FFX-2 Walkthrough - Chapter 3
Mushroom Rock Road/Bevelle - Hotspot!
Note:The location of this Hotspot depends on who you chose to give the Sphere from Chapter 1 to, New Yevon or the Youth League.
You'll find out that both Nooj and Baralai are missing in action, and both factions are going nuts over it. After this, head over to see Gippal at Djose Temple.
Besaid Island - Hotspot!Uh oh, trouble in paradise! Seems that fiends are crawling out of Besaid Temple, so Yuna and company have no choice but to exterminate whatever's in the temple, unless you want Beclem to burn it down, of course. Get into the temple and start fighting your way through until you find Wakka. Talk to him and then take the lift down to the Chamber of the Fayth. Fortunately, before you fight this boss you'll have the time to equip yourself. Make sure you're fully healed and that you have the appropriate gear equipped. Time to fight another Aeon!
Boss: Dark Valefor (HP:MP - 8430:9999)
Valefor never was a master in magic, so don't worry about using Mental Break on him. Power Break works exceptionally well here since a lot of his attacks are physical based. Use one of your characters as a Warrior to use the Break abilities, while the others are using whatever class that can do the most damage. It's recommended that if you have the Dark Knight Dressphere from Chapter 2 that you use it here. The defensive and offensive rating of the Dark Knights are excellent, and will come in very handy here.

The Gullwings will remember some words of advice from Dona, and you'll go through the treetops to the temple. Get to the temple and you'll discover that like Besaid Temple, Kilika is overrun with fiends. It's time for you to do some more extermination work! Make your way through the temple and you'll run into Barthello, Dona's former bodyguard. You'll have to fight some fiends here to save him, but they aren't very strong. You'll get the Samurai Dressphere for your trouble though. Once you have done this, you'll have to go through towards the Chamber of Fayth once again. Unfortunately, you won't be able to prepare for battle. Word of advice here: equip any and all accessories that give you NulFire or allow you to attack with Ice based elements. It's time for a fight with Dark Ifrit!
Boss: Dark Ifrit (HP:MP - 8820:9999)Like Dark Valefor, a lot of Ifrit's attacks are physical based, but he also uses quite a lot of magic too. For a quick solution, use two Warriors here, one using Power Break and the other using Mental Break. Have your third character as a Dark Knight. A nice strategy to use here (and in subsequent boss fights) is to use Rikku as your main attacker and healer. Equip her with a Garment Grid that gives you Cure or Cura when you have switched classes. The Healing Wind or Healing Light Garment Grids would do just fine. Start her off as a thief because it's the fastest class, then have her switch immediately to Dark Knight. Now not only is Rikku able to do tons of damage, but she'll also be able to heal your other characters at the same time. Getting back to Ifrit, he has all the same attacks that he did in FFX, so watch out for his Overdrives, which he will use at least three times in this fight.
Djose Temple - Hotspot!Seems like Djose Temple is having a problem with the fiends as well, now that Gippal is also missing in action. Like the two other temples, head over to the Chamber of the Fayth. In order to take out the electric barrier guarding the Aeon, you'll have to activate all five pedestals located on the floor below. Of course, every time you activate one you'll have to fight some fiends. It shouldn't be too hard at this point of the game to take care of them though. Before walking up the stairs, make sure to prepare for the Aeon here. If you haven't played Final Fantasy X, the Aeon in Djose is Ixion, and uses Thunder elements. Make sure to equip any NulThunder accessories or anything that lets you attack with Water elements.
Boss: Dark Ixion (HP:MP - 12380:9999)Use the same strategy that you had with Valefor and Ifrit here. Take his offensive power down with Power and Mental Break to minimize the damage he does, and nail him with your highest attacking classes. If you were able to get through Ifrit and Valefor without any trouble, you won't be worrying too much about Ixion.
