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Thread: Final Fantasy Chronicles of Exigo ~ The Fall of Spira

  1. #11
    Flaming Mistwalker Fan River's Avatar
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    Jul 2009

    Re: Final Fantasy Chronicles of Exigo ~ The Fall of Spira

    < Cyan >

    Bevelle has lost its grandeur, as expected. Another noticeable aspect that Spira’s diffusion has brought to its people. The Youth League and New Yevon seem to have toned down their incisive points of view; Bevelle’s face, for one, has come to know several changes, yet again. It seems that, in the last 6 months, the city is having trouble following a sensible direction between an open minded reign and a Yevon oriented one. If anything, it generated a political dilemma.

    “Yevon is no longer New, is it?” Kaim asked rhetorically as he seemed to observe Bevelle’s main road. These were Cyan’s thoughts too. Contrarily to Kaim, however, Cyan’s were amused, not carrying a tone of disbelief in them.

    She glanced at Kaim, lowering her sight to his hand holding a little girl’s. Cyan acted uninterested.

    “Look, Cassey! They’ve changed the guards’ uniforms again!” he pointed to the guards, calling for his daughter’s enthusiasm; a situation that would otherwise be normal, if it wasn’t for his soon farewell. It was none of Cyan’s business to call for a father’s attention. She kept walking the main road between the side lakes. Resonating steps in an abandoned Bevelle.

    “Miss Cyan, might you know why the city seems so unbusy?” Kaim’s voice came from behind. She kept walking.

    “…You are one of few words, aren’t you? I respect that!” truly, he was one who lacked confidence. Cyan thought he was unfitting for the mission not to mention careless: for joining while having a little child and for bringing her with him.

    Kaim was one of the passengers that came together with Cyan in the Airship to the Calm lands. His daughter, Cassey, picked an interest in Cyan’s sword expressing her liking for the large blade and its green coor which she adjectivated as "pretty". Sadly, it was enough for this single parent to engage in idle banter or, to be more exact, an endless monologue.

    The guards escorted the three close to the room where the briefing would take place. Cyan decided she would detach herself from thoughts concerning Cassey and let her father deal with this. Surely, he will be one of many who will give up.

    Passing the door, Cyan noticed the room was smaller than what you would expect; as if the briefing was to be made for a very small group of people. This made Cyan smirk. They would be selective in some way; not everyone in that room would be in the mission.
    Looking around, Cyan recognized a few familiar faces; fellow ex-members of the Youth League. She also noticed most seemed to be too distracted, unaware of what Via Infinito reserves for them. She proceeded to sit on a chair on which she remained for the whole briefing, ignoring minor distractions.

    There was a bit of a commotion during Baralai’s speech as the Watcher seemed to have a problem. It made Gippal and others rush out of the room, only stopping with a sudden, loud whistle from a woman.

    “I think we should diverge into two separate groups. Gippal, sir, you cannot go in alone. I will escort you. You and you can come with me.” She said pointing at the two Al Bhed nearest, “The rest of you can go ahead and find Rikku. We'll worry about the machina.”

    A fair decision, Cyan acknowledged. Even though sudden, the situation seemed to require it. Such eagerness to problem solving, however, made Cyan wary. Gippal did not exchange eyes with Mishka the same way as everyone else. There was more to it than Cyan could possibly care as of now.

    “Hey there good looking.” A young, cocky voice came from a kid wearing a sly grin. Cyan glanced at the kid and then at the archer girl who seemed upset with his presence. She didn’t seem much older than the boy.

    …Both were noisy.

    Cyan kept walking while looking around at the group, as it finally proceeded to the teleporter. He already went in beforehand, she thought to herself. She was almost sure he was who she believed him to be.

    Cloister 0. It still felt the same as before, perhaps colder.

    “Sorry about that he can be a real bugger at times” the archer girl said, probably referring to the boy from before. Cyan, didn’t look back, instead, she stepped in his direction. Upon fully recognizing him, Cyan couldn’t help but smile. Not an honest smile; it purposely expressed dryness.

    “I see you still rush into trouble, boy.” She bluntly stated now with a more provocative facial expression. The boy seemed to bypass it as he smiled back at Cyan not hiding his excitement.

    “Trouble keeps rushing into me!” He put his hand behind his head, in an uncommon mix of cockiness and embarrassment. “It’s good to see you, Cyan.” Cyan responded to this with a positive nod.

    “It’s quite safe here, so before we go any further I propose that we actually introduce each other to the group. I don’t want to have to call you all “it” or “Hey you,” in battle. So I’m Nikki, I don’t need to actually tell you what my class is.” the girl said, now being more incisive in her apparent leader role. Cyan finds it a bit of a waste of time, yet acknowledges the need for teamwork all the same. She is the last one to introduce herself.

    “I’m Cyan. Say my name when you need cover.”

    “That’s… quite the oversized sword.” A woman with a white cape said. Cyan had already forgotten the woman’s name; she was pointing to Calibur on Cyan’s back. Her tone was not one of casuality ot even admiration; on the contrary, it demonstrated disbelief, possibly doubting Cyan’s ability to handle it. She gave a quick, unmoved glance to the woman.

    “When it stands between you and a fiend, you might as well be thankful.” Cyan could see Valvaris nodding positively to this. Both her and Valvaris then jumped making way to cloister 1; others had already done it, yet Cyan knew those few wouldn’t last. She planned to wait for Nikki and the rest once she got to the next cloister.

    Cloister 1 was an almost exact replica of Cloister 0. Unfortunately, it had a surprise.

    “…That’s no little girl, is it?” Val rhetorically asked. He probably had the same belief as Cyan.

    A loud noise came from the teleporter, Cyan didn’t look back on it but she could hear a male voice.

    “The others are coming too!” It was Kaim. What of his daughter, Cyan asked herself, adopting an angry expression and simultaneously noticing her failure when it comes to detachment. He came to a stop when he noticed the little girl.
    “Hey!” he voiced at her, “Are you okay?” Cyan could feel Val glancing at her.

    “Quiet.” She told Kaim for the first time for much of his surprise. She adopted an unarmed, ready position.

    “But… she’s just an…”

    “Unsent...” Nikki voiced Cyan’s suspicion. And it seems the rest of the group had arrived as well.

    “Who are you?” She asked the little girl who seemed to be just amused by that and any other questions. This was not an innocent unsent, not to mention an unsent child is quite rare; it takes a very mature level of resolve for that to happen, yet this child seems to be acting her age if not younger.

    “This is boring, my friend wants to play” a cluster of pyreflies suddenly gave rise to a Jumbo Cactuar. Nikki was the first to react to it as an arrow was seen flying towards it. It became one of the fiend’s thousands of spikes.

    “Whoa, that’s no dingo!”

    Everyone was in an unorganized commotion. Real warriors were going to emerge from this battle, no doubt. The Jumbo Cactuar was in the middle with its awckward, giant position, moving its legs and arms as if it was a mere oversized cactuar with a deeper, laugh resembling, pitch.

    “Hey, all of you! Stand together damn it!”
    Nikki tried to call out for the three mages behind the Jumbo Cactuar. “You have back attack advantage! Don’t waste it!"

    “Fire should be its standard weakness! Exploit it!”
    Cyan gave a nod to Valvaris, aware of his valuable abilities.”

    As several people were attacking the fiend, it seemed to be, somehow, weakening. It was not something expected from an otherwise normal, overly powerful Jumbo Cactuar. Something wasn’t right, hopefully, in the group’s favour.

    “Cyan, look!” Val pointed at the cactuar’s eyes. Cyan immediately realized what he was calling the attention for. The Cactuar’s eyes were cross shaped instead of the standard horizontal lines.

    “Shooters! Aim for its eyes!” Nikki, for one, seemed busy with her own attacking agenda and avoiding the Jumbo’s stomp attacks.
    “Uhh, sure! Just wait until- Ahhh ****!” she interrupted herself “What’s it doing now!”

    The giant Cactuar stopped its movement as it kept making weird, louder noises. His body seemed to be contracting with thousands of small lumps appearing all over its body. Everyone, in their own way, seemed to adopt a defensive stance.

    “Gazillion spikes!!” Nikki squealed, “Everyone! Watch out!”

    Some mages on the other side readied spells while Cyan carved her sword on the ground, as a wall.

    “Stay behind me as effectively as you can!”
    She told some around her.

    “Protect!” “Protect!” “Reflect!” Several mages finally released their protective spells randomly on the small, dispersed groups.

    “Reflect?! Why would anyone-“

    “Take cover!” Cyan interrupted as the fiend suddenly made a louder noise.

