Discussion forum for the original Kingdom Hearts and Final Mix.
I mentioned 101 Dalmations on my Facebook feed, because I (actually Luca, my dog) is knee-deep in puppy. She currently has 6, but I am almost...
I was just searching for Kingdom Hearts trailers when this video popped up: Kingdom Hearts Trailer I, for one, have never seen this before....
sorry if this thread already exists.. i looked all the 4 pages and couldn`t find one... To the subject: What did you guys think about...
In this thread, let's talk about the superbosses Kurt Zisa and Phantom. I'd like to hear everyone's thoughts on these mega-jerks. If this thread is...
Im not sure if yall seen it (probaby have) but I just found out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VGn2gFGvVZs
I've just beaten Behemoth for the first time and sealed the Hollow Bastion Keyhole. Sora, Don and Goof (My nicknames) are in there early Level 50s,...
(Spoilers if you haven't beat KH yeat) In the end, after sealing the keyhole at Hollow Bastion, Leon said that everybody would return to their...
lol this is a joke!! ...
I've beaten all the bosses, I've found all the Dalmations, got all the spells, the only thing I think I haven't got is Goofy's Dream Shield. I've...
In the first KH, what did your best gummi ship consist of?
OK, I'm really in need of help here! In KH1, does ANYONE know where I can get stopga and all the blue trinities? I'm seriously pissed of with that...
I don't know if requests like these should be posted here or somewhere else but I thought it'd be fitting here. Now, I'm gonna start playing KH:...
http://www.square-enix.co.jp/kingdom2fm/ Check out the "+" sign in the logo. Looking at the Specs section, there's a KH II FM logo and also...
Well this is a discussion thread for KH-related stuff. Questions or other things that might come up, you can find answers here. Anyways I`m sorta new...
Feel Free To Ask Me Anything About KH1 -How To Get Weapons/Spells -World Walkthroughs -Stuck? :wha: Let Me Help :thumb: -Item Locations...
Is it possible to ever go into Disney Castle? I've seen screenshots in the Japanese version where Sora's inside the castle (And I'm sure it's not...
The thing you fight at the end of the world...Chernabog (I had to look it's name up on the internet), why isn't it in the Journal? I keep looking...
Well I have everything to make my Ultima keybalde except 1 thing. The final Orch+. I need to get every single thing only one problem. I have no...
can somewone tell me about the KH ending? PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
what is the best part of kingdom hearts plz ell me and reply thank you
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