After defeating Ixion, you'll enter the last scene of Chapter 3. Yuna will receive two Crimson Spheres from Nooj and Gippal, who are chasing after Baralai and Vegnagun. After this scene, you'll notice that you'll be able to control Yuna, and you'll also hear a faint whistle in the background. Continuously press the X button in this scene to continue hearing the whistle. If you do it right, you'll get a slightly different scene, and then you'll head out of the Farplane. Chapter 3 complete!
Chapter 3 Sidequests
LucaThe moment you get to Luca, a cutscene will occur. Seems like there's a big Sphere Break competition going on, so it's time for the Gullwings to clean up! You'll have to beat 3 opponents in order to proceed to the finals, and you can't lose 3 matches either. Before taking on opponents, check out the stats of their coins before accepting their challenge. There are quite a few that are easy picks for you and others that can be quite tough. Look not only at the quota that you have to meet, but also at how many turns you have to meet the quota. Easy opponents are the man walking around the square where you start off, the kid in the 'Spiderman' outfit in the square, and the old man sitting near the crossroads between the stadium and theatre.
Once you have beaten three opponents, your final match will be against none other than Shinra. He's a tough little cookie, but he can be beaten quite easily. The key to remember here is that the Echo Count is your best friend. Use an Echo Count of 3 or 4 coins to get your number, since it's a relatively easy mark to hit without losing too many coins in the process. Your reward for beating Shinra will be the Lady Luck Dressphere. It is possible to get the Dressphere later in the game by facing Shinra in Luca after Chapter 3, but his quota is much much higher, so do your best to beat him here.
Mi'hen High Road
Machina have taken over the High Road, so it's up to you and the Machine Faction to clean up the mess. In order to get the rewards from this mission, you'll have to beat the Machine Faction in the number of machina that you can disable. This is actually pretty easy, since the faction is slow in taking out enemies.
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What you're looking for are machinas on the road, which can be spotted by the green icons on your map. Basically all you have to do is fight your way to Mushroom Rock Road in order to win. Also, you do not have to destroy more machina to get the reward, you can achieve a tie and still win. Once you have finished this mission, you'll receive 10,000 gil as well as a Garment Grid.
The only thing you need to do here is talk to Tolbi twice. A cutscene will occur that adds some points to your completion rating.
Enter the Leblanc Syndicate headquarters and talk to Ormi and Logos on the main floor. Then go upstairs and talk to Leblanc herself. She seems quite depressed, doesn't she? After you attempt to talk to her, go back down to the main floor. You'll notice that the underground passage is now open. Make your way to Logos' room and a cutscene will occur. You'll get two new spheres from Logos (one of which shows just how much of a pervert he really is), and you'll be able to grab the other sphere on top of his dresser. Maechan will appear in the room and he'll tell you another story. Nothing changes with that guy, eh? You can also get a Crimson Sphere here. The room is to the left of the save point in the area. Just jump onto some wooden boxes to reach it.
Thunder Plains
You can get another Garment Grid by completing the various mini-games that are at each tower in this area. Talk to the guy who's working on the first tower twice in order to start the mini-game. There are three games in total. The first game will have you pressing a combination of buttons that appear on the screen.
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The second game will make you choose between three buttons that are falling from the top of the screen, and the third will make you memorize a sequence of buttons to press. Each tower requires you to get a score of at least 28/30, which leaves you with very little leeway, especially since each game gets progressively harder. There's no secret in finishing this area, you just have to be quick with your fingers and your mind.
Macalania Woods
Quick note for this section: Make absolutely sure that you clear O'aka's debt of 100,000 gil before you venture into this area. Once you make it to O'aka's Travel Agency, you'll notice that the place is being attacked by fiends. Your mission here is to get through six consecutive battles. Out of the six battles that you'll fight, the most difficult ones are the first and fourth battles.
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You'll definitely want at least two Mega Potions for this fight to use once you have gotten through the tougher battles. You shouldn't have a problem here though. Once you have finished the mission, you'll get a Garment Grid. Talk to the fallen Al Bhed outside the travel agency and you'll receive the Beserker Dressphere and another sphere. If you managed to clear O'aka's debt before entering the mission, he'll run into the travel agency and will sell you items at a vastly discounted price.
