FFX-2 Walkthrough - Chapter 2

ImageChapter 2 starts off with a cute little scene with Yuna dancing for the rest of the Gullwings. In order to pull off your performance, you'll have to get some musicians first. Luckily, Brother picked a couple of them up, they can be found in the Cabin. Talk to the large fellow with the drums, which will start a small game where you'll have to push all three musicians to the elevator. If you didn't go to Moonflow during Chapter 1, Tolbi will also be present. You'll have to push him onto the elevator if he's there, but if you do you get the Cat Nip accessory, one of the most useful items in the game (if you know how to handle it). After you have gone through this, talk to Shinra and you'll be able to watch the sphere that you just took from New Yevon/Youth League at Kilika Island. After you watch it, you'll have the choice of choosing between giving the sphere back to New Yevon, or giving it back to the Youth League. Deciding either side doesn't make that much of a different, but it contributes to your completion rating for the story. If you chose New Yevon, you'll have an active link in Bevelle for Chapter 3, while choosing the Youth League will have an active link in Mushroom Road Rock instead.

Once you have chosen which side to give the sphere back to, the scene will change from the Celsius to whatever side you chose. When you get back to your airship, you'll discover that Leblanc and her goons have snuck on board and have stolen the sphere that you found! It's time for some payback, and so your main mission for the chapter starts! Head to Guadosalam, the headquarters of the Leblanc Syndicate, and you'll find out that you can't enter unless you have a couple of uniforms to disguise yourselves with. Back on the Celsius, you'll have to visit various locations in the hopes of finding the uniforms you need.

Mount Gagazet - Uniform #1
Once you arrive at the mountain, talk to Kimahri and choose the first option, then talk to him again and choose the first option again. Head to the transporter behind him and you'll find yourself near the summit of the mountain. If you want, you can also climb the mountain without using the transporter in order to level up.

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In any event, head up from your location in the cave and you'll eventually exit it and find two of Leblanc's soldiers wandering about before they spot you and run away. Start chasing them and you'll eventually find a save point. Save here and continue the chase. There are actually two paths you can choose from here. The first would be to follow the soldier after the save point. If you do this, a scene with the two soldiers will occur, and then you'll have to fight them and Ormi.

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The other path you can choose is to continue climbing up the mountain by not taking the path that the female soldier took, and instead going where she first came from. Eventually you'll reach a point where you can see the hot springs from a distance. A much better cutscene will happen here, and you'll get the uniform you were looking for. However, on the way down the mountain you'll have to fight Ormi and the two soldiers anyways, so choose the second option for a cheap thrill.

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Boss: Ormi (HP:MP - 1350:22)
This is another easy boss battle, and much like your other run-ins with the Leblanc Syndicate, you can choose the Songstress job and use Darkness Dance to greatly decrease the amount of damage dealt here. Beat Ormi and you get your uniform and another Garment Grid.

Djose Temple - Uniform #2
ImageHead over to Djose Temple and then towards the crossroads that allow you to access the temple, Moonflow and Mushroom Road Rock. Talk to the hover operator and he'll tell you that the Leblanc Syndicate have taken over all of his rentals, so you'll have to walk by foot to Mushroom Road Rock. Walk in that direction and you'll eventually encounter two female Leblanc Syndicate soldiers. Follow them and eventually you'll find a sphere lying on the ground to acquire Yuna's Special Dressphere, Flora Follal . Pick that up and Ormi and Logos will show up to give you a fight.

Boss: Leblanc Syndicate
Ormi (HP:MP - 1150:22)
Logos (HP:MP - 1030:48)
This fight is a tad tougher than the fight to get the first uniform, only because both Ormi and Logos have special physical abilities that cannot be countered with Songstress' Darkness Dance ability. In any event, you shouldn't have any trouble here. Have one character switch to Songstress and use Darkness Dance to cancel out their normal physical attacks, and allow your two remaining characters to gang up on either one of your opponents to bring them down. It's probably best to take out Logos first here because he gains the Roulette ability, which can kill one of your characters in one shot. He also has this ability in subsequent battles.

Bikanel Desert - Uniform #3
Note: If you didn't visit Djose Temple or Bikanel Desert during Chapter 1, please reference the Djose Temple, Chapter 1 section of this guide to initiate this final quest.

After you have gotten your second uniform, head to Bikanel Desert. Talk to Nhadala. She'll ask you to investigate a situation at an oasis in the desert. Then talk to the operator of the hover to get to the oasis itself. Once you have gotten to the oasis, you'll find a sphere in clear sight. Pick it up to receive Rikku's Special Dressphere, Machine Maw. After you have done this, Logos and two henchwomen will appear. Time to get your third uniform!

