ATTENTION ALL MY HOTTIES! Please report to the bush!
*Is first in line* ~ Massey (like the red text isnt a dead giveaway)
I refuse to go to the bush ~nem
*drags Nem to the bush* Thou Shalt NOT defy me, dog!
I am no Dog woman ><
You know, I never was invited to the bush . . . but that doesn't mean I can't take pictures *anonymous Moderator with a heart of gold and a pocket full of pictures for eBay*
Sarah I know that is you now give me those imcriminating photos before i get into trouble
a link to the eBay page would be much appreciated
What are you talking about? I don't have any least, not of you!
don't lie i found that photo album with just pics of me in you stalker
Get well soon LA <3
*Drags Terra to the Bush* Your turn to be dragged ~nem~