< Cyan >
Bevelle has lost its grandeur, as expected. Another noticeable aspect that Spiras diffusion has brought to its people. The Youth League and New Yevon seem to have toned down their incisive points of view; Bevelles face, for one, has come to know several changes, yet again. It seems that, in the last 6 months, the city is having trouble following a sensible direction between an open minded reign and a Yevon oriented one. If anything, it generated a political dilemma.
Yevon is no longer New, is it? Kaim asked rhetorically as he seemed to observe Bevelles main road. These were Cyans thoughts too. Contrarily to Kaim, however, Cyans were amused, not carrying a tone of disbelief in them.
She glanced at Kaim, lowering her sight to his hand holding a little girls. Cyan acted uninterested.
Look, Cassey! Theyve changed the guards uniforms again! he pointed to the guards, calling for his daughters enthusiasm; a situation that would otherwise be normal, if it wasnt for his soon farewell. It was none of Cyans business to call for a fathers attention. She kept walking the main road between the side lakes. Resonating steps in an abandoned Bevelle.
Miss Cyan, might you know why the city seems so unbusy? Kaims voice came from behind. She kept walking.
You are one of few words, arent you? I respect that! truly, he was one who lacked confidence. Cyan thought he was unfitting for the mission not to mention careless: for joining while having a little child and for bringing her with him.
Kaim was one of the passengers that came together with Cyan in the Airship to the Calm lands. His daughter, Cassey, picked an interest in Cyans sword expressing her liking for the large blade and its green coor which she adjectivated as "pretty". Sadly, it was enough for this single parent to engage in idle banter or, to be more exact, an endless monologue.
The guards escorted the three close to the room where the briefing would take place. Cyan decided she would detach herself from thoughts concerning Cassey and let her father deal with this. Surely, he will be one of many who will give up.
Passing the door, Cyan noticed the room was smaller than what you would expect; as if the briefing was to be made for a very small group of people. This made Cyan smirk. They would be selective in some way; not everyone in that room would be in the mission.
Looking around, Cyan recognized a few familiar faces; fellow ex-members of the Youth League. She also noticed most seemed to be too distracted, unaware of what Via Infinito reserves for them. She proceeded to sit on a chair on which she remained for the whole briefing, ignoring minor distractions.
There was a bit of a commotion during Baralais speech as the Watcher seemed to have a problem. It made Gippal and others rush out of the room, only stopping with a sudden, loud whistle from a woman.
I think we should diverge into two separate groups. Gippal, sir, you cannot go in alone. I will escort you. You and you can come with me. She said pointing at the two Al Bhed nearest, The rest of you can go ahead and find Rikku. We'll worry about the machina.
A fair decision, Cyan acknowledged. Even though sudden, the situation seemed to require it. Such eagerness to problem solving, however, made Cyan wary. Gippal did not exchange eyes with Mishka the same way as everyone else. There was more to it than Cyan could possibly care as of now.
Hey there good looking. A young, cocky voice came from a kid wearing a sly grin. Cyan glanced at the kid and then at the archer girl who seemed upset with his presence. She didnt seem much older than the boy.
Both were noisy.
Cyan kept walking while looking around at the group, as it finally proceeded to the teleporter. He already went in beforehand, she thought to herself. She was almost sure he was who she believed him to be.
Cloister 0. It still felt the same as before, perhaps colder.
Sorry about that he can be a real bugger at times the archer girl said, probably referring to the boy from before. Cyan, didnt look back, instead, she stepped in his direction. Upon fully recognizing him, Cyan couldnt help but smile. Not an honest smile; it purposely expressed dryness.
I see you still rush into trouble, boy. She bluntly stated now with a more provocative facial expression. The boy seemed to bypass it as he smiled back at Cyan not hiding his excitement.
Trouble keeps rushing into me! He put his hand behind his head, in an uncommon mix of cockiness and embarrassment. Its good to see you, Cyan. Cyan responded to this with a positive nod.
Its quite safe here, so before we go any further I propose that we actually introduce each other to the group. I dont want to have to call you all it or Hey you, in battle. So Im Nikki, I dont need to actually tell you what my class is. the girl said, now being more incisive in her apparent leader role. Cyan finds it a bit of a waste of time, yet acknowledges the need for teamwork all the same. She is the last one to introduce herself.
Im Cyan. Say my name when you need cover.
Thats quite the oversized sword. A woman with a white cape said. Cyan had already forgotten the womans name; she was pointing to Calibur on Cyans back. Her tone was not one of casuality ot even admiration; on the contrary, it demonstrated disbelief, possibly doubting Cyans ability to handle it. She gave a quick, unmoved glance to the woman.