Boss: Logos (HP:MP - 1220:46)
These goons don't learn, do they? Again, change one character into Songstress and use Darkness Dance. Have your two other characters take out the 2 female soldiers since they're unaffected by darkness. Then finish off Logos for your third uniform.

Guadosalam - Hotspot!
Now that you got uniforms for all of your characters, head back to Guadosalam. Approach the Leblanc Syndicate mansion and then change into your uniform. The mission starts now, you have to look for the sphere that Leblanc took from you, but where is it?

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Walk into the mansion and you'll find Leblanc and Nooj talking. Nooj you say? Yup, the leader of the Youth League. After their scene together, Leblanc will head upstairs. Head into the room on the main floor (you'll remember this as the place that Seymour asked Yuna to marry him in FFX). You'll find Ormi and Logos talking amongst themselves, and then you'll be ordered to go upstairs. Head upstairs to Leblanc's bedroom and she'll ask for a massage from you. Yeah, I know what you're thinking.

ImageThe 'Lesbian Massage Mini-game' is fairly easy to beat. Basically you're looking for the 'hotspot' on Leblanc's body that will give you the most amount of points so that you can continue on your mission. You'll have to navigate through a 3 x 3 grid to find it, and the locations of the spots are random. If you hit a spot and you get a blue icon, that means you're cold. Get a yellow icon and you're getting warmer. Hit the red one and you've struck gold! After the mini-game, Leblanc will be satisfied with your attempts to soothe her, so head back down to the main floor room. Find the switch in the room, it's near the left-hand door. This will open up a secret passage. As soon as you enter this secret area, you'll have to do battle with Ormi and two goons.

Boss: Ormi (HP:MP - 1640:40)
Use the same strategy that you've executed in earlier fights. You shouldn't have any trouble here.After the fight, continue on into this secret area. Near the save point there's a room with an accessory, so grab that before moving on. Once you have done that, hang a right and then straight into the room ahead of you. Grab the sphere in this room to get a Crimson Sphere, and be prepared to fight once more.

Boss: Leblanc SyndicateOrmi (HP:MP - 1344:45)
Logos (HP:MP - 989:70)
Use the same tactics that you did when you first encountered these guys on the crossroads. Songstress with Darkness Dance is still your friend.Once this fight is over, walk out of the room and go to your right. You'll see a ledge that you can jump onto. Climb it with the Circle button and then drop down. You'll see a switch on the wall. Activate it and then climb up the next ledge. Drop down and activate that switch. Climb up the last ledge and you'll see the last switch on the wall& only it's not a switch. Damn booby traps! Start jumping over the previous ledges and then wait for the wall of spikes to comes towards you. Don't worry about avoiding it, just let it come into contact with you. Once it has, you'll end up in a room that has the final switch. How this works I have no clue, but it does. Activate the final switch, drop down and then cross the other ledges and then unlock the secret door. Follow the path and enter the first room that you see. You'll enter the Leblanc meeting room, where you'll have yet another run-in with the Leblanc Syndicate.

Boss: Leblanc Syndicate
Ormi (HP:MP - 1344:45)Logos (HP:MP - 989:70)
Leblanc (HP:MP - 1380:70)
This fight will be the toughest one you'll have to go through with these clowns, but you can run into some trouble here if you're not careful. Take out Logos first because he has the lowest HP and an instant kill ability with Roulette. By taking him out, you also negate Leblanc Syndicate's ability to use their delta attack. Once you have taken out Logos, take out Leblanc herself and then Ormi, since his attacks are the weakest out of the three.

Bevelle - Hotspot!
ImageAfter the scene with the Leblanc Syndicate, you'll have to make your way to Bevelle. If you haven't done any of the sidequests before Guadosalam, you're out of luck, as your trip to Bevelle will occur automatically after facing off with Leblanc. Once you enter Bevelle, go to the New Yevon headquarters and then to the room on your right. Activate the switch here by climbing onto it. Now go to the room to your left and activate the hologram on the ground. Go back to the main hall and enter the lift. Instead of going up, it will not go down. To get to the next area, go down the path on your left side, but first go to the right and get the treasure chests laying there. Head down the path on the left and get the treasure chest, then follow the red icon to the exit. Take the lift down to the second level and go right.

Image Go to the corridor and a cutscene will occur with the Leblanc Syndicate. After that, head up to the upper section of the screen and Yuna will slide down the chain to the main area. There are a bunch of security towers in this area, and you'll need to activate them in a certain order to get to the next area. You need to activate every other tower in order to proceed, so go to the first tower that you see, then skip the next one and activate the one after that. Do the same for the next tower and you'll have accessed the next area. But first, it's time to fight a boss!