    In that moment, millions of spikes flew all over the cloister in a deafening orchestra of sounds. The sound of the spikes hitting metal on shields and armours; the sound of spikes deflected by the stone on the floor and walls; the sound of screams of pain by those who didn’t manage to take shelter effectively despite the shallow protect magic surrounding some of them; the sound of the fiend who seemed to be dancing and laughing as expected from a mischievous cactuar.

    When the wave of spikes finally ceased, Cyan, Val and Nikki - who were behind her, partially sheltered by the Calibur - had no fatal wounds, only with signs of low to moderate damage.

    “You’re still no fun!” the voice of the little girl was heard yet there was no sign of her.

    The voice was interrupted by the elastic sound of a launched arrow right to one of the Jumbo Cactuar’s eyes. It brought a stop to his energetic, never ending dance.

    “What’s happening?” someone asked out loud.

    The Jumbo Cactuar suddenly became wrapped in pyreflies, its shape distorting and becoming less defined. In a second, it burst into many standard sized cactuars for much of everyone’s surprise.

    “Playful, isn’t she.” Val referred to the little girl.

    “Just deal with the small threats now.”

  2. #12
    Khan of Clan Wolf Mechwarrior21's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy Chronicles of Exigo ~ The Fall of Spira


    This couldn’t get any worse. I was one of the last people to enter the Via Infinito because I wanted to recheck my inventory. After making sure that I had want I needed, I took the portal in. Cloister 0 was empty at that point. I cursed myself for taking too much time checking my inventory and hurried to the portal for the next level, hoping to catch the main group.

    When I got there, it was almost pure mayhem. I arrived just to see one of the archers hit the eye of a Jumbo Cactuar and it dissolving into multiple Cactuars. The Cactuars began running around, attacking the group. Some were trying to protect the injured while others were overwhelmed by these fiends. I drew my sword and quickly joined in, slicing my way to a small group near the center. I cut down a Cactuar just when it jumped at the archer.

    “Thanks. Who..” she began.

    “Name’s Joseph,” I replied, cutting down another Cactuar.

    “Cyan, this isn’t looking good,” the guy with the guns said. He was right, we’re outnumbered at least 3 to 1.

    “That’s an understatement,” she said, looking at the mass of Cactuars. I then saw that some of the Cactuars began bending down.

    “Watch out! 1000 needles!” I exclaimed. With that exclamation, the woman known as Cyan planted her sword in front of her.

    “Everyone get down!” she demanded. I ducked behind her, as did the archer girl and guy with the guns. I heard needles deflect of the sword and her armor. I also heard the pain and gasps of people that didn’t get behind cover and were bombarded with needles.

    “Does anyone know a water spell?” I yelled. Cactuars are generally weak against water. The problem was that most of the black mages were already down or critically injured when I arrived. I swung my sword as did Cyan, trying to cut down the number of Cactuars. Some Cactuars jumped us. Just then, a flood of water knocked them back. I looked back to see that one of the mages managed to cast a Waterga spell.

    This spell caused the other Cactuars to run and become pryeflies again. I let out a big sigh of relief, knowing that this could’ve turned out much worse. We began to tally the amount of wounded.

    “This isn’t good. Around half of our forces are injured critically and require treatment at the surface,” Nikki reported during a quick meeting between me, Cyan and Val.

    “We need to continue on. Those that aren’t that seriously injured can rest on this level till they‘ve regained their strength. Those that need to, take the portal back to the surface. The rest, let’s continue on,” I said, walking to the portal.
    I'm like you.....I have no name - Mr. X

  3. #13
    Exquisivor Valvaris's Avatar
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    Aug 2009

    Re: Final Fantasy Chronicles of Exigo ~ The Fall of Spira


    “I see you still rush into trouble, boy.” Cyan bluntly stated now with a more provocative facial expression.

    Val smiled back at Cyan, he was glad she remembered him. “Trouble keeps rushing into me!", he paused, “It’s good to see you, Cyan.” In which she responded with a nod.

    Just then, the girl with the bow began to talk, requesting everyone to introduce themselves. Her name is Nikki. "Valvaris. I do Magic." He said as he walk away. Cyan was the last to introduce herself, "I’m Cyan. Say my name when you need cover."

    “That’s… quite the oversized sword.” A woman with a white cape said.
    “When it stands between you and a fiend, you might as well be thankful.” Cyan replied, while Val nod in agreement.

    Cyan and Val made their way towards Cloister 1. As all of them entered Cloister 1, they realize it was almost similar to Cloister 0. To their surprise, a little girl was standing in front of them. "...That's no little girl, is it?" Val asked. He knows that Cyan, too, thinks that girl is no ordinary human being.

    Kaim, Cyan's friend from before, came into the scene, wanting to reach for the little girl. Cyan sternly said, "Quiet." Nikki then told everyone that the girl, is most probably an Unsent. She proceeded to ask the girl who is she.

    The girl reacted by saying, "This is boring, my friend wants to play."
    "Friend?" thought Val, "Crap!" as a cluster of pyreflies appears and among it, a Jumbo Cactuar.

    "Whoa, that's no dingo!" Val responded immediately.

    “Hey, all of you! Stand together damn it!” Nikki tried to call out for the three mages behind the Jumbo Cactuar. “You have back attack advantage! Don’t waste it!"

    “Fire should be its standard weakness! Exploit it!” Cyan gave a nod to Valvaris.

    Val immediately sidestepped to an empty spot on his right, and projected himself into the air, to gain a good view of the target. He did a small somersault before aiming both his guns at the Jumbo Cactuar, and two red colored magic-circle patterns appear in front of him, one in front of the other. "Hosha" said Val, as he pulled the trigger on both guns. One red-colored flare appeared from the center of each of the magic circles and home towards the Jumbo Cactuar. Upon contact, the red flares releases a small blast of fire onto the target. Val landed on the ground right after.

    The others were also attacking the Cactuar in that chaos. The enemy, somehow or rather, seems to be weakening. "Not right." thought Val, "That!"

    "Cyan, look!" Val said as he pointed at the Cactuar's eyes. They were cross shaped instead of horizontal lines.

    “Shooters! Aim for its eyes!” shouted Cyan.
    “Uhh, sure! Just wait until- Ahhh ****! What’s it doing now!” exclaimed Nikki.

    The giant Cactuar stopped its movement as it kept making weird, louder noises. His body seemed to be contracting with thousands of small lumps appearing all over its body. Everyone, in their own way, seemed to adopt a defensive stance.

    “Gazillion spikes!!” Nikki squealed, “Everyone! Watch out!”

    Cyan carved her sword on the ground, as a wall; while some other mages are casting Protect spells. One was even casting Reflect.

    “Stay behind me as effectively as you can!” Cyan told some around her.

    “Reflect?! Why would anyone-"

    “Take cover!” Cyan interrupted as the fiend suddenly made a louder noise.

    The attack was unleashed. Millions of spikes flew all over. Sounds of the spikes hitting shields, walls and armors were heard. Some were screaming from pain. Moments later, the attack stopped. Cyan, Val and Nikki were partially sheltered by Cyan's sword, and suffers only slight injuries.

    "You're still no fun!" the voice of the little girl is heard, again.

    An arrow was fired at one of Jumbo Cactuar's eye. The Jumbo Cactuar freezes in action. "What's happening?" someone asked out loud.

    In moments, the Jumbo Cactuar becomes surrounded by pyreflies and burst into many standard sized cactuars.

    "Playful, isn't she." said Val.
    "Just deal with the small threats now."
    "Affirmative." Val begin shooting at the cactuars, who seem to be nimbly dodging his blows.

    "Cyan, this isn't looking good." Val said, as they are outnumbered at least 3 to 1.
    "That's an understatement." replied Cyan.

    The cactuars began moving abnormally and tilting forward. "Watch out! 1000 needles!" exclaimed Joseph, whose name was eavesdropped by him as Joseph was talking to Nikki. Cyan planted her sword in front of her, and demanded everyone to get down. Val immediately dashed behind her, along with Joseph and Nikki. Many others rushed behind as well, trying to be covered, as much as possible. Many were still strucked by the needles of the cactuars.

    “Does anyone know a water spell?” exclaimed Joseph.

    "Fire? or Water?" Val thought, "Screw it." He leaped away from the sword once the cactuars stopped attacking, and projected himself onto the sky again, "Just use both."

    Val aimed his left gun to one of the cactuars on the left, and the right gun to one on the right. A red magic circle pattern appeared in front of the left gun; while a blue magic circle pattern appeared in front of the right gun."Dual-Cast: Hosha. Suisha." Val pulled the trigger on both guns. A red flare appeared from the left while a blue flare appeared from the right. As the red flare made contact, a blast of fire knocked down the cactuar; as the blue flare made contact, a globe of water traps the cactuar in, before dispersing into the air.