When it stands between you and a fiend, you might as well be thankful. Cyan could see Valvaris nodding positively to this. Both her and Valvaris then jumped making way to cloister 1; others had already done it, yet Cyan knew those few wouldnt last. She planned to wait for Nikki and the rest once she got to the next cloister.
Cloister 1 was an almost exact replica of Cloister 0. Unfortunately, it had a surprise.
Thats no little girl, is it? Val rhetorically asked. He probably had the same belief as Cyan.
A loud noise came from the teleporter, Cyan didnt look back on it but she could hear a male voice.
The others are coming too! It was Kaim. What of his daughter, Cyan asked herself, adopting an angry expression and simultaneously noticing her failure when it comes to detachment. He came to a stop when he noticed the little girl.
Hey! he voiced at her, Are you okay? Cyan could feel Val glancing at her.
Quiet. She told Kaim for the first time for much of his surprise. She adopted an unarmed, ready position.
But shes just an
Unsent... Nikki voiced Cyans suspicion. And it seems the rest of the group had arrived as well.
Who are you? She asked the little girl who seemed to be just amused by that and any other questions. This was not an innocent unsent, not to mention an unsent child is quite rare; it takes a very mature level of resolve for that to happen, yet this child seems to be acting her age if not younger.
This is boring, my friend wants to play a cluster of pyreflies suddenly gave rise to a Jumbo Cactuar. Nikki was the first to react to it as an arrow was seen flying towards it. It became one of the fiends thousands of spikes.
Whoa, thats no dingo!
Everyone was in an unorganized commotion. Real warriors were going to emerge from this battle, no doubt. The Jumbo Cactuar was in the middle with its awckward, giant position, moving its legs and arms as if it was a mere oversized cactuar with a deeper, laugh resembling, pitch.
Hey, all of you! Stand together damn it! Nikki tried to call out for the three mages behind the Jumbo Cactuar. You have back attack advantage! Dont waste it!"
Fire should be its standard weakness! Exploit it! Cyan gave a nod to Valvaris, aware of his valuable abilities.
As several people were attacking the fiend, it seemed to be, somehow, weakening. It was not something expected from an otherwise normal, overly powerful Jumbo Cactuar. Something wasnt right, hopefully, in the groups favour.
Cyan, look! Val pointed at the cactuars eyes. Cyan immediately realized what he was calling the attention for. The Cactuars eyes were cross shaped instead of the standard horizontal lines.
Shooters! Aim for its eyes! Nikki, for one, seemed busy with her own attacking agenda and avoiding the Jumbos stomp attacks.
Uhh, sure! Just wait until- Ahhh ****! she interrupted herself Whats it doing now!
The giant Cactuar stopped its movement as it kept making weird, louder noises. His body seemed to be contracting with thousands of small lumps appearing all over its body. Everyone, in their own way, seemed to adopt a defensive stance.
Gazillion spikes!! Nikki squealed, Everyone! Watch out!
Some mages on the other side readied spells while Cyan carved her sword on the ground, as a wall.
Stay behind me as effectively as you can! She told some around her.
Protect! Protect! Reflect! Several mages finally released their protective spells randomly on the small, dispersed groups.
Reflect?! Why would anyone-
Take cover! Cyan interrupted as the fiend suddenly made a louder noise.
In that moment, millions of spikes flew all over the cloister in a deafening orchestra of sounds. The sound of the spikes hitting metal on shields and armours; the sound of spikes deflected by the stone on the floor and walls; the sound of screams of pain by those who didnt manage to take shelter effectively despite the shallow protect magic surrounding some of them; the sound of the fiend who seemed to be dancing and laughing as expected from a mischievous cactuar.
When the wave of spikes finally ceased, Cyan, Val and Nikki - who were behind her, partially sheltered by the Calibur - had no fatal wounds, only with signs of low to moderate damage.
Youre still no fun! the voice of the little girl was heard yet there was no sign of her.
The voice was interrupted by the elastic sound of a launched arrow right to one of the Jumbo Cactuars eyes. It brought a stop to his energetic, never ending dance.
Whats happening? someone asked out loud.
The Jumbo Cactuar suddenly became wrapped in pyreflies, its shape distorting and becoming less defined. In a second, it burst into many standard sized cactuars for much of everyones surprise.
Playful, isnt she. Val referred to the little girl.
Just deal with the small threats now.