With the inclusions of Ultros, Typhon, Gilgamesh and Pupu as DLC, it's clear that Square have both run out of original ideas for bestiary (a downward spiral that began with FFX - palette-swapped aeons as superbosses? creative!), and are eager to make money off your precious nostalgia. V, VI and VIII have already been done (ruined). Who will they dig out of the vault next?
- Demon Wall?
- Sandy (COM), Cindy (SEN) and Mindy (RAV)?
- Jenova (SAB)?
- Black Waltzes 1 to 3 (RAVs) each packaged separately at £3 a piece?
- Kraken, Lich, Maliris and Tiamat?
- Lani (COM)?
- Beatrix (RAV)?
- Seymour (RAV)?
- Biran and Yenke (COMs)?