    "It was more effective than my normal attacks..." thought Val, "Now off you go, fiends." Val stood up straight from his postion and aimed both his gun in front. The same red and blue magic circle appear side by side each other, in front of each gun. "Dual-Cast: Hodan. Suidan.". Val pulls the triggers. A red-colored rock like object appears from the middle of the red magic circle towards a small group of cactuars in front of him. Upon contact, the red rock exploded into a medium-sized fire blast, burning the cactuars. On the other hand, a blue-colored rock like object appears from the blue magic circle towards another group of cactuars. Upon contact, the blue rock combusts and a surge of water rises from the ground, tossing the cactuars up and drowns them, before disappearing. "Simple deeds."

    As Val turns his head towards Cyan, he sees a few of the cactuars jumped at Cyan. As he tried to dash towards her, a gush of water knocked the cactuars back. It seems a mage was casting a water spell. The rest of the cactuars began to run and disperse into pyreflies.

    “This isn’t good. Around half of our forces are injured critically and require treatment at the surface,” Nikki reported during a quick meeting between Joseph, Cyan and Val.
    “We need to continue on. Those that aren’t that seriously injured can rest on this level till they‘ve regained their strength. Those that need to, take the portal back to the surface. The rest, let’s continue on,” said Joseph, as he walks to the portal.

    "Keep your guards up." Val said, "And don't be too naive." He continued, as he threw a stare at Kaim. He began walking towards the portal. As he passed by Cyan, he gave her a light nod, signifying that he is alright, and she should come, too.

    "I might get questions from the people about being an Exquisivor." Val thought, "Troublesome."

    To Be Continued...

    Skill Explanation
    Hosha - 火射 (Fire Shot)
    Suisha - 水射 (Water Shot)
    :"Shots"-type magics are equivalent to Basic Elemental Spells:

    Hodan - 火弾 (Fire Missile)
    Suidan - 水弾 (Water Missile)
    :"Missiles"-type magics are equivalent to -ara Spells:

  4. #14
    Songster Tenorphin's Avatar
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    Dec 2005

    Re: Final Fantasy Chronicles of Exigo ~ The Fall of Spira

    Via Infinito - Cloister 0
    As Yuki and Yuubou neared the group of people, while somehow at the same time mesmerised by the gloomy surroundings, the conversation between those people came into hearing range.

    "... and the little girl turned into a huge Jumbo Cactuar! As soon as I see that, I came back out. No, you must turn back now, or else you'd be hurt too!" It seemed that there were trouble further ahead, but Yuki and Yuubou were excited upon hearing that. "Sounds like""party time!" The twins ran forward and bombarded the storyteller with so much questions about the humongous fiend that he had no time to think but to answer them accordingly. Of course, those are to distract the storyteller. When the time is right, they would throw him a question which is what they really wanted to know. "How much further ahead""is the Jumbee?" "It's at Cloister 1." Getting the answer, they looked at each other, grinned and replied hastily, "Okay, thanks,""Bye." and sped towards the gap hole to the next level. "Wait, you don't know how dangero-"

    And the storyteller's voice became inaudible.

    Via Infinito - Cloister 1
    "Woo!" As the twins landed, they immediately saw a lot of tiny green cacti running around, causing havoc to the fighters with their stunning speed and agility. Yuubou was hyped, and is the faster of the two to pull out his fighting gear, well, he only has a glove to put on. Anyway, he seemingly glided between the Cactuars, kicking and stumping occasionally with varied accuracy.

    "Watch out! 1000 needles!" Yuubou heard someone warning, following with a female with a big sword yelling, "Everyone get down!" "Eep!" Yuubou's lack of protective armours rendered him without protection to that attack. "Need help, brother?" Yuki, her goggles on and levitating, appeared in front of Yuubou and using her psychic strength, generated a temporary force shield around herself that nullifies all physical attacks. As the needles approaches her, they dissolved into thin air without having contact with Yuki, and of course, Yuubou who is behind Yuki.

    "Does anyone know a water spell?" As soon as the needle assault is over, the twins heard a shout from the same guy who warned everyone about the needles. "Ooh! We know""one thing that can help!" Pulling several fish scales out of their bag pack, they threw it at some of the Cactuars near them. As the tiny green creatures, one by one, got hit and dissolves into nothingness with a splash of water, the twins let out cries of triumph.

    With the Cactuars around the twins gone, they had time to look at other people's fight. One guy with dual gun got Yuki's attention. "Dual-Cast: Hodan. Suidan." The dual gunner called out and unleashed two bright coloured rocks which burned a group of Cactuars to crisp and washed them away to Kingdom Gone. "Simple deeds." She heard him say. There was also the Samurai who cuts through the Cactuars, the Paladin lady that defends many other injured and fighters from Cactuars, and the Archer who shoots with grace and accuracy.

    At that moment, water splashed and more Cactuars gone, and the field is finally quiet and fiendless. Although a bit far away, Yuubou, with his sharpened senses as a martial artist, heard, "This isn’t good. Around half of our forces are injured critically and require treatment at the surface," The archer reported to the paladin, samurai and dual gunner. Yuubou exchanged glances with Yuki, who had been keeping contact with him with her telepathy, and looked back to the group which is already adjourned their chats. Yuki teleported both of them to the group and without giving the group any time to react, said, "Hi! We're""Yuki and Yuubou""and we'd like to join""your group."
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  5. #15
    終焉をもたらすもの Zerathos986's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy Chronicles of Exigo ~ The Fall of Spira

    Alright, we'll keep moving!” Gippal shouted to us, jumping the hole into Cloister 5.

    After slicing through the last of the tonberries of Cloister 4, I stopped before the pit, letting the the others pass me. This area was already starting to get the better of me. The essence of death all around distorted my senses. I couldn't tell friend from foe. Everything just smelled so... horrible.

    Our company had started with at least thirty people. A few had run from Cloister 1, the smarter ones. From then on, the battles were countless and we would lose many. I knew that each time one of us fell, it would only add to the overwhelming population down here. No person can honestly admit to finding it a just death to be murdered by unutterable demons such as these. Taking a deep breath, I tried to drown my doubts and fears by reviewing our path to this point. I prayed no fiend would find me as I wasn't sure I could defend myself should the need arise. It started so spirited...

    NIKKSTER!” A young boy shouted, rushing over to our company.

    The archer appointed by Gippal to ensure Rikku's safe return cursed under her breath before saying, “Go home Kai”, alerting me to the boy's name.

    “Awww but mum wanted to make sure you were okay. Anyway who was that Guado chick that came out? She was HOT!” He said, thinking he was out of earshot with me.

    I smiled, looking at myself. Was I hot? I had never looked at it that way. Being with a group of hulking ronso tends to take the lady out of oneself, doesn't it? Walking a few more steps, I would find a reflective surface and even mused myself with twirling some of the Salvia Dill that rested on my head. Unlike most guado, my hair was very soft and delicate even compared to human hair, a gift inherited from my father. I noticed that it also appeared almost like purple colored human hair and found myself giggling.

    Turning, I saw that the others were coming up and the boy from before was being halted by a few guards. Gippal found me then, having equipped his Grinder weapon instead.

    Okay, we'll take out what fiends we need to, then keep moving, alright? I want that sentry fixed. Rikku told me something ugly's gonna be waiting for us down every twenty levels.” He said.

    Understood. Sir...”

    Gippal. I always hated all that 'sir' crap.”

    Gippal, I recommend a tight formation. We can cover each other's backs and the fiends down there are sure to seek any opportunity to separate us.” I suggested.

    I agree with you there. I just hope... hey, where are those twins?”

    I looked around our area with Gippal, but couldn't find them. The archer and most of the others had already left for the pit. After Gippal grunted and put a hand to his face, I knew he must have thought the two had gone off ahead. It was fine for now. I was sure no strong fiends would have clawed their way so far up and not permeate the surface for fresh blood to release into the ether. Motioning for him to follow, we proceeded to the Via Infinito ourselves.

    Right from the start, I saw people running from the pit. I quickly inquired of one as to what the trouble was and would be informed of a monstrous cactuar and a little girl who wasn't a little girl. Nodding with Gippal, we activated the warp, Gippal taking a deep breath to prepare himself first. I would put a hand on his shoulder to let him know it would be okay, that whatever emotional ties he had to the mission, they would be kept safe and his prayers answered. After the light activated, we would instantly find ourselves in Cloister 0 and more would flee for the warp past us.

