^If you like something and want more, it's worth the money, right? If you don't think it's worth it, don't buy it. Some people will always buy what they want regardless of the terms or circumstances stuff is released under, if it's good enough for them.
From the looks of it, this DLC won't be too conclusive and will merely tie some knots to make some things easier to understand. In other words, I think the ending of the game might indeed be canon and we can probably expect a XIII-3 (or nothing at all, lol). I don't think anything is wrong with that kind of DLC. If it was the ACTUAL ending to the game that was made DLC and if it would give the game a happy ending, it would be a different story.
Anyway, glad to see some confirmation on the DLC. I agree that May is quite a bit to wait. On the bright side the thing with a different gameplay is good imo, because my experience with XIII was that when I stopped playing it and had to help someone else in the game months later, I couldn't control shit, lol. You need to be into it or at least restart at an easier point in the game (I was asked to help beat Barthandelus on the Dreadnought, lulz).
So I'm not complaining about something that requires you to play a little differently. The original battle in Valhalla was kinda different too though so it could be that it works something like it did there, but mostly likely still different.
It'll be good to get some clarification. I've yet to watch the secret ending but I think it might happen today or tomorrow.