Boss: Precepts Guard (HP:MP - 3680:9999)
For the first time in the game, Songstress is generally useless in this fight. This boss mainly deals with spells with the occasional attack, so what you'll want to do is take his magic power down with the Warrior's Mental Break, which lowers magic power. Warriors are also effective here since they have the highest attack power of any class you'll have at the moment, unless you have the Gun Mage. This boss is immune to a lot of status changes, so don't bother with any attacks like that. Instead, time your attacks between all three of your characters so that you get chain combos to maximize your damage.

There's another boss that you can fight here in order to gain the Ribbon accessory, which protects the user from all status ailments. In order to get to this accessory, you'll have to activate the towers that you didn't use. Once you have done this, you'll be able to see a small treasure chest just below the room you'll have to enter to progress. But of course, there's that small matter of the other boss.

Boss: Georapella (HP:MP - 4420:9999)
This boss is a different version of Precepts Guard, so use the same tactics that you did on him with this guy. Use Mental and Power Break a lot, since they do a good job of keeping the damage he deals to a minimum.

Jump down the platforms and enter the room here. Proceed until you get to a fork in the road and then head right to get a Garment Grid. Go back and then take the left turn instead. You'll come to an area with a ledge and two towers. Jump on one tower to activate it, and then from that tower jump over to the other tower to get to the next area. In this area you'll see a blockade in the middle of the screen. You can control it by using the switch that's in the same area. Once you have lowered the blockade, head onto the next section. The next section is a little puzzle that involves three of the lifts you've seen before. It's also where you can get what's arguably the best Dressphere in the game.

The correct sequence is as follows. Take the left lift up to the next floor, then from that starting point head down and you'll drop down to the previous floor. Now take the middle lift up and you'll come to a place where you can activate a switch. Take the middle lift back down and then take the right lift up. From here, head left and you'll be able to take the left lift back down. Now take the middle lift back up again and you'll be in another area with another switch. Take the middle lift back down again and take the left lift up. Head up and activate the upper lift by climbing on top of the ledge. Now take that lift up and you'll be able to cross the platforms to get to the treasure chest containing the Dark Knight Dressphere!

Cross back and onto the main path. It's best to save before going any further, since the next two fights will be pretty vicious. Turn the corner and you'll run into Baralai, the leader of New Yevon. Time to get it on!

Boss: Baralai (HP:MP - 3380:540)
The leader of New Yevon is a fierce combatant, one that you really need to be careful around. He's extremely fast, and most of his attacks are physical, so Songstress and her Darkness Dance will be a help here to keep damage at a minimum. Use one of your characters in Warrior and use Power Break to bring down his damage as well. If you can, it's a good idea to use one character as a secondary attacker who can heal other party members when necessary. Baralai does have one attack that hits the entire party and can't be stopped, so watch out for it as it's not particularly flashy, but does a good deal of damage. He also has other attacks that are not stopped by Darkness Dance. One of which is an instant kill attack, while the other takes away all of your MP and casts Stop on you at the same time. React accordingly and you should be just fine.

After Baralai, Yuna and company will run into the last area of Chapter 2. And what better opponent to finish off the chapter than the master himself, Dark Bahamut?

Boss: Dark Bahamut (HP:MP - 8400:9999)
If you want the best results in this battle, make two of your party members Warrior and start whooping him with Power Breaks, Mental Breaks and Armor Breaks. By the time he tries his Megaflare Overdrive attack, his regular attacks should do almost nothing to you. The third member should turn into a Thief and start using all the Star and Lunar Curtains available, as they cast Protect and Shell on the entire party. Once you have used about 2 or 3 of each, Bahamut's attacks will do somewhere in the neighborhood of 10 - 20 HP each, while his Overdrive will do 60 HP at the most.

After a lengthy cutscene, chapter 2 will be complete! Now, onto the next chapter!

Chapter 2 Sidequests

Besaid Island
When you arrive on the island, the Besaid Aurochs will be practicing for the start of the Blitzball tournament with a member of the Youth League named Beclem. He's quite the arrogant guy, and after a few choice words with Yuna he challenges you to a little mini-game. If you accept, you have a couple of minutes to pass his high score, and if you happen to get over 1000 points, he'll give you an extra prize. The controls for the mini-game are laid out for you at the beginning, so let's get down on how to overcome this challenge, shall we? Basically what you want to do is rack up a lot of points by chaining kills together. The more kills you chain together, the more points you get. If you get hit, then your chain counter resets to zero, so do everything you can to maintain your chain. The smaller wolves take about 6 shots to kill, while the purple wolves take about 8. The flying enemies take 10 shots to kill, so use your Death shot on them. It's important to remember when to cycle through your shots. If you have a flying enemy and a wolf coming at you, kill off the flying one with a death shot, and then switch over to a single shot for the remaining enemy. You'll have to make it to the beach in order to succeed, but before you do, make sure you keep one Death shot handy for the last enemy before the beach, as he takes a lot of damage before he goes down. It's much easier to just use a Death shot and get it over with.