    You ready?” He asked me.

    Unsheathing my broadsword with my dominant left, I nodded, “Ready when you are.”

    Together, we leaped down into the next cloister. Cloister 1 was chaos. Many were scrambling around the area and attacking everything in sight. The entire floor was littered with cactuar, something I knew a great deal about, having been to the Bikanel deserts in my quests for spheres. They were very difficult to deal with, too, the Fangtastic having hoards of power, but very little in terms of speed. That usually fell on me.

    “Watch out! 1000 needles!” A swordsman wearing a navy cloak yelled, prompting everyone in that area to duck behind the blonde swordswoman.

    “Everyone get down!” She screamed, after planting her large blade into the ground to block the attack.

    "Eep!" The Al Bhed male squealed, seemingly unable to defend himself until his sister came to his aid.

    "Need help, brother?"

    Several others in that part weren't lucky enough to get away and were skewered by the swarm of needles. I and Gippal, thankfully, had been near the entrance and avoided the attack entirely. Attention would be redirected at us, afterward, though. I readied my sword and we decided we'd go to track them down, taking what cactuar we needed with us. As soon as a group neared me, I swung my sword, but five of them would catch its blade together.

    What?” I gasped.

    Suddenly, they burst with an incredible aura and glared daggers of hate into me. I pulled my weapon away and smelled the aura coming from them. It was then, I knew what had happened.

    Oversoul...” It would seem my many encounters with them in Bikanel had left traces of their essence with me, traces that were being recognized by these cactuar... and they were not pleased.

    They aimed another thousand needles attack at me with more building their oversouls. Frantic, I searched my quiver for a suitable arrow, but it was too late. As my smell identified, the attack was ready and they began firing the needles. With broadsword in hand, I attempted to block as many as I could, knowing I would be killed in an instant.

    HIYAA!!!” Gippal roared, slicing apart all the needles with his Grinder before launching missiles to defeat the closest of the oversouled creatures.

    You alright?” He asked, “You said to stay close so stay close. I've been down in the Farplane itself when a wacko turned it into a little plane of horrors. I think I can handle a few cactus things, don't you? C'mon, we should get to those twins and get going pronto.”

    Nodding, I sighed and followed him. “Does anyone know a water spell?”, "Ooh! We know", and "one thing that can help!" were the types of phrases I'd hear and we sliced and skewered our way through.

    One in particular seemed very full of himself. From his “Dual-Cast: Hosha. Suisha." to his "Now off you go, fiends." and then his "Dual-Cast: Hodan. Suidan." to the "Simple deeds." he finished off with, I sensed a lot of confidence. Unfortunately, his magical projectiles were doing well against what cactuar were left so I guess he had a right to be. Still, it irked me. Wengo Ronso was like that, too. I remember having to set him straight a few times, but I think I would leave this mage gunner to himself.

    “This isn’t good. Around half of our forces are injured critically and require treatment at the surface,” The archer said once the battle was finished.

    Looking around, I could see at least a dozen dead and at least five reasonably injured. Ahead, the twins traded glances and the girl would phase them both from sight and reappear near the archer and the others.

    "Hi! We're" She said.

    The boy would continue, "Yuki and Yuubou"

    Followed by the girl again, "and we'd like to join"

    Before the boy would finish, "your group."

    With Gippal, we would approach them, me sheathing my weapon to go help the less injured to their feet. Gippal would take to speaking with the rest of them.

    “We need to continue on. Those that aren’t that seriously injured can rest on this level till they‘ve regained their strength. Those that need to, take the portal back to the surface. The rest, let’s continue on,” The samurai said, suggesting that this level be a camp for them.

    We all knew that wasn't a good plan. The fiends on this floor had been dealt with, but that didn't mean they wouldn't be back. If we left the injured here, they'd be sitting ducks for the next wave.

    "Keep your guards up." The mage gunner said, adding a very arrogant "And don't be too naive." at the end of his speech.

    Gippal would stop them from moving on, though, “Are you looking around? This is the VIA INFINITO! PAY ATTENTION!”

    Immediately, everyone in the room became silent. Gippal would calm himself, putting a tense hand to his irritated temple before taking a breath to continue, “We have about five injured. You three, get them to safety! You can rejoin the party later. The fiends won't have come back so soon so you should be fine catching up. I want you to get these bodies to the temple. There's no justification for leaving them here like this. Have one of the priests upstairs perform a sending for them. I don't want to be responsible for birthing more fiends.”

    When no one moved out of shock at Gippal's frustrated words, he growled and commanded, “I said get these people out of here! NOW!”

    Without a word, the three he ordered took the five injured back to the surface. Meanwhile, Gippal would turn his attention to the twins that had abandoned us earlier.

    You two... Didn't Mishka tell you you were coming with us?” He sneered, eyes narrowing.

    "I-I-I..." The girl stuttered.

    The boy continued for her, "We are sorry, sir, we just"

    Followed by the girl again, "got excited and"

    The boy added, "went ahead to fight the cactuar."

    What are your names?” He said with a sigh.

    "Yuubou, sir, ,and"


    You don't follow orders, you're no good to me. You,” He said, looking over at the archer again, “They're your responsibility now. Mishka?”

    Uh, yes?” I stammered, rushing to him.

    What do you think?”

    Turning to the two, I said lowly, “Are you two sure you want to find Rikku with the others?”

    "Yes, locating Rikku is a"

    "top priority and we saw that the cactuar"

    "were getting the upper hand on them so"

    "we should be of more assistance here."

    I nodded, “Okay, take care of them. Um... archer? Uh, I guess they're with you now.”

    “What the **** do you mean, archer?! I had everybody introduce themselves already! I'm ****ing Nikki!” She replied.

    Nikki then...” And with a grin, “I wasn't ****ing at your ****ing group counseling, okay?! There's no need to ***** at me! I was just trying to tell you your new party. I think Gippal and I could take them, though.” I pointed to two others nervously standing behind everyone.

    Uh... sure...” One of them said, walking over.

    Take care of yourselves, okay?” I added to the twins with a smile, “It's unfortunate you won't be with us anymore.”

    It's okay. I'll take care of you, hottie.” A voice echoed from behind.

    When I turned, I saw the sly grin of the same boy from before, his finger rubbing across the bottom of his nose while he looked at me with one eye.

    How did you get here?”

    Oh, I hung onto that thing when I got the chance.” He answered, pointing to the Grinder on Gippal's back.

    Nikki exploded at that moment, “You little bastard! I'll ****ing kill you! The fiends won't get their chance! Come here, you little ****head!”

    I stopped her with a hand on her shoulder and went back to the boy, “This place is dangerous. You shouldn't have come. Do you see those guys over there lifting the dead bodies out? This is no place for a kid.”

    Feh! You're one to talk! You can't be much older than me. What are you? Seventeen?” He exclaimed.

    I was taken aback. He had a keen eye.

    Hehe, got it in one, eh? Nikki hates that about me.”

    “You're damn right I do!”

    And you can really sneak around. Well, if she consents, I guess you could tag along.”

    “You're not ****ing serious! No way! I'm not letting this dumbass stay down here! His mother would kill me!”

    Like that would stop him.” I mused with a shrug, “So, how about it? You ready to kick some ass and **** up some fiends?”

    Yea!” He shouted, running to Gippal and the others, “Oh, and I'm an excellent thief, by the way.”

    Nikki smacked her hand to her forehead at that moment.

    The teams were set. Upon entering Cloister 2, we would find ourselves again surrounded, this time by coyotes and divebeaks. Our group would take them down in a straight line, jumping down into the next cloister after I shot a lightning tipped arrow into the Flan Azul barring our path. My arrows were all tipped with a certain time of magic, though far less potent than true magic, it did help in my missions as a sphere hunter. I knew they would be useless against stronger fiends, but they may still distract or slow them enough for my broadsword to do damage.

    On Cloister 3, our company would find many more flan, but also a couple of Iron Giants, some Ahriman, and a Nashorn. The boy thief, Kai, would use his tagged kunai to disable most of the Ahriman swarm, but the Iron Giants and Nashorn guarding the pit the next area were too strong for him.

    “Hey, you know your way around a good swear.” I recalled the archer whispering to me when we first arrived in Cloister 2.

    I've been around a rowdy gang of adolescent ronso men. I think I know a few things.” I said with a smile.

    “About Kai... take care of him, okay? I know I freaked before, but he can help you. Uh... that's all I want to say.” She told me, running off to fight the nearest coyote.

    Nodding to myself, I rushed in with my broadsword in my left, sidespinning to slice apart the first Iron Giant while Gippal's missiles destroyed the second and moved the Nashorn from our path. Together, we dropped into the next cloister.

