I can think of a few. =p Of course, none of them are Tecmo, but it's still power spam. =P
In The Shadows Beyond The Infinite Reaches
The Beginning: Eternal Love | Chronicles of Exigo: The Fall of Spira
Chrono Night | Semotus Stella
Fayth 2004年3月2007年8月Flawless 2007年8月2014年3月
Zera just think of it as fanfic Rinoa
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*blush* I'd rather not. *has an urge to go fanficing*
Anyway, it'd be fun to have a few more spellcasters around. It'd be highly unbalanced considering Tecmo doesn't sport magic *well, apart from the crazy stuff they let ninjutsu do*, but still. =P
In The Shadows Beyond The Infinite Reaches
The Beginning: Eternal Love | Chronicles of Exigo: The Fall of Spira
Chrono Night | Semotus Stella
Fayth 2004年3月2007年8月Flawless 2007年8月2014年3月
Other original dresspheres to make an appearance in DF3
ninja Rikku
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spell sword Rikku
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Air raid Rikku
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^Made by Tinychikn
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While I still don't have much for those fan-dressspheres, I gotta say the ninja one is pretty well done. It does fit on her. The others aren't that good though... Although I see what he did with the airblades on the last one, lol.
~And in the Hand was clutched a Crystal~
A little update which I have just found out.
It seems that monty is heading for a may/June release date for DF3 . So you all still have to wait a long time HA! :P
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I would love to see ff dissial (sp whatever) to be like this
Cause she doesn't recieve all of her sorcerous powers until the end of the game :P
Plus I think KoFf would die if dissidia was like this :P
^Made by Tinychikn
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good death or bad