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Thread: The Bar is gone

  1. #1
    Summoner of Mist Rydia's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2004

    The Bar is gone

    Due to Gem's approval of the vote to merge the Bar with the Lounge, I have moved the entire contents of the Bar and deleted the forum. As mentioned before, because of the merge, there will be some slight changes in rules for the Lounge.
    • NO EXCESSIVE SPAM. Yes, there are quite a number of those left over from the Bar, but now that the two forums have been merged, it would be appreciated if all threads at least have some substance. There is a forum for spam and bar games, it is called One liners/chat/spam in Adventure Square, so go there if you absolutely must post something absolutely random and pointless. You can still post random, silly threads, but please make sure that they have at least some purpose other than post count +1. Think of the merge as a middle ground between the Lounge and the Bar: There is no need for threads to be so strictly on-topic like the lounge threads were previously, but we also don't want it to turn into a cesspool of random, boring threads with no point like what was often posted before.
    • Also, this was a rule before, but got ignored numerous times: No conversation threads. It's inevitable that sometimes people will talk back and forth in a thread, and it's okay so long as it's relevant to the topic at hand, but for the love of god, don't make a thread that only one or two people can be included in, and then chat about things that nobody else can respond to. This forum has private messages, visitor messages, a shoutbox, a somewhat defunct chatroom, AND a general chat thread, so there really is no excuse for this.

    Please post any questions or concerns here so we can address them; if any rules need to be added then they will be ammended to this first post. But I don't think that will really be necessary. We'll see, though.

  2. #2
    « Intermittent Presence » .A²'s Avatar
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    Jul 2003

    Re: The Bar is gone

    Whoever's idea this was is an absolute genius. Awesome.
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  3. #3
    Hagane no Renkinjutsushi Shin Shin's Avatar
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    Oct 2003

    Re: The Bar is gone


    Can you elaborate on random silly threads accepted in the lounge?

    I pwned LA when I was a noob.

  4. #4
    Summoner of Mist Rydia's Avatar
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    Jan 2004

    Re: The Bar is gone

    QuoteOriginally Posted by Shin Shin View Post

    Can you elaborate on random silly threads accepted in the lounge?
    Okay: A wizard has turned you into a whale. Is this awesome: Y/N

    It's random, but some hilarity and some discussion could possibly ensue.

    Not okay: I like bread! lol

    Nothing of merit will come of this, as it is most likely an inside joke, and if not, who really gives a ****? It's just posting for the sake of getting a post count, which is part of why post counts were taken away from the Bar in the first place.

  5. #5
    « Intermittent Presence » .A²'s Avatar
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    Re: The Bar is gone

    QuoteOriginally Posted by Shin Shin View Post

    Can you elaborate on random silly threads accepted in the lounge?
    Obviously it will vary from thread to thread, though the general idea is that threads ought to have either a discernible point, clear to everyone or be concerned with a relatable topic. If it's nonesensical, it doesn't belong there.

    It's really nothing to worry about though. No-one's gonna get into any trouble for mistakenly posting in the wrong place lol, and 90% of the threads are fine. We'll just moderate and move as and when we see appropriate.
    » msn : cosmicdeathray@hotmail.com //
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    » blog : x // » pm me : x //
    » psn : Ben2289 //

    Spoiler: PSN 
    Spoiler: rEtrO_o 
    Spoiler: etc. 

  6. #6
    Memento Vivere R.Kyra's Avatar
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    Re: The Bar is gone

    This is fantastic. Thanks guys.

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  7. #7
    Khiraxi KoFF's Avatar
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    Re: The Bar is gone

    Got worried about receiving many infractions now, but then I remembered "Oh yeah, mod"

    ~And in the Hand was clutched a Crystal~

  8. #8
    Summoner of Mist Rydia's Avatar
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    Re: The Bar is gone

    I can still infract you.

  9. #9
    Khiraxi KoFF's Avatar
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    Re: The Bar is gone

    I know, but you can't bring yourself to do it

    ~And in the Hand was clutched a Crystal~

  10. #10
    Brothean xephon's Avatar
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    Nov 2003

    Re: The Bar is gone


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