    At Cloister 4, we were faced with geckos and Death Daubers at the front, purpurea and two Ochu at the back. There was a Sahagin near the pit with one Red and Yellow Elemental at its sides. The two others began casting tier two magics to clear the weaker Death Daubers and purpurea from the scene while Kai worked on weakening the Ochu. Gippal's missiles decimated the geckos and that left me room to go straight for the Sahagin, flipping the combined Thunder and Fire attacks of the elements and slicing the fiend apart. With a quick pump into my quiver, I loaded a water tipped arrow and fired it at the Red Elemental. Before the next Thunder spell, Kai would throw one of his fire tagged kunai to destroy the Yellow Elemental.

    Good work.” I commented, winking at him with a thumbs up.

    Anything for you, gorgeous.” He said, returning the wink.

    Then, things changed. Suddenly, I heard the distinct chuckle of a stronger fiend and my senses filled with danger and a sense of dread. In the distance, a small light showed us the arriving group of tonberries, butcher knives in hand. Gippal waved for us to jump to the next cloister, but a tonberry had climbed up from there, as well.

    Attack that one! If we get rid of it, we can jump!” I screamed.

    Gippal nodded and began firing at it as it simply walked closer. I noticed that the other tonberries were nearing us as well and signaled for Gippal to fire at them instead and leave the four of us to tend to the one that needed to be beaten.

    Quickly, Kai pulled his four prong shuriken and flung it at the creature, knocking the lamp from its hand. I jumped in close to try and deflect its knife the same way, but it parried and readied for a stab to my middle when one of the mages cast Demi to distract it. It was successful and I quickly rolled out of the way as I saw it moving towards the mage instead. Standing behind it now, I sliced at it only to get its attention back on me. The other mage cast Fira on it, but it was still following me. With my arrows, I fired a lightning tipped one to see if I could paralyze it, but it failed. As it got even closer, Kai rushed in and looked to tap it before running off. It took its attention off of me and went to look for him.

    Finally, I took hold of my broadsword and concentrated on it. Gliding it across the floor, I created enough friction for sparks to ignite it and swung it around horizontally, sending the heat gathered into the fiend to create a scar in its hide, pulsing with energy. Within moment, the energy rippled through it and it collapsed into a billow of pyreflies.

    Immediately, the other tonberries disappeared and we were bathed in pyreflies. A few moments later, I swore I heard a shrill laughter. Soon after that, I could hear a tapping sound echo across the cloister and another wave of dread flooded my senses.

    While the pyreflies began to clear, I made out a little girl in the distance, idly bouncing a ball with both her hands. Looking up from it, she tilted her head and smiled at me, catching the ball and offering it to me. Suddenly, she was right in front of me, ball still held out for me.

    Who are you?” I asked her.

    Come play with me!”

    You shouldn't be down here. It isn't safe!”

    They didn't play with me. They were mean to me.” She said, pulling the ball back down toward her and looking at it.

    What's your name, sweetie?”

    I like you. Come play with me!”

    Before I could say any more, she disappeared again as did every single pyrefly. Gippal would yell about my zoning out in the middle of the battle, which had apparently continued with one additional tonberry while I had been speaking with the girl.

    Quickly, I sliced through it, targeting the scars on its head left by the others' attacks. Gippal and the others moved on, but I stayed for a while to think and that's where we are.

    Taking a deep breath, I jumped down to Cloister 5.
    In The Shadows Beyond The Infinite Reaches

    The Beginning: Eternal Love | Chronicles of Exigo: The Fall of Spira
    Chrono Night | Semotus Stella

    Fayth 20043–20078
    Flawless 20078–20143

  6. #16
    THE ADBOT SLAYER! 01habbo's Avatar
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    Jul 2003

    Re: Final Fantasy Chronicles of Exigo ~ The Fall of Spira

    Nikki cursed to herself as the arrow just seeming did no damage to the Jumbo Cactuar and just clattered to the floor, Nikki quickly looked around as she predicted earlier most of them had little experience of working in a big team, “This is a ****ing mess” she thought to herself. “How the **** am I meant to organise this many people into one big fighting group?” She questioned this to herself. Noting that she would be no good in this battle with just her arrows she noticed three mages at the back of the Cactuar all scared stiff of the size of the thing, all having poor aim. “Focus!” Shouted Nikki to them, she rolled out the way as the Jumbo Cactuar slammed its fist to the ground. Nikki felt a rumble from the aftershock. She looked back up at the three mages, they needed hope and encouragement. “Hey all of you, stand together damn it!” Okay so she needed to work on her people skills a bit more. But she didn’t ask to be the unspoken leader, Gippal sort of looked at her to say that she was to lead them. Nikki tried again in a more softer tone, and in a more enlightening way. “You have back attack advantage! Don’t waste it!” she called to them. The three mages then seemed to nod to each other and were finally working together and they aimed water spells that hit their mark.

    “Fire should be its standard weakness! Exploit it!” said a female voice, Nikki didn’t know who it was but that was wrong. Sure by rights it should be fire but it was actually water.

    “IT’S NOT A ****ING PLANT!” yelled Nikki alerting everyone that perhaps fire isn’t the best option. “Okay maybe yelling at them isn’t best way” thought Nikki but it made her feel better. Nikki pulled up another arrow, trying desperately to learn Water arrow, she concentrated on the way the water flows and dances, and then she focused on her arrow, her arrow glowed a blue, but it wasn’t strong enough so it faded. “**** still not enough AP” thought Nikki. AP was a magical source of power gained through defeating fiends, it was used to learn new abilities.

    “Cyan look” said a male voice, a voice Nikki recognised belonging to Val, Nikki looked up as well, she could see that the fiend was weakening but also that there was something weird about its eyes, at that moment the fiend looked right down at Nikki and brought it’s foot right down on top of her. Fortunately Nikki at that moment was surrounded by a red aura with a clock underneath her spinning very fast. Nikki felt much faster and lighter on her feet, and she back flipped out of the way and landed with her legs apart and one hand down on the ground, someone had casted Haste on her.

    “Shooters Aim for its eyes!” yelled Cyan Nikki being much too busy was flipping and dodging out of the way of its attack; it seemed to be fond of squishing Nikki into a pulp. Nikki breathed heavily; she couldn’t keep this up for long. Nikki tried being polite for once.

    “Uhhh... Sure Just wait until...” Nikki looked up to see the Cactuar suddenly shaking very wildly about. “Ahh ****! What’s it doing now!?” Shouted Nikki as the Jumbo Cactuar suddenly stopped thrashing about, it stood very still only making very gross and weird noises. The Pryeflies hummed very loudly as the bumps appeared on the Cactuar. “****” was all Nikki thought. “Gazzilion Spikes! Everyone watch out!” called Nikki her being the one with little armour dived for the floor and lay down flat hoping they would harmlessly pass over. She heard Cyan call out to some members around her but didn’t hear what she said. Nikki didn’t need to dive to the floor though, as that moment the three mages from earlier rushed to her aid.



    “Reflect!” The mages were releasing spells randomly and Nikki stood up, perfectly safe behind the spells. Although she did sigh inwardly at the stupidity of using reflect.

    “Reflect why would anybody...” Nikki was distracted by this as Cyan yelled.

    “Take Cover!” Spikes hit Nikki right leg she mentally cursed herself for getting distracted. It was extremely painful but she could also hear her comrades shout out in pain and the many spikes bouncing off armour.

    “Nikki!” yelled one of the mages she was in a black cloak, her hood covering many of her features but she had light skin and she rushed to Nikki’s aid as Nikki crouched down in pain. Nikki reached quickly into her bag for the high potion that she was given earlier; she felt the mage supporting her back as she did this. There was no time to pull out the needles but she could numb the pain. She pulled the cork and drank the liquid she then let the bottle clang on the ground, as she felt the pain ease away she stood up.

    “Thank you Sakura” whispered Nikki to her. Nikki had taken shelter behind Cyan but the noise was so deafening from the amount of spikes that Val and Cyan hadn’t noticed that Nikki was in pain nor had they heard the Mage cry out in worry. Nikki made sure they hadn’t noticed anything by immediately loading another arrow as the spikes stopped. Her leg wouldn’t be noticed unless they looked down at her.

    “You’re still no fun” huffed the little girl’s voice. Nikki wondered who she was still, the unsent had chosen to appear in the form of a child but why? And Nikki being Nikki getting sick of this pulled back her arrow to her cheek and launched it right into the Cactuar’s eye. This time it hit its mark and brought a stop to it.