Go to the square and you'll spot Shelinda, whom you may remember from FFX. She's now a TV reporter, and wants to get a couple of words in with you. Answer the questions she asks you and at the end of the whole thing she'll give you a Garment Grid. Hooray for Shelinda!

Mi'hen High Road
ImageGo to Rin's Travel Agency and you'll find yourself having to help a girl named Calli get a chocobo. Choose to start the mission, and you'll have to chase down a Chocobo. Rikku will be leading the chase, so follow her. When she stops and asks if you want to follow her advice, say no. This will occur a couple of times, so always say no. She really sucks at giving advice, after all. Eventually you'll corner the Chocobo, and you'll have to guess which direction it will run to by using the directional pad. Correctly guess it 3 times and you're on your way to the next section. Once again, follow Rikku. Eventually the Chocobo will escape your clutches, so go talk to the girl beside the machina, and ask for her help. After a little chase, you'll have to fight a boss!

Boss: Chocobo Eater (HP:MP - 2350:230)
Songstress' Darkness Dance doesn't work here, but Black Mage's Fire/Fira/Firaga is good, since he's weak against that element. If you have a Fire Gleam, equip that since it adds fire elemental to your physical attacks. You'll get a Garment Grid for your troubles here.

Head back to the Travel Agency and you should see Calli with a Chocobo as well as Clasko. Invite them onto the Celsius!

Mushroom Rock Road
This scene only occurs if you choose to hand over the sphere from Chapter 1 to Bevelle instead of the Youth League.

Go to Mushroom Rock Road and talk to Clasko, who is standing beside some Youth League members. You'll be challenged by the Youth League, so you'll have to go through their ranks and beat some sense into them. At the end, you'll have to fight one of the Youth League elite warriors.

Boss: Elma (HP:MP - 1640:450)
Elma is a relatively easy boss to beat. Use a Remedy or the White Mage's Dispel if she casts Slow on you, and just pound her into the ground using the Gunner or Warrior class. She'll go down without much of a fight.

After the fight, proceed to the lift. You'll get a Garment Grid for winning. Also, make sure to go down to the secret dungeon where you first got a Crimson Sphere from Ormi and Logos. You'll find Nooj there, and he'll hand over a Crimson Sphere to Paine.

ImageThe mission here is to sell tickets for Tolbi's big show, so help him by talking to people in and around the Moonflow to see who wants to buy a ticket. The amount that each person will buy a ticket for varies depending on the person, and is anywhere from 1000 to 2000 gil. Obviously you want to sell your ten tickets to those who are willing to pay the maximum amount, so here's a list of those people who will buy your tickets for 2000 gil.


  • The man standing near the docks

Across the Moonflow, near Guadosalam:

  • A man at the Shoopuf station
  • Little girl at the Shoopuf station
  • Lady near the musicians
  • Man near the entrance of Guadosalam
  • Lady near the announcement board at Moonflow

Once you have sold your tickets to these guys, you can pretty much sell them to anyone else. Once you have done that, go back to Tolbi and your mission will be complete. You'll get the Gun Mage Dressphere if you haven't done the mission back in Chapter 1 for Moonflow, as well as a Garment Grid.

Thunder Plains
Head to Thunder Plains and look out for Cid. He will be standing near Rin's Travel Agency.

Macalania Woods
Talk to the Guado near the save point, and then go to the place where you met Tromell Guado. Talk to the new person standing there, and he'll ask for your help in finding his friends, the musicians. These guys are relatively easy to find, since Macalania Woods is fairly small. Once you have completed this mission, you'll gain Paine's Full Throttle Special Dressphere if you didn't get it from Tromell Guado back in Chapter 1.

Calm Lands
ImageReal simple area here. First you'll probably want to go to the Item shop in the center of the Calm Lands to find Lian and Ayde. Then you can find them again on the Thunder Plains. Once you have done that, go to the Monster Arena from FFX, it'll be on the east side of the Calm Lands for those who haven't played the game. Talk to Clasko here and he'll give you a challenge. You'll have to find the five real monsters in the dungeon. The rest are fake monsters, and it's easy to tell which one is the real monster because the ones that are real are facing in the wrong direction compared to the fake one. After you have done this, defeat the monsters in the arena and Clasko will give you the Alchemist Dressphere.