After you've defeated the Aeons in Besaid and Kilika Island, go to Bevelle and head to the area where you fought Dark Bahamut in Chapter 2. You'll see someone familiar on your way through this area. Head to the Chamber of the Fayth and you'll spot Nooj, Baralai and Gippal together. Something will happen to Baralai, and he'll summon a fiend to dispatch of you. You shouldn't have any trouble dealing with a fiend like this now. After the fight you'll find another Crimson Sphere on the ground. Pick it up, and you're that much closer to revealing the secrets of that cave in Mushroom Rock Road.
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Calm LandsGo to the area between the Calm Lands and Mount Gagazet, where you fought Yojimbo in FFX. For those who haven't played FFX, the area in question is found by taking the underpass instead of the bridge towards Mount Gagazet. Once you have reached the cave, you'll be asked to save numerous people who have been trapped in the cave, before they are taken out by fiends. If you played ICO before, you'll understand exactly what you have to do here. Basically, you'll need to find a group of people and lead them out of the cave. Once you have found a person, you'll be told certain traits, such as how many people that particular victim is comfortable being around, and in what order they like to be in. For the most part you don't have to worry about that.
The maximum amount of people you can escort out is five, so grab four of five people at a time and take them to the very first area of the cave. The first thirteen people can be found in the cave, but there are two others that require saving. You'll have to go outside of the cave and talk to the man near the cave entrance. He'll give you an item that will allow you to use the teleporters to get the last two survivors. Once you have rescued them, head back to the Chamber of the Fayth and get ready to fight!
Boss: Dark Yojimbo (HP:MP - 22000:9999)
Mr. Yojimbo is immune to all status changes, so the only thing you can do here is pound him into the ground with physical attacks. Because of this, the Dark Knight or Samurai classes work best in taking down his health. Dark Knight's Darkness ability works really well here, even though it saps some life out of the user. Make sure that you have a couple of people who can use Cura or Curaga so that you can heal up your party after he does his special attack that reduces everyone's HP to 1. Better yet, if you have a good supply of Mega Potions it's recommended that you use those, since it's faster to use items than it is to cast spells. Knock Yojimbo silly with physical attacks and eventually he'll go down. That's all there is to it, really. Yes, we're serious. Defeat Yojimbo and you get yet another Garment Grid
Mount GagazetIt seems that the Ronso have decided to take matters into their own hands, much to the dismay of Kimahri. If you managed to talk to him in Chapter 1 and 2, he'll give you the Trainer dressphere. Either way, you'll have to climb Mount Gagazet without the use of the teleporter, since it's out of commission. Climb the mountain and head towards the summit. Instead of climbing up the cliffs, go left into the mountain. Once you are inside the mountain, head up and left towards the save point. Once you get outside, you'll find Garik, and he has some choice words for Miss Yuna. You aren't going to let him get away with talking that smack, are you?
Boss: Garik (HP:MP - 6880:238)
Ronso Warrior #1 (HP:MP - 6880:238)
Ronso Warrior #2 (HP:MP - 6880:238)If there was any time that the White Mage Dressphere came in handy, this is it. It's absolutely necessary that you have learned Dispel for White Mage, or you don't stand a chance in this fight. First, change one of your characters into a Songstress and use Darkness Dance. This will make the large majority of the Ronso attacks irrelevant. It's probably a good idea to assign one character to be the support. Have that character switch between Songstress and White Mage. Use Darkness Dance until Garik casts Mighty Guard on his party. Once he does that, switch your Songstress to a White Mage and cast Dispel on whomever you want to attack to get rid of his status enhancements. Use your two other characters as your attackers, preferably with Dark Knight or Samurai. Repeat this process for all three enemies and hopefully you won't have any trouble with this fight.
Zanarkand Ruins
The only thing to do here is to enter the Chamber of the Fayth and talk to Isaaru.
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