    “What’s happening?” Someone asked out loud. Nikki hoped that was the end of it. The Jumbo Cactuar burst into Pryeflies which hummed loudly and echoed through the Via Infinito, and they formed loads of Mini Cactuars. Nikki at this point was severely pissed off and asked herself what she had done to deserve this bad day. She then loaded her arrow keeping her distance her bow glowed a light red aura casting the spell boost on her arrow, it would now be much stronger. She then fired the arrow at a nearby Cactuar. She fired arrow after arrow, but being severely pissed off she was much too close to them. She suddenly heard the cry of a Cactuar behind her. She instantly turned around and saw a swordsman in a navy cloak who had cut down the Cactuar.

    “Thanks who...”

    “Name’s Joseph” He replied as he cut down a Cactuar . Nikki fired three arrows in one go having some respect for him,

    “Good,” She thought “everyone is starting to work together.”

    “Cyan this isn’t looking good” said Val and he was right Nikki knew they wouldn’t win unless they got together and formed some kind of strategy to take them down.

    “That’s an understatement” She replied. Nikki narrowed her eyes at the fiends, it was her fault that they weren’t organised, She silently took a step back away from the others and tried again. Once again she closed her eyes and thought about how the water flowed her arrow glowed a blue aura, and suddenly the element water surrounded the arrow as she let go of it and it slammed into the Cactuar killing it instantly.

    “**** yeah” triumphed Nikki, she had learnt water arrow. But then Nikki saw that the Cactuars were wriggling weirdly.

    “Watch out! 1000 needles!” cried out Joseph.
    “Everyone get down!” Exclaimed Cyan Nikki rushed behind her, and she planted her oversized sword in the ground.

    “Yevon that thing is big!” thought Nikki. Many others were struck by the needles and many more feel to the ground. Nikki cursed herself once again, she was responsible for these people and she had failed them again. What was worse that the hi potion was starting to wear off and her leg was beginning to feel the spikes in her leg. Trying to block it out of her mind she stood up once the attack had ended, just focusing on her own attacks she blocked all outside distraction from her mind. Adrenaline now pumping through her Nikki just released attack after attack of Water Arrows, letting the water flow gracefully over her arrows as she attacked, aware of only the fiends and herself.

    Finally the Cactuars began to thin and disperse into Pryeflies, and Nikki took her time to look at the damage. Many had fallen, it was the worse place to die in, if their bodies still lay on the ground then they will turn into fiends quickly, they didn’t have much time as many more were injured. She noticed that Cyan was already rushing to each of the injured and trying to heal them. Those that had minor injuries could be healed here quickly and move on, but the rest they needed to get to the teleport. Nikki limped over to Val and Joseph on what they needed to do. “This isn’t good. Around half of our forces are injured critically and require treatment at the surface” Two Albehd twins seemingly full of energy bounded up to them, jumping up and down on the spot, Nikki raised an eyebrow at them.

    “Hi we’re” began the girl.

    “Yuki and Yuubou” continued the boy.

    Followed by the girl again, “and we’d like to join”

    Which the boy finished with “your group”. They both smiled at them.

    “They have the energy of Kai, but are more annoying... My worst nightmare.” Thought Nikki. “Fine” Nikki answered them.

    “We need to continue on. Those that aren’t that seriously injured can rest on this level till they’ve regained their strength. Those that need to, take the portal back to the surface. The rest lets continue on,” said Joseph as he was about to walk off.

    “****ing no way!” thought Nikki. The Via Infinito wasn’t a place to rest She pulled out some of the needles from her leg and hissed through her teeth in pain. She noticed this caught Cyan’s attention and she looked almost worried for her.

    Nikki stood up after she took some out to hear that Val was about to move on too. Nikki mentally sighed inside of her, she wished she was with some of her comrades she worked with at the Youth League, they had a much better understanding of teamwork at least. Nikki was about to raise her voice at them but she didn’t need to. Because Gippal bellowed at them at that moment. Which she was grateful for, she was starting to lose control of the team.

    “Are you looking around? This is the VIA INFINITO! PAY ATTENTION!” he bellowed at them. Nikki took this opportunity to sit down and take out the rest of the needles from her leg. She bit her lip in pain has she did one swoop and grabbed all of them.

    “****” she whispered the pain was excruciating but the relief afterwards was a blessing to her. She dug into her bag finding another Hi potion she popped the cork and chugged it down. Her leg immediately began to heal itself and it was as good as new. Nikki stood up just in time to hear Gippal shout at the rest of the group.

    “I said get these people out of here! NOW!” The three mages rushed off one of them was Sakura who had helped her earlier. Nikki helped up a nearby boy to their feet. He was only 15 and seem to be shaking from the carnage he had seen. Nikki shook her head he was much too young to be here. Nikki then went over to the group. The Guado looked over to her who she now learnt was Mishka.

    “Okay, take care of them um... archer?! I guess they are with you now.” Nikki narrowed her eyes at her, this is exactly wanted what she wanted to avoid earlier, that was why she made everyone introduce themselves.

    “What the **** do you mean, archer?! I had everyone introduce themselves already! I’m ****ing Nikki!” She nodded to herself “That told her” she thought.

    “Nikki then...” Mishka then grinned. “I wasn’t ****ing at your ****ing group counselling, okay?!There’s no need to ***** at me! I was trying to tell you of your new party. I think Gippal and I could take them, though” she pointed at two others. Nikki smiled and then nodded.

    “ Uh... sure...” One of them said, walking over.

    “ Take care of yourselves, okay?” said Mishka to the twins with a smile, “It's unfortunate you won't be with us anymore.” Nikki just thought that it was going to be a long day and that nothing, nothing could get any worse, that was until she heard a voice.

    “ It's okay. I'll take care of you, hottie.” A voice echoed from behind. Anger and rage at that voice entered Nikki

    “He was meant to ****ing stay outside” She thought as she turned around to face him. Kai was in the Bevelle guards uniform for some protection and as an extra disguise. “You little bastard! I’ll ****ing kill you! The fiends wont get their chance! Come here you little bastard!” But Kai just cheekily grinned at her. But before she could do anything she felt a hand being placed on her, it was Mishka.

    “This place is dangerous. You shouldn't have come. Do you see those guys over there lifting the dead bodies out? This is no place for a kid.”

    “ Feh! You're one to talk! You can't be much older than me. What are you? Seventeen?” He exclaimed.

    “Okay now someone in Farplane definitely hates me” thought Nikki. Nikki watched Mishka’s raction she was taken aback.

    “ Hehe, got it in one, eh? Nikki hates that about me.”

    “You're damn right I do!” Nikki responded, she was always very good and seeing the true person, he was an observant person but also very annoyingly always nosy about your life.

    “And you can really sneak around. Well, if she consents, I guess you could tag along.” Replied Mishka

    “You're not ****ing serious! No way! I'm not letting this dumbass stay down here! His mother would kill me!” Nikki liked Kyley and she was very good to her Kyley would only get very worried she was his only son. Something told Nikki that this was a very bad idea. Nikki sighed into herself

    “Like that would stop him.” Mishka mused with a shrug, “So, how about it? You ready to kick some ass and **** up some fiends?”

    “ Yea!” He shouted, running to Gippal and the others, “Oh, and I'm an excellent thief, by the way.”

    Nikki smacked her hand to her forehead at that moment. “I can’t believe this is happening!” She thought, “Why couldn’t he have Blitzball today”

    Nikki jumped down to Cloister 2 following everyone else along with Kai. “You better do everything they tell them for you do, no pissing about!” She said sternly to Kai.

    “Awww Nikkster, I didn’t know you cared can I get a date after this?” he asked cheekily. Nikki smacked him round the head.

    “I’m ****ing serious” she angrily told him Kai rubbed his head, he could be a pain at times but she’d rather deliver him to his mother alive.

    “Jeez okay...” Nikki went up to Mishka for a private word with her. One Kai was way too young in her opinion to be here, two, Kyley is going to be worried sick. It was imperative that Nikki knew he was going to be perfectly safe.

    “Otherwise I’m going to drag him up by the ear to his mum” she thought. “Hey, you know your way around a good swear.” She whispered to Mishka

    “ I've been around a rowdy gang of adolescent ronso men. I think I know a few things.” Mishka said with a smile.

    “About Kai... take care of him, okay? I know I freaked before, but he can help you. Uh... that's all I want to say.” Nikki said, “****” she thought "I really need to work on my people skills” That really didn’t convey the urgency to protect Kai for Nikki, she took out her anger by firing her arrow at the nearest Coyote. It was instantly slayed, as Nikki walked on she noticed Gippal had lagged behind from his group. Nikki raised an eyebrow at him.