Mount Gagazet
All you need to do here is talk to Kimahri. He'll tell you of some Ronso youths that have run away from the mountain. A mission will start, so you'll have to go and find them. You can find them at the Travel Agency in the Calm Lands. A cutscene will occur when you meet them, and then they'll run away again. You'll be able to catch up with them again at the Thunder Plains

Zanarkand Ruins
ImageHead to Zanarkand Ruins. Go straight into the ruins until you see Isaaru, then talk to him to start a mini-game. The objective of this mini-game is to match up the monkeys with their partners. You've got to look for one creature with a love symbol and pair it up with its partner. Fortunately for you this isn't random like the 'find the numbers' mini-game in Besaid Island, Chapter 1. There are six sections where you can find the monkeys. We've numbered them by section, the first being where you just talked to Isaaru, and the sixth being where you talked to Isaaru in Chapter 1.

There are several ways to figure out which monkey goes with its partner. The most obvious is to look at their names. The monkeys that are in love share a similar name in context to their partner. For instance, Spring and Autumn are in love, as are Peke (Peak) and Valli (Valley). Of course, you can just use simple trial and error too. Either way, finish this mini-game to get an accessory called the Soul of Thamasa. Click on the links to see pictures of each Section.

Continue Walkthrough...

Admin – Tue, 04/25/2006 – 11:49am


Ok PLEASE help me now!! i cant go further til i get those chests in gagazet! i think sumthing important is inside of them! sum1 help!!?

they are up the cliffs in gagazet, one is on a floating rock that moves away and the other is also on a floating rock but theres another rock next to it that also moves away b4 u can jump on it! i neeeeeeeeeed sum1 to help me pls pls pls.

Pukara: "Alas, a night of song filled fun is broken by the the rising sun."

Katisha – Thu, 01/22/2009 – 9:27am

Queen Coeurl

:/ i'm really stressed out because i'm doing the sidequests and i'm now in the monster arena in the Calm Lands.. I was doing really well until i came across a Queen Coeurl, she kills you in one attack, i've died about 4 times now and i was wondering if anyone could tell me how to defeat her.? PLEASE HELP URGENT :L xx

MDC_X – Mon, 01/19/2009 – 1:46pm


Somebody please help me to slove out monster arena's problem...!
What should i do?
And..um...if i follow what writen above(the walkthrough),can i got 100% completion?

mich – Mon, 01/05/2009 – 11:22am


I the latest i met him was at mi'ihen highroad,on the way to youth league base(because i gave back the sphere to youth league)..
When he was ordered to show the way to YRP,he looked dissapointed and run away to some where...
Please tell me where's he hiding...

mich – Mon, 01/05/2009 – 5:08am

Monster arena

Hey!why i can't get into the monster arena?!
it said:"something about this feel wrong. You'd better not go in just yet"
i got sicked of this...
Some one please help me to solve this out..

mich – Mon, 01/05/2009 – 3:29am

Re: Monster arena

Hey dont worry, ur not supposed 2 go in yet. uv got to talk to clasko (either at mushroom rock road or with calli near the agenvy at mihen high road) and he wil come on ur ship. i think its after a few hot spots or side quests, u must go bak 2 the calm lands and it wil say he's found his calling. he is now using the monster arena as a chocobo ranch.

Pukara: "Alas, a night of song filled fun is broken by the the rising sun."

Katisha – Thu, 01/22/2009 – 9:51am

Youths ronso

Some one please help me!!
Where can i found the youths ronso at the thunder plains?
I've looked for 'em from corner to corner,but i can't find them!

mich – Mon, 01/05/2009 – 2:31am

Location youth ronso

Actually they're in the strange looking old breaking building in the next screen of the thunderplains to your left

As I bear the darkness the darkness becomes my ultimate strength

Dark Knight of ... – Tue, 01/06/2009 – 1:42am

Still can't find 'em

Thx for ur answer...
I've looked for 'em at there,but still i can't found 'em(building that place on the northern map after travel agency,right?)
actually,i'm in ch.2 now,and i hav other problem now..
The problem is i can't get into monster arena at calm lands..
(i'm stuck at ch2)

mich – Tue, 01/06/2009 – 2:40am

Oh! and...

Hey I forgot to tell you that to activate the research for the ronso youth you must first in chap 1 talk to kimahari then in chap 2 talk to them in the calm lands i don't realy remember where then in chap 3 you will find them in thunder plains , send them where ever you want but don't forget in chap 4 you must view the commsphere where you sent them untill THEY APPEAR then in chap 5 if you talk to them you get the conflagration gg

As I bear the darkness the darkness becomes my ultimate strength

Dark Knight of ... – Thu, 01/08/2009 – 12:00pm

Monster Arena

First you need to have found clasko in chap1 and let him on board. then in chap 2 it's on the right of calm lands you can see a green dot in the mini map

