroom Rock Road (SL5) / Macalania Forest (SL5) / Calm Lands (SL5) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B30 (SL5) HP: 3,444 MP: 1,300 Gil: 330 Race: 異界: Ikai (Other World) Common Steal: ハイポーション: Haipo-shon (High Potion) x1 Rare Steal: 体力の泉: Tairyoku no Sen (Stamina Spring) x1 Elemental Attributes: Weak against Water / Holy Half damage: Fire / Ice Absorbs: Lightning / Gravity Status Immunities: Death / Petrification / Sleep / Silence / Darkness / Poison / Confuse / Berserk / Curse / Slow / Stop Bribe: 13,776 Gil = 命の泉: Inochi no Sen (Life Spring) x12 グレートホーント: Gure-toho-nto (Great Haunt) /Great Haunt/ Where Fought: Bikanel Desert Sabotender Hole (SL5) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B50 (SL5) HP: 8,483 MP: 720 Gil: 210 Race: 異界: Ikai (Other World) Common Steal: 魔力の泉: Maryoku no Sen (Magic Power Spring) x1 Rare Steal: 命の泉: Inochi no Sen (Life Spring) x1 Elemental Attributes: Random Status Immunities: Death / Petrification / Sleep / Silence / Darkness / Poison / Confuse / Berserk / Curse / Stop Bribe: 34,000 Gil = 金のかみかざり: Kin no Kamikazari (Gold Hair Ornament) x2 パリカー: Parika- /Baricar/ Where Fought: Besaid Temple (SL3) / Djose Temple (SL3) / Calm Lands Cave (SL3/SL5) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B27 (SL5) HP: 1,130 MP: 312 Gil: 100 Race: 妖魔: Youma (Ghost) Common Steal: 落雷玉: Rakuraitama (Lightning Ball) x1 Rare Steal: 雷の指輪: Inazuma no Yubiwa (Lightning Ring) x1 Elemental Attributes: Weak against Fire / Holy No effect: Gravity Absorbs Lightning Status Immunities: Petrification / Sleep / Silence / Confuse / Berserk / Curse / Stop Bribe: 5,500 Gil = 雷の一閃: Kaminari no Ichisen (Lightning Flash) x1 ジャヒー: Jahi- /Jahi/ Where Fought: Farplane (SL5) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B75 (SL5) HP: 2,033 MP: 360 Gil: 620 Race: 妖魔: Youma (Ghost) Common Steal: 万能薬: Bannouyaku (Panacea) x2 Rare Steal: 魔力の泉: Maryoku no Sen (Magic Power Spring) x1 Elemental Attributes: Weak against Holy No effect: Gravity Absorbs: Lightning Status Immunities: Death / Petrification / Sleep / Silence / Confuse / Berserk / Curse / Stop Bribe: 8,200 Gil = 魔力の泉: Maryoku no Sen (Magic Power Spring) x25 タローマティ: Taro-mati /Taromati/ Where Fought: Kilika Forest (SL5) / Moonflow (SL4) / Thunder Plains (SL4/SL5) / Calm Lands (SL5) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B33 (SL5) HP: 1,782 MP: 999 Gil: 280 Race: 妖魔: Youma (Ghost) Common Steal: 毒消し: Dokukeshi (Antidote) x2 Rare Steal: 体力の泉: Tairyoku no Sen (Stamina Spring) x1 Elemental Attributes: Weak against Fire / Holy No effect: Gravity Absorbs: Lightning Status Immunities: Death / Petrification / Sleep / Silence / Darkness / Poison / Confuse / Berserk / Curse / Stop Bribe: 7,128 Gil = 体力の泉: Tairyoku no Sen (Stamina Spring) x65 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 3* デーヴァ: De-va /Daeva/ Where Fought: Kilika Temple (SL3) / Calm Lands Cave (SL3/SL5) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B21 (SL5) HP: 3,230 MP: 4,480 Gil: 90 Race: 魔人: Majin (Demon) Common Steal: 異界の影: Ikai no Kage (Other World Shadow) x1 Rare Steal: 異界の影: Ikai no Kage (Other World Shadow) x2 Elemental Attributes: Weak against Holy No effect: Gravity Status Immunities: Death / Petrification / Sleep / Silence / Poison / Confuse / Berserk / Curse / Stop Bribe: 12,920 Gil = セーフティビット: Se-futibitto (Safety Bit) x1 アエーシュマ: Ae-shuma /Aesma/ Where Fought: Farplane (SL5) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B75 (SL5) HP: 8,788 MP: 9,999 Gil: 800 Race: 魔人: Majin (Demon) Common Steal: 命のロウソク: Inochi no Rousoku (Candle of Life) x2 Rare Steal: 異界の影: Ikai no Kage (Other World Shadow) x2 Elemental Attributes: Weak against Holy Status Immunities: Death / Petrification / Sleep / Silence / Darkness / Poison / Confuse / Berserk / Curse / Slow / Stop Special Attributes: No damage from physical attack Bribe: 35,200 Gil = 停止の衝撃: Teishi no Shougeki (Stopping Shock) x1 アカ・マナフ: Aka・Manafu /Aka Manah/ Where Fought: Mihen Road (SL5) / Thunder Plains (SL4/SL5) / Farplane (SL5) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B44 (SL5) HP: 6,322 MP: 6,550 Gil: 670 Race: 魔人: Majin (Demon) Common Steal: 万能薬: Bannouyaku (Panacea) x2 Rare Steal: 命のロウソク: Inochi no Rousoku (Candle of Life) x2 Elemental Attributes: Weak against Holy No effect: Gravity Status Immunities: Death / Petrification / Sleep / Silence / Darkness / Poison / Confuse / Berserk / Curse / Slow / Stop Bribe: 25,750 Gil = 遅れの衝撃: Okure no Shougeki (Slow Shock) x1 トゥーム: Tu-mu (Tomb) /Tomb/ Where Fought: Calm Lands Cave (SL3/SL5) / Djose Temple (SL3) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B27 (SL5) HP: 4,820 MP: 999 Gil: 130 Race: 妖石: Youseki (Calamity Stone) Common Steal: 万能薬: Bannouyaku (Panacea) x1 Rare Steal: 黒のチョーカー: Kuro no Cho-ka- (Black Choker) x1 Elemental Attributes: Weak against Water / Holy Half damage: Fire / Ice / Lightning No effect: Gravity Status Immunities: Death / Petrification / Sleep / Silence / Curse / Slow / Stop Bribe: 19,280 Gil = 妖精のピアス: Yousei no Piasu (Fairy Pierce) x1 モニュメント: Monyumento (Monument) /Monument/ Where Fought: Farplane (SL5) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B61 (SL5) HP: 7,143 MP: 9,999 Gil: 460 Race: 妖石: Youseki (Calamity Stone) Common Steal: フェニックスの尾: Fenikkusu no O (Phoenix Tail) x2 Rare Steal: フェニックスの尾: Fenikkusu no O (Phoenix Tail) x3 Elemental Attributes: Weak against Water / Holy No effect: Fire / Ice / Lightning Absorbs: Gravity Status Immunities: Death / Petrification / Sleep / Silence / Darkness / Poison / Confuse / Curse / Slow / Stop / Magic Power Down / Defense Power Down / Magic Defense Down Bribe: 28,572 Gil = セーフティビット: Se-futibitto (Safety Bit) x3 ドルメン: Dorumen /Dolmen/ Where Fought: Besaid (SL5) / Kilika Forest (SL5) / Mushroom Rock Road (SL5) / Farplane (SL5) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B44 (SL5) HP: 5,320 MP: 9,999 Gil: 320 Race: 妖石: Youseki (Calamity Stone) Common Steal: 万能薬: Bannouyaku (Panacea) x2 Rare Steal: 万能薬: Bannouyaku (Panacea) x3 Elemental Attributes: Weak against Water / Holy Half damage: Fire / Ice / Lightning No effect: Gravity Status Immunities: Death / Petrification / Sleep / Silence / Darkness / Poison / Confuse / Curse / Slow / Stop Bribe: 21,300 Gil = 魔よけのおふだ: Mayoke no Ofuda (Magical Charm) x2 エピタフ: Epitafu (Epitaph) /Epitaph/ Where Fought: Mihen Road Mystery Cave (SL5) / Holy Bevelle Mausoleum ~B75 (SL5) HP: 17,433 MP: 9,999 Gil: 330 Race: 妖石: Youseki (Calamity Stone) Common Steal: 万能薬: Bannouyaku (Panacea) x1 Rare Steal: 万能薬: Bannouyaku (Panacea) x2 Elemental Attributes: Weak against Water / Holy No effect: Fire / Ice / Lightning / Gravity Status Immunities: Death / Petrification / Sleep / Silence / Darkness / Poison / Confuse / Berserk / Confuse / Slow / Stop Bribe: 69,732 Gil = 妖精のピアス: Yousei no Piasu (Fairy Pierce) x3 アンラ・マンユ: Anra・Manyu /Angra Mainyu/ Where Fought: Bikanel