    “He’ll be okay” said Gippal to her, “I’ve seen you looking worriedly at what Mishka decided, but I trust her judgement. If he turns out to be a pain I’ll send him to the teleport no problem.” Nikki sighed at that.

    “Thank you, his mum has only got him left”

    “No worries” said Gippal and took off to catch up with his group. Nikki began shooting arrows at the divebeaks, they were easily taken down by her arrows.

    “Anyone with magic and long ranged weapons, aim for the Divebeaks, the rest of you go for the Coyoto’s” commanded Nikki, now getting more used to her role. Nikki looked around, they looked less of a mob now and more of a team. The fiends were soon dispatched with. “We should check any corner Rikku could be laying unconscience or even dead” There was no point in pretending, she had to prepare them for the worst possible outcome. She continued “We have to be quick” With that she ran through the level with the others following her, it was important that they kept together. She look down one corridor which had a dead end but many levels, they had to go down there and check every nook and cranny, good thing was that it was short corridor it was easy to yell for help, At the rate they were going they would all die for being down here too long and since the corridor as short Nikki made a desision to split the group, she noticed Cyan and Val and the tins love to stick to their own partners to work with. This wouldn’t do as in a big battle they all needed to trust each other as much as they trusted their closest friends. “Right Cyan me and Yuki and this half” She motioned to the right side of the group “Will go down and climb up there and check it out Joseph, Yuubou and Val, and the rest of you will check out the left hand corridor, they are both small so it should take long to check out then we’ll meet here and carry on as a team, Yuubou you will lead your group” She looked at a twin, both Joseph and Val showed that they were willing to leave team members behind, beside this might quieten the twin down.

    “But” Said Yuri.

    “We’re so much better” carried on Yuubou.

    “Together” finished Yuri.

    “Why split us up?” asked Val.

    “Because if you noticed the corridors are small it would be much quicker to split up and look, get into trouble send a member of your group to us for backup, it’s most likely we wont bump into that girl yet again” With that Nikki led her separate group down the right hand corridor.

    ^Made by Tinychikn

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  7. #17
    Khan of Clan Wolf Mechwarrior21's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy Chronicles of Exigo ~ The Fall of Spira

    “Why split us up?” Val asked Nikki. I just rolled my eyes and refrained from saying the obvious.

    “Because if you noticed the corridors are small, it would be much quicker to split up and look. Get into trouble, send a member from your group for backup. It’s most likely we won’t bump that girl yet again,” Nikki explained before leading her group down one corridor.

    “Worried about Cyan?” I asked Val. He shook his head.

    “Nah. She can take care of herself,” he replied, turning and going down the corridor we’re meant to search.

    “You seem to know her quite well,” I said, jogging a bit to catch up.

    “We met in the Youth League,” he replied. I expected an explanation, but he gave none so I didn’t ask about it.

    “Hurry up you two!” Yuubou yelled. He was already half way down so we jogged to catch up.

    This corridor was deserted, no fiends or even pyreflies. A thorough search turned up nothing. With that, we began to climb back up to the main floor. I hoped that the other group’s search was more fruitful.
    I'm like you.....I have no name - Mr. X

  8. #18
    Exquisivor Valvaris's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy Chronicles of Exigo ~ The Fall of Spira


    "Why split us up?" Val asked, upon hearing Nikki's orders.
    “Because if you noticed the corridors are small, it would be much quicker to split up and look. Get into trouble, send a member from your group for backup. It’s most likely we won’t bump that girl yet again." Nikki explained.

    "Reasonable." Val thought, and he looked on for awhile as Nikki, Cyan and Yuki, along with the rest of the group walk down the right corridor.

    "Worried about Cyan?" Joseph asked.
    "Nah. She can take care of herself," replied Val after shaking his head. He then turned to the left corridor and began walking towards it.
    "You seem to know her quite well." Joseph continued.
    "We met in the Youth League." Val replied, once again, "Further explanation is unnecessary." he continued, in his mind.

    "Hurry up you two!" yelled Yuubou, the Nikki-appointed leader of the group. Val picked up his pace.

    Val looked around as he walks down the corridor. "Not even one fiend..." he thought, "Not even pyreflies... Something is wrong." After walking for a good 10 minutes, the group reached an oval looking room with nothing in it. The room was absolutely empty. Many of the warriors began knocking their weapons on the wall and on the floor, seemingly searching for triggers to secret rooms. Val stood at the center of the room and observed.

    "There is nothing here." said one of the men.
    "No trick-rooms either." said another.

    "If there's nothing here, then lets head back." said Joseph. It seems that Yuubou was silent at first, and then said something, seemingly conversing with the others. But Val couldn't hear anything, because he was focusing on the environment. He knew something was wrong, but he didn't know what. He regained his senses when most of the people have already left the room.

    They all walk back through the long corridor. Val is in the middle of the crowd of about 11 people, including himself. As the entrance to the corridor came into their sight, Val stopped in his steps. He looked towards the entrance and frowned. There are some pyreflies not too far in front of them.

    "Prepare yourselves!" exclaimed Val. Joseph and Yuubou are among the first to stop in their steps, and got into their battle stance.
    "What's happening?" one of the men asked.
    "Incoming." Val said.

    A group of pyreflies gather in the air and formed the shape of a bird. A large bird. The pyreflies began to take form. "A Zuu." Val thought.

    "It's just a Zuu, take it down together!" said one of the white mages in the group.
    "Hold!" commanded Joseph, "Look behind it!"

    Behind the flying Zuu, several silhouettes are seen charging towards the group. There are about 20 divebeaks and 20 nashorns coming their way, and they have the Zuu to worry about.

    "Aside from me and Joseph, I do not know the other's ability. Yuubou looks capable. This is probably too much for the rests, though." thought Val.
    "They are trying to trap us in this corridor." says Yuubou.
    "White mages, cover us." exclaimed Val as he dashed forward, "And stay away from the fiends."

    The fiends seem to be rather organized as well, like they were commanded by someone. They split into groups and went after the warriors. The Zuu, strangely, stayed behind, as if it is the boss of the group. At least 3 divebeaks and 2 nashorns came Val's way.

    "Impertinent." muttered Val, as he fired multiple shots at the 3 divebeaks while avoiding the charges by the nashorns. 2 of the divebeaks manage to glide around the shots, avoiding them; but one of the divebeaks perished into pyreflies after it got hit by three consecutive shots.

    The two divebeaks den flew high and began diving onto Val. One of the nashorns began gathering energy at its mouth. The other is preparing to make a huge charge onto him. "Troublesome." Val thought. He projected himself sideways to avoid the birds. As he turned around, he fired 8 times at his original position, turning the two divebeaks, which couldn't alter their direction in time, to pyreflies. Val then leaned against the wall. He then aimed his left gun at the energy-gathering nashorn; and the right at the charging nashorn. Blue magic circles appeared in front of both guns. The left nashorn fired its Fire Blast at Val, and the right nashorn began charging at him, too.

    "Suidan." said Val, as he fired the left gun towards the incoming fireball; and he triggered the right gun slightly in front of the charging nashorn. As the right nashorn runs over the part of land which came in contact with the water missle, a gush of water sent it up into the sky, encircles and drowns it. The left water missle which came into contact with the water ball combusts into water and destroyed the fire ball. Val used the chance to prepare another attack. In front of both guns, this time, yellow magic circles appeared in front of them. "Raidan." muttered Val, as he pulled the triggers. Yellow-colored rocks are shot out of the magic circles. The right rock came into contact with the nashorn which is falling down from the attack before. The left rock hit the nashorn who fired at Val. As the rocks came into contact with the nashorns, they combusted in hundreds of yellow thunderwaves. The waves travel away from the nashorns for about 0.3 seconds before halting, and turned back at the nashorns, causing a severe electrocution effect on the nashorns. All these happened in an instant. The two nashorns turn into pyreflies.

    Valvaris raised his head to see Joseph and Yuubou finishing off the fiends attacking them, too. Yuubou gave an order to close in on the Zuu. Joseph brandished his katana and began running towards the Zuu. Val turned to the others and said, "Warriors, defend the Mages. Try to stay out of our way." and he dashes forward to face the Zuu as well.