As I bear the darkness the darkness becomes my ultimate strength

Dark Knight of ... – Wed, 01/07/2009 – 5:32am

It means i must replay the

It means i must replay the game from the beginning?
Where can i find clasko in ch1?(actually,i did follow the the walkthrough above, and it doesn't write anything about clasko in ch1)
Is there a chance to find him in ch2?

mich – Wed, 01/07/2009 – 7:16am


In chap 1 you find clasko in mushroom rock road automatticaly when you enter and let him on board
In chap 2 he will be on board so you must find Calli in mi'hen and then go to the calm lands and the chocobo ranch will automaticaly be opened
I realy don't know if you can find him in chap 2 but try anyways to find him like in chap 1 hope this helps :)

As I bear the darkness the darkness becomes my ultimate strength

Dark Knight of ... – Thu, 01/08/2009 – 11:52am


I'm so confused!!
Didn't the aeon's die in FFX?!?!?
How did the aeon's come back!?!??!

yrp_rock – Sun, 12/07/2008 – 8:05pm


the aeons are seriously peed off with yuna for killing them, and they want revenge, like the fiends

booms – Thu, 02/05/2009 – 7:41am

Re: Aeons

Technically they're still dead.

When anything/everythign died in ffx it went to the farplane, including the aeons.
So when Yuna jumps into the farplane technically she's fighting mosnters / things that have already died.

in other words - they dont come back to life

Fayth: "Yes, you're a dream of the fayth. You, your father, your mother, everyone. All dreams. And if the fayth stop dreaming..."
Tidus: "No! So what if I'm a dream! I... I like being here."
Fayth: "We've been dreaming so long... we're tired."

Ryu Ryu – Sun, 12/14/2008 – 1:29am

The Dark Knight Dress Sphere.

I know how you get it but on my game only three platforms were summoned and i think that there are supposed to be 4 .. i think.
Can you tell me if i am doing something wrong. :)


BlackMageWiccan – Tue, 04/08/2008 – 5:21pm

There are 3...

I'm pretty sure there are three.

Gemini – Mon, 04/14/2008 – 4:29pm

Re: The dark knight dress sphere

im pretty sure there was only 3...
(*faily sure* i havent played in a bit im fairly sure)

Fayth: "Yes, you're a dream of the fayth. You, your father, your mother, everyone. All dreams. And if the fayth stop dreaming..."
Tidus: "No! So what if I'm a dream! I... I like being here."
Fayth: "We've been dreaming so long... we're tired."

Ryu Ryu – Thu, 04/10/2008 – 11:01am

Operation: Infiltrate Bevelle!

aak need some help here

I am in the place where rikku said "Yunie! The sphere with you-know-who in it; wasn't it recorded here?" with the spiralling cage things

i know you can step on the button to stop the cages from moving and climb on the and then get on the edge and have rikku move them

but uhh i dont really understand what do with the stuff

like what is the point here?

"I don't want friends to die... or fade away. I don't want battles I have to lose to win."

Anna4ffx2 – Sun, 03/30/2008 – 10:00am

Re: Operation: Infiltrate Bevelle!

There are two chests with two accessories that are only accessible form moving the cages.
On the second Highest Level you can find Bloodlust and on the bottom most level is Wring.

Bloodlust gives auto-hatse,poison,beserk add strength +90 and makes you immune to strength decreasing effects

Wring Increases magic strength by 90, adds auto-haste and auto-poison

Fayth: "Yes, you're a dream of the fayth. You, your father, your mother, everyone. All dreams. And if the fayth stop dreaming..."
Tidus: "No! So what if I'm a dream! I... I like being here."
Fayth: "We've been dreaming so long... we're tired."

Ryu Ryu – Thu, 04/10/2008 – 11:00am


May I ask the best level is at this point in the game?

LuLu -- Your the high summoner who defeated sin!

Lady Yunaleska – Tue, 03/25/2008 – 1:23pm

re: umm

there isnt really a best level..
but i would try to maintain one, where there isnt difficulty in defeating random encounter enemies.
in ch.2 i would be around lvl 25ish at the minimun, depending on your skill level and the items/equipment you have available.

Fayth: "Yes, you're a dream of the fayth. You, your father, your mother, everyone. All dreams. And if the fayth stop dreaming..."
Tidus: "No! So what if I'm a dream! I... I like being here."
Fayth: "We've been dreaming so long... we're tired."

Ryu Ryu – Fri, 03/28/2008 – 12:54pm


i didnt get Cat Nip i got enterprise for pushing Tolbi in the elevator

kurse – Sun, 01/20/2008 – 1:46pm


Yher, your not ment to get catnip, you get enterprise lol

It Was By Listening To Their Song That We Guado Remembered What It Is To Hope...

