Decided to make a full cast Exigo screen after doing that other one. I was able to use most of the pictures provided through each of our character sheets, but I didn't have one for Gideon, Keema, and the twins and the only image of Kyra was a portrait header for Rinnie's posts. Also, the image Val provided was a sketch so I did my best to colour it the way he described in his profile. Luckily, his attire is mostly white. xD

As such, let me do a quick explanation of the image just in case there's any confusion over it. The background is meant to be the altered portal into the Via Infinito, which was created during Sanika's attack. I'm not sure if it's apparent enough, but the little girl is there, too. I blended the Spooky Little Girl image I created before into the background. <3 On the top left corner is Iezak, Hunter, and Keema, the major players of the other side of the RP. I didn't include any of the established characters as it would have been too much clutter. There aren't very many guado images so I took the default guado concept art directly from Square to act as Keema. Under them are Joseph and Val. Next to them are the twins, who are actually the Vocaloids Kagamine Rin and Kagamine Len as I wasn't about to try incorporating Kellen's Sims models. If you look closely, though, you'll see I did give them Al Bhed pupils. x) On the far right is Kane. I didn't have a Gideon image and I couldn't find one that resembled what Kinnie described so instead, I made use of my Alexander Mulrey's character image. x) He is faded as Gideon is still working towards becoming a Fallen Paladin. Above him is my couple, the warriors Cyan and Mishka. I'm sure it comes as no surprise that it's my favourite aspect of the image, but I just feel that they came together amazingly well. There's also a secret about them, but more on that later if we ever get to it. At the heart of it is our main couple, Nikki and Kyra, but as I didn't have a full body for Kyra, I had to search for one, which is why, Rinnie, I asked about a full image for your Kyra. =p She gave me the character Lucy Heartfilia, but as compared to the profile image, the hair was different and Lucy's eyes are brown. Therefore, I blued the eyes. I blued them good. ^.~ <3 Uh, ahem, and I rid her of that Misty ponytail. >.> I know the face still looks vastly different, but I wasn't about to try pasting a black and white manga head on a coloured anime body. x_X Oh, and I took away the girl's tail. xD Lastly, the pink and blue letters come from a screen capture of a pyrefly. <3 Unfortunately, there's just a bit much going on in the image for the fancy Fall of Spira letters to show well regardless of colour. >.<

Did I say quick explanation? Oh, you silly fools. *poof gone*