Noble has very kindly dealt with the siege of adbots from which we've been suffering. With any luck, there shouldn't be many more around for a while. Back to business as usual.
Noble has very kindly dealt with the siege of adbots from which we've been suffering. With any luck, there shouldn't be many more around for a while. Back to business as usual.
» msn : //
» gfx : x // » ffvii black ops. : x //
» blog : x // » pm me : x //
» psn : Ben2289 //
Spoiler: PSNSpoiler: rEtrO_oSpoiler: etc.
^To be fair noone has posted that much on the forum.
But anyway this should be about the adbot so back on track I'm glad they are gone
Staff 1 Adbots 0![]()
^Made by Tinychikn
Spoiler: awards
Spoiler: quotes
Make sure to use those smilies otherwise full blown arguements can start!
Staff 2 - Adbots 1477
~And in the Hand was clutched a Crystal~
Aaaand, they're back.
~And in the Hand was clutched a Crystal~
Not as bad though. This one actually had to type a message. I don't think there's any way to get rid of them for good. Even big forums get them sometimes. Silly internet is turning into one big advert.
Spoiler: Awards
There is always the possibility that a user will create an account then give it over to a bot, and that is unpreventable. I am still researching some more security options.
I went ahead and set up Akismet for the forums. It is marketed as "the worlds best spam prevention". What it does is anytime a user with less then 15 past posts creates a new thread it is scanned by the akismet database. It will flag any post it detects as spam for moderation. This should prevent a lot of automated bots.
Or an account gets hacked or whatever. I'm seeing it over e mails again as well.
We appreciate your help NobleIt brings this place to life again. Ever so slowly.
Spoiler: Awards