Ghost-x – Sun, 01/20/2008 – 11:09pm


I was puzzled by this one. I was unable to push Tobli at all! The other guys went into the elevator just fine, but Tobli was immovable...

Yunarific – Mon, 04/07/2008 – 9:34pm

Can't move him

As far as I know, you can't move the little guy to the elevator.

Gemini – Wed, 04/09/2008 – 5:30pm

*how to get catnip?*

hello, new member here. :)
i've seen like other sources of walkthrough and they say if you've gone to moonflow in chpt.1, you wont get the catnip but will complete the episode of moonflow.

but i was wondering if there are any other ways to get catnip other then pushing tobli?

zinawong – Mon, 11/26/2007 – 11:14pm

Re: *how to get catnip?*

Well first off, welcoem to FFX-2

as for cat-nip. YES there is an EASIER, and much less tedious way to get it. In chapter five you can enter cloister infinito and after defeating the black elemental on cloister 40, catnip will be in a chest, where it was along with sprint-shoes, rabbits foot, and haste bangle.

Fayth: "Yes, you're a dream of the fayth. You, your father, your mother, everyone. All dreams. And if the fayth stop dreaming..."
Tidus: "No! So what if I'm a dream! I... I like being here."
Fayth: "We've been dreaming so long... we're tired."

Ryu Ryu – Tue, 11/27/2007 – 7:42pm


ok so how else could i get cat nip...I didnt push tobii into the elavator and because of that i didnt get cat nip....how else could u get it.....i really need someone to help me herree!!!!....ill take all help i cann!!

Please and thank you to who ever can help mee....:'(

HxCxAniFreak – Fri, 08/17/2007 – 1:08pm


cloister infinito lvl.20 after defeating black elemental in ch.5
i didnt even know it was possible to push tobli in the elevator :S

Fayth: It may look like him, but the real Shuyin died long ago. Even after a thousand years, his hate and misery linger on. His feelings grew so strong, they began to act on their own... Eventually, they became a shadow - a shade that wants only to vanish

Ryu Ryu – Fri, 08/17/2007 – 2:54pm


i didnt think it was posible either...until i helped my lil sister push him in....i got soo madd......>:O

ok so you get cat nip on chapter 5 after defeating the black elemental....but then how do u use it??......its wayy confusing

HxCxAniFreak – Sat, 08/18/2007 – 11:19am

aaaaaaaaa help mee!@#!@#!@#

its like i bought this game but m friend played it and i continued from his save........and he almost like did half of the things but i can't ride a chocobo.....and i can' blame rikku for the machina crap -.- help me ..............i need to ride the chocobo to get paine's break hp and dmg limit......i already got yuna and rikkus break hp and dmg limit

Shuyin_123 – Thu, 11/22/2007 – 5:05pm

Re: aaaaaaa help mee!

you CANT ride chocobo's in FFx-2.
you also DONT need a chocobo to get paine's break hp and dmg limits. there only accessible in ch.1 and 2.

If you cant blame rikku.. you'll have to wait for your new game plus XD

Fayth: "Yes, you're a dream of the fayth. You, your father, your mother, everyone. All dreams. And if the fayth stop dreaming..."
Tidus: "No! So what if I'm a dream! I... I like being here."
Fayth: "We've been dreaming so long... we're tired."

Ryu Ryu – Sat, 11/24/2007 – 10:27am

Yes you can.

you can ride chobabo's in FFx-2. all you have to do is complete t Rinn's comsphere mission, and in chapter 5 they will find out that Rikku made the machinia go crazy ans then you can ride chocobo's again. {but only in the Me'hin Highrode] then you can get one of Pains special Break limit damage thimg.

p.s my sister did it and she got to ride chocobo's, that's how i know.

Gippal2012 – Thu, 11/29/2007 – 4:20pm


Yes all you need to do is complete Rinns comsphere mission but the culprit doesnt necessarly have to be Rikku as long as u get an episode complete in Mi'hen Highroad in Chapter 5you can ride a chocobo (just clearing things up)

Zhad0w – Thu, 11/29/2007 – 6:15pm


I didn't know that, thanks.

p.s Sorry for sounding like a jerk.

Gippal2012 – Mon, 12/03/2007 – 8:20pm

Re: omg

Rofl XD
tobli pissed me off so much, i just gave up on him.
Cat nip allows the wearers hits to do 9,999dmg as long as they're health is yellow.
i posted a huge thing on cat-nip in my blog if you wanna know more :)

Fayth: It may look like him, but the real Shuyin died long ago. Even after a thousand years, his hate and misery linger on. His feelings grew so strong, they began to act on their own... Eventually, they became a shadow - a shade that wants only to vanish

Ryu Ryu – Sat, 08/18/2007 – 12:10pm

catnip HELP

when i have to push the people into the elevator in chapter 2 tobli doesn't appear. how do i get him to appear.


gamekiller – Sat, 08/18/2007 – 6:28pm

Re: catnip Help

Tobli will appear if u didn't do mission in moonflow (ch.1). But u can do that mission later on new game plus.
One thing to remember, u must push people from smallest to biggest in order tobli, trumpeeter, harp player, and drummer.

gippal cool – Sun, 08/19/2007 – 10:56am

Re: catnip help

lol i was tryign to figure that out for the lognest time XD

muahaa, its so stupid how you have to push them in order,
i always forget, and i always have to reset...