Desert Dig Areas-西/West and 南/South (SL1/SL2/SL3/SL5) Bikanel Desert-after beating Jabotender (SL5) HP: 333,386 MP: 9,999 Gil: 5,000 Race: None Common Steal: ラストエリクサー: Rasutoerikusa- (Last Elixir) x1 Rare Steal: ラストエリクサー: Rasutoerikusa- (Last Elixir) x1 Elemental Attributes: No effect: Gravity Status Immunities: Death / Petrification / Sleep / Silence / Darkness / Poison / Confuse / Berserk / Curse / Blown Away / Slow / Stop / Defense Power Down / Magic Defense Down Bribe: Cannot Bribe ヴァルファーレ: Varufa-re (Valefor) /Valefor/ Where Fought: Besaid Temple (SL3-Boss) HP: 8,430 MP: 9,999 Gil: 1,200 Race: - Common Steal: 回復の泉: Kaifuku no Sen (Recovery Spring) x4 Rare Steal: 回復の泉: Kaifuku no Sen (Recovery Spring) x6 Elemental Attributes: No effect: Gravity Status Immunities: Death / Petrification / Sleep / Darkness / Poison / Confuse / Berserk / Curse / Blown Away / Stop Bribe: Cannot Bribe イフリート: Ifuri-to (Ifrit) /Ifrit/ Where Fought: Kilika Temple (SL3-Boss) HP: 8,820 MP: 9,999 Gil: 1,300 Race: - Common Steal: Rare Steal: 炎の一閃: Honoo no Ichisen: Fire Flash x1 Elemental Attributes: Weak against Ice No effect: Gravity Absorbs Fire Status Immunities: Death / Petrification / Sleep / Silence / Darkness / Poison / Confuse / Berserk / Curse / Blown Away / Stop Bribe: Cannot Bribe イクシオン: Ikushion (Ixion) /Ixion/ Where Fought: Djose Temple (SL3-Boss) HP: 12,380 MP: 9,999 Gil: 1,800 Race: - Common Steal: Rare Steal: ダッシューズ: Dasshu-zu (Dash Shoes) x1 Elemental Attributes: Weak against Water No effect: Gravity Absorbs: Lightning Status Immunities: Death / Petrification / Sleep / Silence / Darkness / Poison / Confuse / Berkserk / Curse / Blown Away / Stop Bribe: Cannot Bribe シヴァ: Shiva (Shiva) /Siva/ Where Fought: Farplane (SL5-Boss) HP: 14,800 MP: 9,999 Gil: 2,000 Race: - Common Steal: Rare Steal: 極光の指輪: Kyokukou no Yubiwa (Aurora Ring) x1 Elemental Attributes: Weak against Fire No effect: Gravity Absorbs: Ice Status Immunities: Death / Petrification / Sleep / Silence / Darkness / Poison / Confuse / Berserk / Curse / Blown Away / Stop Bribe: Cannot Bribe バハムート: Bahamu-to (Bahamut) /Bahamut/ Where Fought: Under Bevelle (SL2-Boss) HP: 8,400 MP: 9,999 Gil: 1,000 Race: - Common Steal: Rare Steal: 沈黙の衝撃: Chinmoku no Shougeki (Silence Shock) x1 Elemental Attributes: No effect: Gravity Status Immunities: Death / Petrification / Sleep / Silence / Darkness / Poison / Confuse / Berserk / Curse / Blown Away / Slow Bribe: Cannot Bribe アニマ: Anima (Anima) /Anima/ Where Fought: Farplane (SL5-Boss) HP: 36,000 MP: 9,999 Gil: 2,000 Race: - Common Steal: Rare Steal: 怒りの衝撃: Ikari no Shougeki (Anger Shock) x1 Elemental Attributes: Weak against Holy Half damage: Fire / Ice / Lightning / Water No effect: Gravity Status Immunities: Death / Petrification / Sleep / Silence / Darkness / Poison / Confuse / Berserk / Curse / Blown Away / Slow / Stop / Attack Power Down / Magic Power Down / Defense Power Down / Magic Defense Down Bribe: Cannot Bribe ヨウジンボウ: Youjinbou /Yojimbo/ Where Fought: Calm Lands Cave (SL3-Boss) HP: 22,000 MP: 9,999 Gil: 1,500 Race: - Common Steal: Rare Steal: パワーリスト: Pawa-risuto (Power Wrist) x1 Elemental Attributes: No effect: Gravity Status Immunities: Death / Petrification / Sleep / Silence / Darkness / Poison / Confuse / Berserk / Curse / Blown Away / Slow / Stop / Attack Power Down / Magic Power Down / Defense Down / Magic Defense Down Bribe: Cannot Bribe ドグ: Dogu (Dog) /Dogu/ Where Fought: Farplane (SL5-Boss) HP: 10,330 MP: 9,999 Gil: 1,000 Race: - Common Steal: Rare Steal: やすらぎのポプリ: Yasuragi no Popuri (Tranquil Potpourri) x1 Elemental Attributes: No effect: Gravity Status Immunities: Death / Petrification / Sleep / Silence / Darkness / Poison / Confuse / Berserk / Curse / Blown Away / Slow / Stop / Attack Power Down / Magic Power Down / Defense Power Down / Magic Defense Down Bribe: Cannot Bribe マグ: Magu (Mag) /Magu/ Where Fought: Farplane (SL5-Boss) HP: 12,240 MP: 9,999 Gil: 1,000 Race: - Common Steal: Rare Steal: ホワイトケープ: Howaitoke-pu (White Cape) x1 Elemental Attributes: No effect: Gravity Status Immunities: Death / Petrification / Sleep / Silence / Darkness / Poison / Confuse / Berserk / Curse / Blown Away / Slow / Stop / Attack Power Down / Magic Power Down / Defense Power Down / Magic Defense Down Bribe: Cannot Bribe ラグ: Ragu (Rag) /Ragu/ Where Fought: Farplane (SL5-Boss) HP: 9,788 MP: 9,999 Gil: 1,000 Race: - Common Steal: Rare Steal: 混乱の衝撃: Konran no Shougeki (Confuse Shock) x1 Elemental Attributes: No effect: Gravity Status Immunities: Death / Petrification / Sleep / Silence / Darkness / Poison / Confuse / Berserk / Curse / Blown Away / Slow / Stop / Attack Power Down / Magic Power Down / Defense Power Down / Magic Defense Down Bribe: Cannot Bribe =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-THANKS SECTION=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-THANKS SECTION=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-THANKS SECTION=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= A couple of good people on the FFX2 board at Gamefaqs have assisted me greatly in some of the names of some monsters/stolen items that I could not figure out. I'd like to thank the following: Square for making this wonderful, kleptomaniac's dream of a game. My mom for allowing me to spend the $450 for a PS2 and this game when I haven't had a job/money for almost a year and a half. Kouli for the names of several pesky Accessory names, some monster names, and the species name for one monster that completely eluded me. CB! for more names of monsters, and her great FFX Bribe guide. Sorry, Ceebs, but I got impatient waiting for a Bribe guide and added them to this. LordSkylark for the names of some more monsters, and a very good site with names of monsters for FF1-10. To view his site, go to the following URL: Various members of the FFX2 board for discovering the "Easy Oversoul" technique. <--Too bad I was about 120 hours into the game until I read about it. Also to several posters (who I am unsure of who they are at this time) for finding out that monsters only require Max HP x4 for Bribing. And of course, CJC for hosting all of my guides at Gamefaqs. To view any of my other guides, go here: Last but not least, thank you for whoever is reading this, and I hope it has helped in your FFX2 experience. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-THANKS SECTION=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-THANKS SECTION=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-THANKS SECTION=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= That's it for now, unless I get enough emails about anything else or any additions/changes. Thank you for reading my FAQ and email with any questions ( or if you just want to talk to someone about any of the Final Fantasy games, or any other games I have written FAQ's for. Copyright Red Scarlet, 2003.