    Yuubou and Joseph has already engaged the Zuu. Valvaris joined in as a ranged fighter. He fired multiple shots at the Zuu, but to no effect. The Zuu only responds to the Yuubou and Joseph. Val then raised his right gun and charged a white magic circle in front of him. "Hyousha." and a white flare is fired at the Zuu. Upon contact, a sizeable piece of hexagon-looking ice is formed above the Zuu, dropping down on it, dealing icy damage as it shatters. The Zuu responded by blowing a gust of wind at Val, which he evaded. "Effective." thought Val, "Yuubou! Joseph! I'm going to weaken it! Finish it off after!" They probably responded, but Val couldn't see or hear. That's because Val proceeded to launch his attack. A large, purple-colored triangle magic pattern appeared beneath his feet and as it fades to transparency, it is replaced by a large white-colored magic circle. He then leaped into the air and said, "Chain-cast: Hyousha." As he is falling onto the floor, he pressed on the triggers of the guns, five times for each gun. 10 white flares are shot out from Val's guns and flew towards the Zuu. Blocks and blocks of hexagon ice appears above the Zuu, knocking the large bird down with every hit. After 10 blocks of ice, Val landed on the floor, obviously tired from that ability he just used.

    "Take it down!"

    To be continued...

    New Skills:
    Raidan 雷弾 - Thunder Missile (-ara spell)
    Hyousha 氷射 - Blizzard Shot (basic)
    Chain-cast - To cast 10 consecutive elemental spell without stopping (5 from each gun), but will be unable to cast any spells for the next 5 minutes.

  9. #19
    Khan of Clan Wolf Mechwarrior21's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2004

    Re: Final Fantasy Chronicles of Exigo ~ The Fall of Spira


    “If there’s nothing here, the let’s head back,” I said. Everyone seemed to agree and began to walk back to the main chamber. There was absolutely nothing in this area which I found a bit odd. None the less, I began to lead the group back to down the corridor.

    The walk back was boring till we reached the entrance to the corridor. There were pyreflies in front of them. I stopped and drew my sword.

    “Prepare yourselves,” Val shouted. Some of the people were confused.

    “What’s happening?” one asked.

    “Incoming!” Val shouted as the pyreflies began to take the shape of a giant bird.

    “It’s just a Zuu. Take it down together,” One man suggested. However, I saw some silhouettes behind it. The others didn’t seem to see the real danger.

    “Hold! Look behind it!” I shouted. Just then, around 20 divebeaks and nashorns charged out from behind the Zuu.

    “They are trying to trap us in this corridor,” Yuubou said, preparing to charge forward.

    “White mages, cover us. And stay away from the fiends,” Val commanded.

    We charged to meet the fiends head on, the white mages stayed back to cover us. I charged at around 3 divebeaks. I jumped and sliced through one of them. The other 2 flew just a bit higher, out of my range. I stood my ground and waited. One of them dove at me, I sidestepped at the last second and chopped its head off. Just then, a nashorn fired its Fire Blast at me. I just barely dodged it, charring my cloak slightly. I growled and charged the offending nashorn. However, the divebeak dove at me as well. I dodged it but it put a cut on my left arm. It was a minor wound but still hurt a bit. I continued my charge at the nashorn as it charged up for another Fire Blast. I reached it and instead of killing it like most people would do, I jumped onto its head and used it to springboard me to the divebeak. One slice took its wing off and caused it to plummet to the ground. I turned in mid-air and threw my katana at the nashorn. It went straight through the head, killing it. I landed and grabbed my sword as the nashorn turned to pyreflies.

    I took a moment to survey my surroundings. The others seem to hold their own. But what was interesting was that the Zuu keeping back from the battle, almost like it was observing us.

    “Get close to that Zuu!” Yuubou ordered. I already began my dash to the Zuu.

    “Warriors, defend the mages. Try to stay out of our way,” Val shouted, before join me and Yuubou.

    The Zuu tried to hit me with its beak but I dodged it. Hitting it with my sword, it didn’t seem to do much damage. Suddenly it flapped it wings and sent a pressure wave at up. It knocked me down. A large chunk of ice suddenly impacted it, causing it to shift target to Val. I used this moment and jumped at it. A wave if dark covered my blade as I struck its eyes, Blinding it.

    “Yuubou! Joseph! I’m going to weaken it! Finish it off after!” Val shouted.

    “Alright then!” I replied. I watched as Val cast a magic circle and then leaped into the air.

    “Chain-cast. Hyousha.” And with that large blocks of ice appeared and hit the Zuu, knocking it out of the air. Val landed and stumbled, obviously tired from what he did.

    “Take it down!” he shouted. I nodded and faced the giant bird.

    “Yuubou, keep it busy for a second,” I said. I held my sword up and concentrated. I ignored everything around me except the Zuu in front of me. Yuubou kept it busy for a few moments which is what I needed. I charged towards it just as Yuubou got knocked back. I ran past him and jumped at the Zuu.

    “It’s OVER!” and brought down my sword. The cut was so instant that some people didn’t even see it. I turned and shed my sword. Just as the habaki locked my katana in the scabbard, the Zuu split in half and dissolved into pyreflies. I looked around, it seems that the others took care of the rest of the fiends. I sighed and fell onto my butt, feeling tried.

    “Hey man you ok?” Yuubou asked, worry in his voice.

    “Yeah I’m good. Just tired,” I replied, pulling out a potion and drinking it. I let it heal my wounds before getting up and checking on the others.
    I'm like you.....I have no name - Mr. X

  10. #20
    THE ADBOT SLAYER! 01habbo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2003

    Re: Final Fantasy Chronicles of Exigo ~ The Fall of Spira

    As Nikki went down the corridor down with her comrades, she saw that the twin Yuki had a cheeky smile upon her face as they walked. Nikki raised an eyebrow at her.

    “Please say she’s not somehow communicating with her twin” she thought, “They would have to be telepathic to do that!” She shook her head. The group climbed up and Nikki saw another dive beak ahead of them. It hadn’t spotted them so Nikki silently fired the arrow at it and it dropped to the ground. “It’s quiet” said Nikki. She looked around there were only a few fiends down here and already her group were dispatching them. Nikki jumped down to the other side her boots echoed as she hit the ground. “Well... looks like that there’s nothing here either” Nikki sighed in relief.

    “Yuubou!” Yuki suddenly exclaimed out loud. Nikki could hear battle cries from the other group back down the other corridor. Nikki would question later why Yuki how she knew they needed help later.

    “Quickly! To the others!” exclaimed Nikki, heart pounding in her chest as she climbed back up, she wondered whether she made the right move of splitting up the group.

    As they caught up to them she could see Joseph taking down a large Zu and it dissolving into Pryeflies, Nikki smiled at everyone there seemed to be no casualties. “Good work everyone. Yuubou, anything to report?” she asked him. But as she turned around to face him, he was busy jumping up and down in victory with Yuki. “Yevon what am I going to do with them” She thought. “YUUBOU DID YOU ****ING FIND ANYTHING!?” Nikki exclaimed angry at not being heard the first time.

    “Oh ummm... Sorry no we didn’t”

    “Find anything” Yuki finished for him.

    “You two are possibly going to give me a headache” Nikki smiled at them and shook her head. “Let’s go” she added to the rest.

    “Oh so you are the leader?” asked a girl’s voice before the group could continue. A cluster of Pryeflies floated towards them and the little unsent girl once again appeared before them. She giggled as everyone immediately got on the defensive with her. “Jumpy aren’t we!” she stated tilting her head to one side. She seemed to be looking at Cyan’s weapon. “Oh what a big sword you have Mr Wolf” she giggled at her own joke. She put her hands behind her back and swayed letting her dress flow. “So, want to play now?”

    “We’re not here for games” stated Nikki to her.

    “Aw you’re no fun” she pouted as she then sat on the ground right in front of them and seemed to be sulking. Some people around her seemed to think this was their chance to go past her.

    “No one move” stated Nikki sternly, she knew that even if she acted like a little harmless girl she was still unsent. The little girl brought her head up quickly and looked at Nikki straight in the eyes and stood.

    “You’re stopping them from playing with me!” she exclaimed Pryeflies now whizzing around her, “Well if you don’t want to play then go away!” She summoned a moogle toy by her side, which then seemed to take a life on its own. Nikki didn’t have time to get away as the moogle used bad breath on her, Nikki could hardly breathe as she collapsed to the ground, she looked up as she heard the girl giggle and then fade away. Nikki’s energy was being sapped away by the second. She knew people were rushing to her aid and speaking to her, but she couldn’t quite make out the voices. She was very dizzy but felt someone help her up by the arm, her vision was blurry.

    “**** I’ve been poisoned” She had completely forgotten to protect herself against poison, it was urgent for her to get to the surface as soon as possible.“Val... lead” she croaked out as she staggered towards the teleport with help, her headache feeling like a chocobo rammed into her, as the teleport’s light engulfed her she blacked out.

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