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Thread: Which precious childhood memory will Square exploit for DLC next?

  1. #1
    « Intermittent Presence » .A²'s Avatar
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    Which precious childhood memory will Square exploit for DLC next?

    With the inclusions of Ultros, Typhon, Gilgamesh and Pupu as DLC, it's clear that Square have both run out of original ideas for bestiary (a downward spiral that began with FFX - palette-swapped aeons as superbosses? creative!), and are eager to make money off your precious nostalgia. V, VI and VIII have already been done (ruined). Who will they dig out of the vault next?

    - Demon Wall?
    - Sandy (COM), Cindy (SEN) and Mindy (RAV)?
    - Jenova (SAB)?
    - Black Waltzes 1 to 3 (RAVs) each packaged separately at £3 a piece?
    - Kraken, Lich, Maliris and Tiamat?
    - Lani (COM)?
    - Beatrix (RAV)?
    - Seymour (RAV)?
    - Biran and Yenke (COMs)?
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  2. #2
    Memento Vivere R.Kyra's Avatar
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    Biggs and Wedge?

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  3. #3
    Khiraxi KoFF's Avatar
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    To be honest, I don't think there will be that much more DLC. Maybe a little, dunno... But I just imagine that the Lightning DLC in May will be the final DLC. If it won't be, then they can probably keep going for long before they stop, lol.
    Either way, I think it makes perfect sense to put these monsters in as DLC. o_O. Most of them are really good monster alternatives and the battles to get them are both funny and interesting if not unique. I'm not even sure what this thread is supposed to incite. OH GOD NO SQUARE MADE POPULAR REFERENCES IN THEIR GAMES AGAIN AND PEOPLE BUY IT BECAUSE THEY WANT IT! WhAt Do We DoOoO??


    That aside, the options listed here so far all seem decently or very possible. I like the idea of the 4 Fiends. Could make for one heck of a battle.

    ~And in the Hand was clutched a Crystal~

  4. #4
    « Intermittent Presence » .A²'s Avatar
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    QuoteOriginally Posted by KoFF View Post
    Most of them are really good monster alternatives and the battles to get them are both funny and interesting if not unique.
    You forgot, expensive. I'm not trying to provoke anything other than discussion about where they might go to next. A herd of Yan?

    However, I do find it a little ridiculous that following this business model, if KHIII is eventually released we can probably expect the Hades Cup tournament to be delivered round by round as DLC once a week. Imagine having to download every different floor of Via Infinito one at a time because they can charge you £2 for them.
    Last edited by .A²; 04-13-2012 at 11:38 PM.
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  5. #5
    Brothean xephon's Avatar
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    I'm surprised they haven't managed to pull any of the main characters of FF games in a Dissidia style pack.

  6. #6
    Brothean xephon's Avatar
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    QuoteOriginally Posted by KoFF View Post
    Either way, I think it makes perfect sense to put these monsters in as DLC. o_O. Most of them are really good monster alternatives and the battles to get them are both funny and interesting if not unique. I'm not even sure what this thread is supposed to incite. OH GOD NO SQUARE MADE POPULAR REFERENCES IN THEIR GAMES AGAIN AND PEOPLE BUY IT BECAUSE THEY WANT IT! WhAt Do We DoOoO??
    Remember when we got these references in the retail versions of games?

    Oh shit son.

  7. #7
    Khiraxi KoFF's Avatar
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    True enough, I also prefer full retail games over DLC, but these monster battles are coming out by the by, so they may not have planned each battle from the very beginning and it thus becomes a bonus downloadable like with much DLC. Imo, the only REALLY annoying thing is that most of it is sold separately and costs quite a bit for what it is. Meh, I figure it could be worse though. In the end I think it's worth it, but that discussion has already been touched on in another thread.

    However, I do find it a little ridiculous that following this business model, if KHIII is eventually released we can probably expect the Hades Cup tournament to be delivered round by round as DLC once a week.
    Seeing as KH never had any real DLC, I find that thought worrysome. Especially if they do something like that with the Hades Cup. I don't think I would like it if they did that...

    ~And in the Hand was clutched a Crystal~

  8. #8
    Dark Knight Odin's Avatar
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    QuoteOriginally Posted by KoFF View Post
    True enough, I also prefer full retail games over DLC, but these monster battles are coming out by the by, so they may not have planned each battle from the very beginning and it thus becomes a bonus downloadable like with much DLC.
    ...This guy deserves a medal.

    It's a rip-off in every way... BUT I WOULD PAY FOR BEATRIX.

    More to the list:

    - Vivi (RAV)
    - Some sexy Viera
    - Lani (COM) ... or Lany?

    I like a lot of the added battles so far but I wouldn't give money for them lol (apart from the Lightning/ Amodar. I finally got the damn woman.) Waste of money for obsolete monster characters. The game's not deep enough for so many/strong ones. I'm happy enough with youtube.

  9. #9
    Brothean xephon's Avatar
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    QuoteOriginally Posted by KoFF View Post
    True enough, I also prefer full retail games over DLC, but these monster battles are coming out by the by, so they may not have planned each battle from the very beginning and it thus becomes a bonus downloadable like with much DLC
    If you think they didn't plan this DLC from the get-go, hell even added the character models on the retail disc to "solve compatibility issues" like Mass Effect, you are far more a naive fanboy than I could've anticipated.

    Square Enix just wants your money and now they have leapt on the DLC gravy train that so many other publishers have been riding for most of this generation of games. It's only going to get worse.

  10. #10
    Khiraxi KoFF's Avatar
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    QuoteOriginally Posted by Odin View Post
    ...This guy deserves a medal.

    More to the list:

    - Vivi (RAV)
    - Some sexy Viera
    - Lani (COM) ... or Lany?

    A medal for what? =/

    Also, Lani was already on the list, not that it matters.

    QuoteOriginally Posted by xephon View Post
    If you think they didn't plan this DLC from the get-go, hell even added the character models on the retail disc to "solve compatibility issues" like Mass Effect, you are far more a naive fanboy than I could've anticipated.

    Square Enix just wants your money and now they have leapt on the DLC gravy train that so many other publishers have been riding for most of this generation of games. It's only going to get worse.
    I don't think anything in particular. I'm just saying that there's no reason to throw rocks when there isn't any proof. At least I haven't seen any. I've seen the DLC-thing with other games and XIII-2 was obviously made with the intention of some sort of DLC, but that every single Coliseum battle already was planned and put on the disc? Wouldn't know. And even if they did it with this game, I'd never praise Square for doing it either. They (well, Eidos...) have done it before with other games and I'm no stranger to the concept... It's really bad. But in a world full of a DLC, I am satisfied as long as the DLC lives up to its price and impression. Even better is if the DLC is thought out or planned after the game's release date has been set.

    So yeah, I'm aware of what I need to be aware of, but that's no reason for me to think I know how everything already is. People that assume or take things for granted burn their fingers too often.

    ~And in the Hand was clutched a Crystal~

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