Fayth: It may look like him, but the real Shuyin died long ago. Even after a thousand years, his hate and misery linger on. His feelings grew so strong, they began to act on their own... Eventually, they became a shadow - a shade that wants only to vanish

Ryu Ryu – Sun, 08/19/2007 – 11:58am

Re: catnip HELP

it seems tha tsometimes he appears and sometimesh e doesnt.
i dont exactly know why this is...

its similar to chocobo breeding in FF7 , where you have to reset repeatedly to get what you want
(i actually managed to breed a gold chocobo, it was SOOO COOL)

Fayth: It may look like him, but the real Shuyin died long ago. Even after a thousand years, his hate and misery linger on. His feelings grew so strong, they began to act on their own... Eventually, they became a shadow - a shade that wants only to vanish

Ryu Ryu – Sat, 08/18/2007 – 11:13pm

Thank uu Ryu Ryu

omgoshh haha...thank u soo muchhh!!!!!
i was soo close to giving upp...lol


p.s..i loves ur namee..:p

oo and ru a genius about FFX2....i bet u got lik 100% er sumthin.....lol..:)

plus...ssry for all the questions i lik just got the game.....does it matter how much percent u get in the game to access each ending...and is each ending different?

HxCxAniFreak – Sat, 08/18/2007 – 12:15pm

Re: thank uu Ryu Ryu

no problem ^^

awwh thanks, i loves your name too, im a huge anime freak myself!
i did get a 100% FINALLY XD
took me 5 tries because i had no clue what i was doing.

its perfectly fine to ask, i do the same thing fro mtime to time =)
as for endings:
under 75% gives you the "bad" ending. Where yuna see's tidus, but he doesnt come back to life and whatnot.
And then it reverts to "normal" ending. (the one with nooj, baralai,gippal)

75%-99% gives you "good" ending where You see Tiddus and Yuna again on besaid island, and there's a huge reunion with wakka and lulu (and wakka's son) after the normal ending and credits

100% gives you a bonus Zanarkand reunion scene with Yuna & Tidus in Zanarkand which plays after "good & normal" endings and aftert the credits.

Fayth: It may look like him, but the real Shuyin died long ago. Even after a thousand years, his hate and misery linger on. His feelings grew so strong, they began to act on their own... Eventually, they became a shadow - a shade that wants only to vanish

Ryu Ryu – Sat, 08/18/2007 – 4:44pm

Re: Endings!

aak ryuryu ur soo close!
-75% bad and normal ending
75%-85% just the normal ending
85%-99% good and normal ending
100% good, normal, and perfect ending

i know because ive beaten the game three times
im working on number four now. hopefully the perfect ending! :]

"I don't want friends to die... or fade away. I don't want battles I have to lose to win."

Anna4ffx2 – Sun, 03/30/2008 – 9:06am


HELP PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!how do u get the mascot and special ending o and also lady luck

shorty – Tue, 07/24/2007 – 6:46pm

second set of cifers (HELP PLEASE!!!!!!)

on besaid where r the second set of cifers located

gamekiller – Mon, 08/13/2007 – 7:36pm

RE:second set of ciphers

using the search spheres's look (starting from the search sphere inside the village):
1) atop of the temple
2)ontop of the huge wall of mud thing (from the search sphere by the save sphere)
3)inbetween the leaves overtop of the waterfall (from the search sphere on the path)
4)in between the tree's (save sphere by the cliff)

Fayth: It may look like him, but the real Shuyin died long ago. Even after a thousand years, his hate and misery linger on. His feelings grew so strong, they began to act on their own... Eventually, they became a shadow - a shade that wants only to vanish

Ryu Ryu – Tue, 08/14/2007 – 11:16am


i just found that outbefore you replied but thx for the concern

gamekiller – Wed, 08/15/2007 – 6:03am

Re: thnx

No prob ^^

Fayth: It may look like him, but the real Shuyin died long ago. Even after a thousand years, his hate and misery linger on. His feelings grew so strong, they began to act on their own... Eventually, they became a shadow - a shade that wants only to vanish

Ryu Ryu – Wed, 08/15/2007 – 10:17am